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Name any two special chemicals which are used as food preservatives.

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding Food Preservation: Food preservation is a technique used to extend the shelf life of food items, preventing spoilage and maintaining quality.

2. Identifying Chemicals Used in Preservation: There are various chemicals that can be used as food preservatives. In this case, we need to name two specific chemicals.

3. First Chemical - Sodium Benzoate: One of the commonly used food preservatives is sodium benzoate. It is recognized for its effectiveness in preventing the growth of bacteria, yeast, and fungi in food products.

4. Second Chemical - Benzoic Acid: Another chemical used as a food preservative is benzoic acid. Like sodium benzoate, it helps in extending the shelf life of food by inhibiting microbial growth.

5. Final Answer: The two special chemicals used as food preservatives are sodium benzoate and benzoic acid.

