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Muscularis externa of alimentary canal is characterised by


Striated, branched, involuntary muscle fibres


Non-Striated, involuntary, fusiform shaped muscle fibres


Non-Striated, multinucleated, voluntary muscle fibres


striated, voluntary, branched muscle fibres

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Identify the Structure: The question asks about the muscularis externa of the alimentary canal. This layer is part of the digestive system.

2. Types of Muscles: There are three types of muscle tissues in the body: skeletal, smooth, and cardiac.
- Skeletal Muscle: Voluntary and striated, found in muscles attached to bones.
- Cardiac Muscle: Involuntary and striated, found only in the heart.
- Smooth Muscle: Involuntary and non-striated, found in the walls of hollow organs, including the alimentary canal.

3. Characteristics of Smooth Muscle: The muscularis externa is primarily composed of smooth muscle. Key characteristics include:
- Involuntary Control: Smooth muscles operate without conscious control.
- Non-Striated Appearance: Unlike skeletal and cardiac muscles, smooth muscles do not have visible striations.
- Fusiform Shape: The muscle fibers are spindle-shaped (tapering at both ends).
- Uninucleated Cells: Each smooth muscle cell contains a single, centrally located nucleus.

4. Function in the Alimentary Canal: The smooth muscle in the muscularis externa is responsible for peristalsis, which is the wave-like movement that propels food through the digestive tract.

5. Evaluate the Options:
- Option 1: Branched - Incorrect, as smooth muscle fibers are not branched.
- Option 2: Non-striated, involuntary, and fusiform - Correct.
- Option 3: Multinucleated - Incorrect, as smooth muscle cells are uninucleated.
- Option 4: Branched and voluntary - Incorrect, as smooth muscle is neither branched nor voluntary.

6. Conclusion: The correct characterization of the muscularis externa of the alimentary canal is that it is composed of non-striated, involuntary, fusiform-shaped muscle fibers.

Final Answer:
The muscularis externa of the alimentary canal is characterized by non-striated, involuntary, fusiform-shaped muscle fibers.

