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Mention one living example of the family Hominidae.

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Identify the Family Hominidae: The family Hominidae is commonly known as the great apes. It includes several genera and species.

2. List the Genera in Hominidae: The family Hominidae consists of four genera:
- Pongo (Orangutans)
- Gorilla (Gorillas)
- Pan (Chimpanzees and Bonobos)
- Homo (Humans)

3. Identify the Species: Within these genera, there are eight species. Notable examples include:
- Orangutans (from the genus Pongo)
- Common Chimpanzee (from the genus Pan)
- Bonobo (from the genus Pan)
- Modern Humans (from the genus Homo)

4. Determine the Living Example: Among these species, the living example of the family Hominidae is Homo sapiens, which refers to modern human beings.

5. Characteristics of Homo sapiens: Homo sapiens are characterized as highly intelligent primates, terrestrial organisms, exhibiting an erect posture and bipedal locomotion.

Final Answer: One living example of the family Hominidae is Homo sapiens.

