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Mention any four functions of placenta.

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Step-by-Step Text Solution:

1. Support to the Fetus: The placenta provides physical support to the developing fetus throughout the pregnancy. It acts as a structural attachment between the mother and the fetus, ensuring that the fetus is securely held in the uterus.

2. Endocrine Function: The placenta functions as an endocrine gland, producing and releasing several important hormones. These hormones include:
- Estrogen: Helps maintain pregnancy and prepares the body for childbirth.
- Progesterone: Supports the uterine lining and prevents contractions during pregnancy.
- Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG): Maintains the corpus luteum and stimulates the production of progesterone.
- Human Placental Lactogen (HPL): Plays a role in regulating maternal metabolism and promoting fetal growth.

3. Nutritional Supply: The placenta is responsible for the transfer of essential nutrients from the mother to the fetus. It ensures that the developing fetus receives the necessary vitamins, minerals, and energy sources required for growth and development.

4. Gas Exchange: The placenta facilitates the exchange of gases between the mother and the fetus. Oxygen is transferred from the maternal blood to the fetal blood, while carbon dioxide produced by the fetus is transferred back to the mother for exhalation.


Updated on:18/9/2024

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