Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Lysosomes are


Double membrane bound vesicular structures


Rich in few hydrolases


Formed by packaging in Golgi apparatus


Formed by engulfing the food particles

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding Lysosomes:
- Lysosomes are organelles found in eukaryotic cells. They play a crucial role in the digestion and recycling of cellular waste.

2. Structure of Lysosomes:
- Lysosomes are membrane-bound vesicles. They are surrounded by a single membrane, not a double membrane.

3. Formation of Lysosomes:
- Lysosomes are formed by the packaging of enzymes in the Golgi apparatus. This is a key point as it distinguishes their formation from other cellular processes.

4. Function of Lysosomes:
- The primary function of lysosomes is to break down waste materials and cellular debris. They contain hydrolytic enzymes that help in the digestion of macromolecules.

5. Misconceptions:
- It is important to note that lysosomes are not formed by engulfing food particles, but rather by the Golgi apparatus. They do contain hydrolytic enzymes but are not "rich" in them; they have a specific set of enzymes that are necessary for their function.

6. Conclusion:
- Based on the above points, the correct answer to the question "Lysosomes are" is that they are formed by packaging in the Golgi apparatus.

Final Answer:
- Lysosomes are formed by packaging in the Golgi apparatus.

