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Infective stage of Ascaris is


Adult worm


Second juvenile


Fourth juvenile



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The correct Answer is:B

To determine the infective stage of Ascaris, we will analyze the life cycle and stages of this organism step by step.

1. Identify the Organism: Ascaris is commonly known as a roundworm. It is a type of nematode that primarily infects the intestines of its host.

2. Life Cycle Overview: The life cycle of Ascaris involves several stages, including eggs, juvenile stages, and adult worms. Understanding these stages is crucial to identifying the infective stage.

3. Adult Worm Stage: The adult Ascaris worms reside in the intestines of the host. They are responsible for reproduction and are not considered the infective stage. This stage is characterized by high energy and reproductive activity.

4. Embryonated Eggs: The next stage involves the embryonated eggs. These eggs are laid by the adult worms and can develop in the environment. When these eggs are embryonated, they are capable of causing infection.

5. Infective Stage: The infective stage of Ascaris is the embryonated egg. Once these eggs are ingested by a host, they hatch and develop into juvenile worms, leading to infection. Therefore, the second juvenile stage, which involves the presence of embryonated eggs, is the correct answer.

6. Inactive Stage: The eggs in the soil before they become embryonated are considered inactive and do not cause infection until they develop into the embryonated form.

The infective stage of Ascaris is the embryonated egg.

