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In hurdle race, what is major source of energy to leg muscle


Preformed ATP


Oxidative metabolism


Pyruvate and lactate



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The correct Answer is:B

Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding the Energy Requirement in Hurdle Racing:
- Hurdle racing is a high-intensity activity that requires quick bursts of energy. The leg muscles need a significant amount of energy to perform the rapid movements necessary for jumping over hurdles.

2. Identifying the Major Energy Sources:
- The options given for the major source of energy to the leg muscles are:
- Preformed ATP
- Oxidative metabolism
- Pyruvate and lactate
- Glycolysis

3. Role of ATP:
- ATP (adenosine triphosphate) is the primary energy carrier in all living cells. It is crucial for muscle contractions. However, the amount of preformed ATP in muscles is limited and is quickly consumed during the initial phase of intense activity.

4. Anaerobic Energy Production:
- During high-intensity activities like hurdle racing, the body often requires energy faster than it can supply oxygen. Therefore, muscles rely on anaerobic metabolism, which does not require oxygen, to produce energy quickly.
- This anaerobic process primarily involves glycolysis, where glucose is broken down into pyruvate.

5. Conversion of Pyruvate to Lactate:
- When oxygen is limited, pyruvate is converted into lactate. This conversion allows for continued energy production, but it can only sustain high-intensity efforts for a short duration (1 to 3 minutes).

6. Transition to Oxidative Metabolism:
- After the initial burst of energy from anaerobic processes, the body will transition to oxidative metabolism, which is more sustainable and efficient for longer durations of activity. This process requires oxygen and provides a significant amount of ATP for muscle work.

7. Conclusion:
- For a hurdle race, while preformed ATP is consumed quickly and glycolysis provides temporary energy, the major source of energy for the leg muscles during sustained efforts will ultimately come from oxidative metabolism.

Final Answer:
The major source of energy to the leg muscles in a hurdle race is oxidative metabolism.

