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How are living organisms dependent on the soil ? Are organisms that live in water totally independent of soil as a resource?

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding Soil Dependency:
- All living organisms have some level of dependency on soil. This dependency can be categorized into direct and indirect relationships.
- Direct Dependency: Plants are directly dependent on soil for nutrients, water, and anchorage. They absorb minerals and nutrients from the soil to grow and produce food through photosynthesis.

2. Indirect Dependency:
- Herbivores, which feed on plants, are indirectly dependent on soil. Since plants derive their nutrients from the soil, the health and availability of plants are directly linked to soil quality.
- Carnivores, which eat herbivores, are also indirectly dependent on soil since their food source (herbivores) relies on plants that grow in soil.

3. Aquatic Organisms and Soil:
- Aquatic organisms, such as fish and aquatic plants, are not entirely independent of soil. While they live in water, they still rely on nutrients that are derived from soil.
- Nutrients and minerals from the soil are transported to water bodies through rainwater and rivers. Aquatic plants absorb these minerals for their growth.

4. Importance of Soil for Aquatic Life:
- Without the supply of minerals and nutrients from the soil, aquatic plants cannot thrive. These plants are crucial as they are the primary producers in aquatic ecosystems.
- The absence of aquatic plants would lead to a collapse of the food chain, affecting herbivores and subsequently carnivores in the aquatic environment.

5. Conclusion:
- In summary, both terrestrial and aquatic organisms are interconnected through their dependency on soil, either directly or indirectly. Life, whether on land or in water, cannot be imagined without the contribution of soil as a resource.


Updated on:18/9/2024

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