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Housefly feeds on sugar by


Crushing its crystals and then sucking the powder


Crushing and eating




Dissolving in saliva and sucking.

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To solve the question "Housefly feeds on sugar by," we need to understand the feeding mechanism of houseflies, which are part of the class Insecta in the phylum Arthropoda.

1. Identify the Feeding Mechanism: Houseflies have a unique way of feeding that involves sensing sugar and then processing it. They do not chew food like many other animals.

2. Sensing Sugar: Houseflies possess chemosensitive receptors located on their tarsi (the segments of their legs). These receptors allow them to detect the presence of sugar or carbohydrates in their environment.

3. Secretion of Saliva: Once the housefly senses sugar, it secretes a viscous liquid known as saliva. This saliva is crucial for their feeding process.

4. Dissolving Sugar: The sugar molecules present in the food (whether in solid or liquid form) dissolve in the saliva. This transformation is essential because it converts the sugar into a liquid form that the housefly can consume.

5. Sucking the Liquid: After the sugar has dissolved in the saliva, the housefly uses its mouthparts to suck up the liquid containing the dissolved sugar. This is the final step in their feeding process.

6. Conclusion: Therefore, the correct way to state how a housefly feeds on sugar is by "dissolving in saliva and sucking."

Final Answer:
Housefly feeds on sugar by dissolving in saliva and sucking.

