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Heterostylous flowers exhibit


Andromonoecious nature




Gynodioecious condition



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The correct Answer is:B

Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding Heterostylous Flowers:
- Heterostylous flowers are characterized by the presence of different floral forms within the same species. This condition is also referred to as heterostyly.

2. Defining Polymorphism:
- Heterostyly is a type of polymorphism, which means that there are multiple forms or morphs of flowers that exist within a single species.

3. Reciprocal Differences:
- In heterostylous flowers, there are reciprocal differences in the lengths of the style (the female part) and the stamens (the male part). This means that some flowers may have long styles and short stamens, while others have short styles and long stamens.

4. Purpose of Heterostyly:
- The primary purpose of this variation in style and stamen length is to promote cross-pollination and avoid self-fertilization. By having different lengths, it encourages pollen transfer between different floral forms.

5. Identifying Heteroanthy:
- Heteroanthy is a related concept where there is variation in the length of the anther filaments, which also aids in avoiding self-fertilization.

6. Evaluating Options:
- The question asks what heterostylous flowers exhibit. The correct answer is related to the variation in the lengths of styles and stamens, which is a characteristic of heterostylous flowers.

7. Conclusion:
- Based on the above points, the correct answer to the question is that heterostylous flowers exhibit heteroanthy, which is the variation in the length of the anther filaments to prevent self-fertilization.
