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Give two unique features of cardiac muscles.

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Introduction to Muscle Types:
- There are three types of muscles in the human body: smooth muscle, skeletal muscle, and cardiac muscle. Understanding these types is essential to differentiate the unique features of cardiac muscle.

2. Comparison with Other Muscles:
- Cardiac muscle shares some characteristics with both skeletal and smooth muscles. For instance, both cardiac and skeletal muscles are cylindrical in shape, but cardiac muscles are unique because they are branched.

3. Striations:
- Cardiac muscles, like skeletal muscles, exhibit striations (light and dark bands). In contrast, smooth muscles do not have striations.

4. Nucleus Count:
- Cardiac and smooth muscles both have a single nucleus per cell, while skeletal muscles are multinucleated (syncytium).

5. Unique Features of Cardiac Muscle:
- Presence of Intercalated Discs: One of the most distinctive features of cardiac muscle is the presence of intercalated discs, which are specialized connections between cardiac muscle cells that facilitate synchronized contraction. These discs are not found in skeletal or smooth muscles.
- Shape of Muscle Cells: Cardiac muscle cells are typically quadrilateral in shape, which is another unique characteristic that differentiates them from smooth and skeletal muscle cells.

6. Conclusion:
- In summary, the two unique features of cardiac muscles are:
1. The presence of intercalated discs.
2. The quadrilateral shape of the muscle cells.
