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Give two characteristic features of Cro-Magnon man

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Introduction to Cro-Magnon Man: The Cro-Magnon man is an early human species that lived during the Upper Paleolithic period and is considered to be very similar to modern humans (Homo sapiens).

2. Characteristic Feature 1 - Physical Appearance:
- The Cro-Magnon man had a height of approximately 180 centimeters.
- Their facial structure was characterized by a small, broad face with a raised nose and thin brow ridges.

3. Characteristic Feature 2 - Cranial Capacity:
- The cranial capacity of the Cro-Magnon man was about 1600 cc, which is comparable to that of modern humans.
- They also had a large skull, a round forehead, and a distinct chin, which further indicates their similarities to contemporary humans.

Summary of Characteristics:
- Height: Approximately 180 cm.
- Cranial Capacity: About 1600 cc.
