Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Give one example in each case
Change which occurs on heating but can be reversed.

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding the Question: The question asks for an example of a change that occurs when a substance is heated and can be reversed. This means we need to find a process that can return to its original state after heating.

2. Identifying Reversible Changes: A reversible change is one where the original substance can be recovered after the change has occurred.

3. Example Selection: One common example of a reversible change that occurs on heating is the process of dissolving salt in water.

4. Explanation of the Example:
- When salt (sodium chloride) is added to water, it dissolves, creating a saltwater solution.
- If we heat this solution, the water will evaporate, leaving behind the salt.
- The key point is that if we add water back to the salt, it will dissolve again, returning to the original saltwater solution.

5. Conclusion: Therefore, the example of a change that occurs on heating but can be reversed is the dissolution of salt in water followed by evaporation of water.

Final Answer:
Example: Dissolving salt in water, which can be reversed by evaporating the water to retrieve the salt.

