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Fill up the blanks with suitable words:
According to natural selection given by Darwin, the ancestors of giraffe showed in their population .....................

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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

Step-by-Step Text Solution:

1. Understanding the Concept of Natural Selection: According to Charles Darwin's theory of natural selection, organisms that are better adapted to their environment tend to survive and reproduce. This leads to the gradual evolution of species over time.

2. Identifying the Ancestors of Giraffes: The question asks about the ancestors of giraffes. It is important to note that these ancestors had different physical traits compared to modern giraffes.

3. Recognizing the Trait of Ancestors: The ancestors of giraffes are believed to have had shorter necks. This is a significant trait that distinguishes them from the long-necked giraffes we see today.

4. Explaining the Evolution of Long Necks: Over time, as the environment changed (specifically, the height of trees), the shorter-necked ancestors had to stretch their necks to reach higher leaves. This behavior eventually led to the development of longer necks in subsequent generations.

5. Filling in the Blank: Based on the information gathered, the appropriate word to fill in the blank is "shorter necks." Therefore, the completed statement is: "According to natural selection given by Darwin, the ancestors of giraffe showed in their population shorter necks."
