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Explain the following processes :
Polarisation of the membrane of a nerve fibre

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Polarisation of the membrane of a nerve fibre : In the resting nerve fibre, the cytoplasm just beneath its membrane is electronegative relative to the layer of extracellular fluid (ECF) just outside the membrane. This negative membrane potential at rest is due to two factors. First, the resting membrane has only a poor permeability for N a + ions and has a higher permeability for K + ions. Second, the membrane carries a sodium pump, this actively carries three N a + ions from the cell to the exterior and in exchange transfers two K + ions from the ECF to the cell interior. These two factors, coupled together, result in a higher concentration of cations just outside the membrane compared to the concentration of cations just inside. As a result, polarisation of resting membrane occurs. It makes the inner side of the resting membrane electronegative to its outer side.
