Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Explain the different types of transpiration.

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There are three types of transpiration such as:
(a) Stomatal transpiration: In this type 90 per cent of water gets eliminated from the plants through stomata. This depends on the structure of the leaves and the number of stomata on the leaves.
(b) Cuticular transpiration: The transpiration through cuticle, awaxy coating over the epidermal layers of leaves is called cuticular transpiration. Only 5-10 per cent water loss takes place through the cuticle. It is inversely proportional to the thickness of the cuticle.
( c) Lenticular transpiration: Water from plants also can evaporate through small openings present in the woody stems. This is called lenticular transpiration. Only 0.1 per cent of water is lost through lenticels.
• Plants do not have any specific respiratory organs.
• There are large intercellular spaces filled with air in their bodies
