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Estrogen is secreted by


Corpus luteum


Graafiann follicle


Germinal epithelium of ovary



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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding the Question: The question asks about the source of estrogen secretion in the human body. Estrogen is a crucial hormone in the female reproductive system.

2. Identifying the Options: The options provided are:
- Corpus luteum
- Carpathian follicle (correctly referred to as Graafian follicle)
- Germinal epithelium of the ovary
- Pituitary gland

3. Analyzing Each Option:
- Corpus Luteum: This structure forms after ovulation when the Graafian follicle degenerates. It does secrete hormones, including progesterone, but is not the primary source of estrogen.
- Graafian Follicle: This is the mature ovarian follicle that contains the developing egg. It is known to secrete estrogen, especially before ovulation.
- Germinal Epithelium of the Ovary: This is the outer layer of the ovary and does not primarily secrete estrogen.
- Pituitary Gland: This gland secretes hormones that regulate the reproductive system but does not directly produce estrogen.

4. Conclusion: The primary source of estrogen secretion is the Graafian follicle. Therefore, the correct answer is the Graafian follicle.

5. Final Answer: Estrogen is secreted by the Graafian follicle.

