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Edible part in pomegranate, fig and cashewnut are respectively


Succulent testa, fleshy receptacle & cotyledons


Cotyledons, perianth & seed


Inner integument of seed, seeds & cotyledons


Entire fruit, aril & fleshy thalamus

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To answer the question about the edible parts of pomegranate, fig, and cashew nut, we can break it down step by step:

Step 1: Identify the Edible Part of Pomegranate
- The edible part of the pomegranate is the modified fleshy testa, which covers the seeds. The seeds themselves are surrounded by a juicy, edible part that is derived from the outer layer of the seed coat.

Step 2: Identify the Edible Part of Fig
- In the case of fig, the edible part is the fleshy receptacle. The fig fruit is a unique structure that consists of a fleshy thalamus, which is the swollen part of the stem that bears the flowers and fruits.

Step 3: Identify the Edible Part of Cashew Nut
- For cashew nut, the edible part is the cotyledons. The cashew nut is actually a seed that is found within a shell, and the edible part is the two halves of the seed, which are the cotyledons. Additionally, the cashew tree produces a false fruit known as the cashew apple, which is also edible.

Putting it all together, the edible parts in pomegranate, fig, and cashew nut are respectively:
- Pomegranate: Modified fleshy testa
- Fig: Fleshy receptacle
- Cashew Nut: Cotyledons

Thus, the correct answer is option number one.

