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Discuss briefly how pure lines are created in animal husbandry.

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Definition of Pure Lines: Pure lines in animal husbandry refer to a group of animals that are genetically uniform and possess specific desirable traits. These traits are consistently passed down to the offspring.

2. Breeding Process: The creation of pure lines is primarily achieved through a breeding process. This involves mating animals of the same breed to ensure genetic consistency.

3. In-Breeding: The most common method for developing pure lines is in-breeding. In-breeding is the mating of closely related individuals within the same breed. This process helps to maintain and enhance specific traits.

4. Generational Requirement: To effectively create a pure line, in-breeding is typically conducted over a period of 4 to 6 generations. This duration allows for the stabilization of desirable traits within the population.

5. Genetic Advantages: One of the main advantages of in-breeding is the accumulation of superior genes. Over successive generations, desirable traits become more pronounced as these genes are consistently passed on.

6. Elimination of Undesirable Traits: In-breeding also facilitates the elimination of less desirable genes. By increasing homozygosity (the presence of identical alleles for a trait), the likelihood of undesirable traits appearing in the offspring is reduced.

7. Conclusion: In summary, pure lines in animal husbandry are created through a systematic process of in-breeding over several generations, which leads to the accumulation of superior traits and the elimination of undesirable ones.

