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Differentiate between sapwood and heartwood.

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To differentiate between sapwood and heartwood, we can follow these steps:

1. Definition:
- Sapwood: This is the outer layer of the wood, consisting of recently formed, softer tissues that are still alive.
- Heartwood: This is the inner part of the wood, made up of older, denser, and non-living tissues.

2. Location:
- Sapwood: Found in the peripheral region of the tree trunk, just beneath the bark.
- Heartwood: Located at the center of the tree trunk.

3. Composition:
- Sapwood: Composed of living cells and primarily made up of cellulose, which allows it to conduct water and nutrients.
- Heartwood: Composed of non-living cells and is rich in lignin, which provides strength and rigidity.

4. Function:
- Sapwood: Plays a crucial role in the conduction of water and nutrients from the roots to the leaves.
- Heartwood: Primarily provides structural support and does not conduct water.

5. Color:
- Sapwood: Generally lighter in color due to the presence of living tissues.
- Heartwood: Typically darker in color because it consists of older, non-living tissues.

6. Durability:
- Sapwood: Less durable and more susceptible to decay and pests due to its living nature.
- Heartwood: More durable and resistant to decay, making it suitable for furniture and construction.

- Sapwood: Outer layer, living tissue, light color, conducts water, less durable.
- Heartwood: Inner layer, non-living tissue, dark color, provides support, more durable.
