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Differentiate between parthenogenesis and parthenocarpy.

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Definition of Parthenogenesis:
Parthenogenesis is a form of asexual reproduction where an egg develops into a complete organism without fertilization by a male gamete. In this process, the egg cell undergoes development directly into a diploid embryo.

2. Definition of Parthenocarpy:
Parthenocarpy is the development of fruit without fertilization. In this case, the ovum in the ovule develops into a fruit without the need for fertilization by pollen.

3. Key Similarity:
Both parthenogenesis and parthenocarpy involve the absence of fertilization. In both processes, the egg or ovum develops without being fertilized by male gametes.

4. Organisms Involved:
- Parthenogenesis typically occurs in animals. Examples include certain species of bees, aphids, and ants.
- Parthenocarpy occurs in plants. A common example of parthenocarpic fruit is the banana.

5. Outcome of the Processes:
- In parthenogenesis, the outcome is the formation of a new organism (diploid embryo).
- In parthenocarpy, the outcome is the formation of a fruit, which may or may not contain seeds.

Summary of Differences:
- Parthenogenesis:
- Occurs in animals
- Results in the formation of a new organism (diploid embryo)

- Parthenocarpy:
- Occurs in plants
- Results in the formation of fruit without fertilization
