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Differentiate between Heartwood and sapwood

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Step-by-Step Solution

1. Definition:
- Heartwood: This is the dense inner part of a tree trunk, which is typically darker in color.
- Sapwood: This is the softer outer layer of wood located between the heartwood and the bark, usually lighter in color.

2. Location:
- Heartwood: Found at the center of the stem.
- Sapwood: Located in the peripheral region of the tree trunk.

3. Color:
- Heartwood: Generally dark in color.
- Sapwood: Typically light in color.

4. Density and Weight:
- Heartwood: It is hard and heavier due to its dense structure.
- Sapwood: It is soft and lighter compared to heartwood.

5. Composition:
- Heartwood: Contains a higher amount of lignin, which contributes to its hardness and durability.
- Sapwood: Contains more cellulose, making it less dense and softer.

6. Cell Arrangement:
- Heartwood: Cells are arranged densely, providing strength and support.
- Sapwood: Cells are arranged loosely, which allows for the transport of water and nutrients.

7. Function:
- Heartwood: Primarily provides mechanical support to the tree.
- Sapwood: Responsible for the transport of water and nutrients from the roots to the leaves.

Summary of Differences
- Heartwood is the dense, dark inner part of the tree that provides support, while sapwood is the lighter, softer outer layer that transports water and nutrients.
