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Differentiate between : Cerebrum and Spinal cord (Arrangement of cytons and axons of neurons).

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Definition of Terms:
- Cerebrum: The largest part of the brain responsible for higher brain functions such as thought, action, and sensory processing.
- Spinal Cord: A cylindrical structure that runs down the vertebral column, responsible for transmitting signals between the brain and the rest of the body.

2. Arrangement of Neurons:
- Cerebrum:
- In the cerebrum, the arrangement of neurons is such that the cytons (cell bodies) are located on the outer layer (cortex).
- The axons of the neurons are found in the inner layer (white matter).
- This arrangement gives the cerebrum a gray appearance on the outside due to the presence of cytons, while the inner part appears white due to the myelinated axons.

- Spinal Cord:
- In the spinal cord, the arrangement is the opposite; the cytons are located in the inner part (gray matter).
- The myelinated axons are found in the outer layer (white matter).
- This configuration gives the spinal cord a white appearance on the outside because of the myelinated axons, while the inner part appears gray due to the presence of cytons.

3. Summary of Differences:
- Cerebrum:
- Cytons: Outside (cortex)
- Axons: Inside (white matter)
- Appearance: Gray on the outside
- Spinal Cord:
- Cytons: Inside (gray matter)
- Axons: Outside (white matter)
- Appearance: White on the outside
