Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Describe the modifications found in the following plants :
Sweet Pea

Video Solution
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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding Plant Structure:
- Plants are generally divided into two main parts: the shoot (stem) and the root system. The shoot system includes the stem, branches, leaves, and buds, while the root system anchors the plant and absorbs water and nutrients.

2. Identifying Modifications:
- Modifications in plants refer to changes in structure that allow them to perform additional functions beyond their primary roles. In the case of the sweet pea plant, we focus on the modification of the stem.

3. Modification in Sweet Pea:
- In sweet pea (Lathyrus odoratus), the stem is modified into tendrils. Tendrils are slender, thread-like structures that arise from the stem.

4. Function of Tendrils:
- The primary function of these tendrils is to provide support. Since sweet pea plants do not have a thick, erect, or woody stem, they rely on these tendrils to coil around nearby objects or plants. This coiling helps the plant grow in the right direction and maintain stability.

5. Conclusion:
- To summarize, the sweet pea plant exhibits a modification of its stem into tendrils, which serve the important function of support, allowing the plant to climb and thrive.

