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Define the following terms:

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Step-by-Step Text Solution:

1. Definition of Linkage: Linkage refers to the phenomenon where certain genes are inherited together because they are located on the same chromosome. This means that the genes do not assort independently during meiosis.

2. Inheritance of Genes: Linkage is responsible for the inheritance of two DNA segments that are located on the same chromosome. When these genes are close together, they tend to be passed on together from one generation to the next.

3. Generational Aspect: The concept of linkage involves the inheritance of these genes over multiple generations, indicating that the linkage can persist through several cycles of reproduction.

4. Strength of Linkage: The strength of linkage between two genes is influenced by the distance separating them on the chromosome. The closer the genes are to each other, the stronger the linkage. Conversely, if the genes are farther apart, the strength of linkage decreases.

5. Conclusion: In summary, linkage is a key concept in genetics that explains how certain traits are inherited together due to the physical proximity of their corresponding genes on the same chromosome.

