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Define the following:
Amphibious animals

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Text Solution
Generated By DoubtnutGPT

Step-by-Step Text Solution:

1. Definition of Amphibious Animals: Amphibious animals are commonly referred to as amphibians. They are a group of small vertebrates that have a unique ability to live both in water and on land.

2. Habitat Requirements: Amphibious animals require water or a moist environment to survive. This is essential for their life cycle and physiological functions.

3. Examples of Amphibious Animals: Some well-known examples of amphibious animals include frogs, toads, salamanders, and newts. These species are characterized by their ability to thrive in both aquatic and terrestrial habitats.

4. Physiological Adaptations: Amphibians have thin skin that allows them to breathe and absorb water. This adaptation is crucial for their survival, especially in moist environments.

5. Conclusion: In summary, amphibious animals are unique creatures that can live in both water and on land, and they play an important role in the ecosystem.

