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Ctenophores possess


Cilia for locomotion


Cilia for filter feeding


Teeth for crushing


Teeth for filtering.

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The correct Answer is:A

Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding Ctenophores: Ctenophores, commonly known as comb jellies, belong to the phylum Ctenophora. They are marine invertebrates that exhibit a gelatinous body structure similar to that of jellyfish.

2. Body Structure: Ctenophores are classified as diploblastic organisms, meaning they have two primary germ layers: ectoderm and endoderm. They also have a layer of mesoglia, which is a gelatinous substance found between these two layers, but they lack a true mesoderm.

3. Symmetry: Ctenophores exhibit biradial symmetry, which is a form of symmetry that allows for two planes of symmetry.

4. Locomotion: The primary mode of locomotion in ctenophores is through the use of cilia. They possess unique structures called comb plates (or ctenes), which are rows of cilia that beat in a coordinated manner to propel the organism through the water.

5. Conclusion: Based on the characteristics of ctenophores, the correct answer to the question "Ctenophores possess" is that they possess cilia for locomotion.

Final Answer: Ctenophores possess cilia for locomotion.

