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Correct sequence of embryo development :


Gamete Zygote Morula Blastula Gastrula


Gamete Zygote Blastula Morula Gastrula


Gamete Neurula Gastrula


Gamete Neurula Morula

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The correct Answer is:A

To determine the correct sequence of embryo development, we can break down the stages as follows:

1. Gamete Formation: The process begins with the formation of gametes, which are the male (sperm) and female (egg) reproductive cells.

Hint: Remember that gametes are haploid cells that combine during fertilization.

2. Fertilization: The sperm fertilizes the egg, resulting in the formation of a zygote, which is the fertilized egg.

Hint: Think of fertilization as the union of two gametes to form a diploid cell.

3. Zygote Stage: The zygote undergoes cleavage, which is a series of rapid cell divisions without growth, leading to the formation of two cells.

Hint: Cleavage is important for increasing the number of cells while maintaining the same overall size.

4. Two-Cell Stage: After the first cleavage, the zygote develops into a two-cell stage.

Hint: This is the initial division of the zygote.

5. Four-Cell Stage: The two-cell stage further divides to form a four-cell stage.

Hint: Each division doubles the number of cells.

6. Morula Stage: The four-cell stage continues to divide, resulting in an eight-cell stage known as the morula.

Hint: The morula resembles a solid ball of cells.

7. Blastula Stage: The morula transforms into a blastula, which is characterized by a fluid-filled cavity called the blastocoel.

Hint: The transition to blastula involves the formation of a hollow structure.

8. Gastrula Stage: Finally, the blastula develops into a gastrula, where the germ layers (ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm) begin to form.

Hint: Gastrulation is a critical phase where the basic body plan is established.

Correct Sequence:
Thus, the correct sequence of embryo development is:
- Gamete Formation (egg and sperm)
- Zygote
- Morula
- Blastula
- Gastrula

Final Answer:
The correct answer is: Gamete → Zygote → Morula → Blastula → Gastrula.
