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Casparian strips are present in the ______ of the root









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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

The correct Answer is:A

Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding the Structure of the Root:
- The root is composed of several layers, starting from the outermost layer, which is the epidermis, followed by the cortex, and then the endodermis.

2. Identifying the Endodermis:
- The endodermis is a specific layer located inside the cortex. It acts as a selective barrier regulating the flow of water and nutrients into the vascular system of the root.

3. Defining Casparian Strips:
- Casparian strips are specialized structures found in the endodermis. They are made up of suberin, a waxy substance that creates a barrier to the passive flow of substances.

4. Locating the Casparian Strips:
- The deposition of suberin in the endodermis forms the Casparian strips, which are crucial for controlling the movement of water and solutes into the vascular bundles.

5. Conclusion:
- Based on the above information, we can conclude that Casparian strips are present in the endodermis of the root.

Final Answer: Casparian strips are present in the endodermis of the root.

