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Beaver is harmful to vegetation as it feeds over




Tender shoots





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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Identify the Beaver's Diet: The beaver primarily feeds on various parts of plants, including leaves, tender shoots, fruits, and bark. This diverse diet allows them to thrive in their natural habitat.

2. Understand the Habitat: Beavers are typically found in areas near rivers, small streams, lakes, and marshes. Their habitat plays a crucial role in their feeding habits.

3. Impact on Vegetation: Beavers are considered harmful to vegetation because they actively cut down trees and consume available vegetation. This behavior can lead to significant changes in the local ecosystem.

4. Mechanism of Feeding: Beavers use their strong incisors to peel off the bark from trees. This action weakens the tree, making it easier for them to chop it down. The bark is a primary food source for them.

5. Conclusion: Due to their feeding habits, especially their preference for bark, beavers can significantly impact vegetation. Therefore, they are considered harmful to plant life.

6. Final Answer: The correct answer to the question is that beavers are harmful to vegetation as they feed primarily on bark.
