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Banana is natural parthenocarpic fruit due to


(a) Triploid nature


(b) vegetative propagation


(c) high level of auxins in ovary


(d) treatment with certain phytohormones

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The correct Answer is:C

Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding Parthenocarpy: Parthenocarpy is the development of fruit without fertilization, resulting in seedless fruits. This can occur naturally or can be induced artificially.

2. Role of Auxin: The primary hormone responsible for inducing parthenocarpy is auxin, specifically indole acetic acid (IAA). Auxins promote cell division and elongation, which are crucial for the development of the fruit.

3. Banana as a Natural Example: In the case of bananas, they are considered natural parthenocarpic fruits because they develop without the need for fertilization. The flowers of the banana plant are often sterile, which means that fertilization does not occur.

4. Hormonal Influence: The high levels of auxins in the ovary of the banana contribute to the development of the fruit without fertilization. Other hormones like gibberellins may also play a role, but auxin is the most significant in this context.

5. Conclusion: Therefore, the reason why bananas are classified as natural parthenocarpic fruits is due to the high levels of auxins present in the ovary, which facilitate fruit development without fertilization.

Final Answer: Banana is a natural parthenocarpic fruit due to the high level of auxins in the ovary.

