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Assertion: Vascular cambinum appears wavy in dicot roots.
Reason: Vascular cambium is formed by conjucnctive tissue in dicot roots which is found located inside xylem and outside phloem strands.


If both Assertin and Reason are true and the Reason is the correct explanatin of the Assertion.


If both Assertion and Reason are true, but the Reason is not the correct explanation of the Assertion.


If Assertion is true, Reason is false.


If both Assertion and Reason are false.

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The correct Answer is:C

Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding the Assertion: The assertion states that "Vascular cambium appears wavy in dicot roots." This is true because in dicot roots, the vascular cambium does indeed form a wavy structure.

2. Analyzing the Reason: The reason provided is that "Vascular cambium is formed by conjunctive tissue in dicot roots which is found located inside xylem and outside phloem strands." This statement is incorrect. Vascular cambium does not originate from conjunctive tissue; instead, it arises from the pericycle and the tissue located just below the phloem bundles.

3. Formation of Vascular Cambium: In dicot roots, the vascular cambium forms a complete and continuous wavy ring. Initially, this ring is wavy but can become circular as the plant matures. The cambium is located between the xylem and phloem, specifically above the protoxylem and below the phloem.

4. Conclusion: Since the assertion is true but the reason is false, the correct relationship between the two statements is that the assertion is correct, while the reason does not accurately explain the assertion.

Final Answer:
- The assertion is true, and the reason is false.
