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Assertion: Cancer is generally associated with a tumour.
Reason: Cancerous cells undergo uncontrolled growth and division.


If both Assertion and Reason are true and the Reason is the correct explanation of the Assertion.


If both Assertion and Reason are true and the Reason is not the correct explanation of the Assertion.


If Assertion is true but the Reason is false.


If both Assertion and Reason are false.

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The correct Answer is:A

Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding the Assertion: The assertion states that "Cancer is generally associated with a tumour." This means that when we talk about cancer, we often refer to the presence of tumours, which are abnormal growths of cells.

2. Understanding the Reason: The reason given is "Cancerous cells undergo uncontrolled growth and division." This indicates that the hallmark of cancer is the lack of regulation in cell growth and division, leading to an excessive number of cells.

3. Linking Assertion and Reason: To determine if the reason supports the assertion, we need to analyze how uncontrolled growth leads to tumours. Cancerous cells proliferate uncontrollably, which results in the formation of a mass of cells. This mass is what we refer to as a tumour.

4. Conclusion: Both the assertion and reason are true. The reason correctly explains the assertion because the uncontrolled growth and division of cancerous cells lead to the formation of tumours.

5. Final Statement: Therefore, both statements are true, and the reason is the correct explanation for the assertion.
