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Answer the question briefly in one or two sentence:
List any two industrially important enzymes.

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Text Solution
Generated By DoubtnutGPT

Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Identify the Question: The question asks for two industrially important enzymes.

2. Research and List the Enzymes:
- The first enzyme is pectinase.
- Function: Pectinases are used to clarify bottled fruit juices by breaking down pectin compounds, which increases the market value of these juices.
- Source: They are obtained from the organism *Bisochlamys fulvo*.

- The second enzyme is lipase.
- Function: Lipases break down lipid compounds and are used in detergents to remove oily stains from laundry. They also play a role in flavoring cheese.
- Source: They are obtained from the organism *Candida lipolytica*.

3. Formulate the Answer:
- "Two industrially important enzymes are pectinase, which is used to clarify bottled juices, and lipase, which is used in detergents to remove oily stains and flavor cheese."

Final Answer:
Two industrially important enzymes are pectinase, which is used to clarify bottled juices, and lipase, which is used in detergents to remove oily stains and flavor cheese.

