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According to 'Rivet Popper hypothesis' , the popping of rivets means :


Origin of species


Extinction of species


Environmental factors


Replacement of one species by another

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The correct Answer is:B

Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding the Rivet Popper Hypothesis: The Rivet Popper Hypothesis was proposed by Paul Ehrlich. It uses the analogy of an airplane, where rivets represent species in an ecosystem.

2. Analogy Explanation: In this analogy, the airplane is likened to an ecosystem, and the rivets are the species that hold the ecosystem together. Just as rivets are essential for the structural integrity of an airplane, species are crucial for the stability of an ecosystem.

3. Impact of Removing Rivets: If rivets (species) are removed one by one from the airplane (ecosystem), the airplane will become unstable and may eventually fail. This illustrates how the loss of species can lead to the collapse of an ecosystem.

4. Consequences of Species Loss: The hypothesis suggests that if species are continuously removed from an ecosystem, it can lead to the extinction of those species. This means that the more species that are lost, the more fragile the ecosystem becomes.

5. Evaluating the Options:
- Origin of Species: This option is incorrect as the hypothesis does not address how species originate.
- Environmental Factors: This option is also incorrect because the hypothesis does not focus on environmental factors affecting species.
- Replacement of One Species by Another: This option is incorrect as the hypothesis does not discuss species replacement.
- Extinction of Species: This is the correct option as the hypothesis emphasizes the risk of extinction when species are removed from an ecosystem.

6. Conclusion: The Rivet Popper Hypothesis primarily highlights the importance of species in maintaining ecosystem stability and warns about the consequences of species extinction.

Final Answer:
According to the Rivet Popper Hypothesis, the popping of rivets means the extinction of species.

