Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions:
There are five Boxes i.e. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Each box contains different number of Chocolates and Balloons. Box 2 is above Box 1 and Box 3 is above Box 2 and so on. Every Box bought by different persons i.e. Anshika, Sameer, Deepa, Raj and Monika. The total number of item in all five Box's is equal to 252.
Total number of items in the Box is equal to the total number of Chocolates plus total number of Balloons in each Box Number of Chocolates is not equal to the number of Balloons. Unless specified so. Deepa bought an even number Box: The total number of item in Box1 is 75. Raj does not buy Boxl. The total number of item in that box, which bought by Raj is 55. There is only one box gap between the boxes, which bought by Deepa and Sameer.
The number of Chocolates and number of Balloons in Box3 are equal.
The number of Chocolates in Box2 is not less than 30.
The number of Chocolates in Box4 is four more than Chocolates, which is in Box3.
The total number of item in that box, which bought by Deepa is not 37.
The total number of item in that box, which is 37 does not take a place, which is immediate above the Box, which contains 20 items more than the Box, which bought by Raj.
The number of Balloons in Box2 is 23.
The box, which bought by Monika does not contain the equal number of Chocolates and Balloons.
The total number of item in Box2 is an odd number and number of item is more than 50 and less than 55.
Box1 contains 23 Balloons more than Box4 contains Balloons. Box5 contains 7 Chocolates less than Box1 contains Chocolate.
Who among the following person bought Box 3?
The correct Answer is:D
From the given conditions, Deepa bought an even number Box. The total number of item in Box1 is 75. Raj does not buy Box1.There is only one box gap between the boxes, which bought by Deepa and Sameer. The total number of item in Box2 is an odd number and number of item is more than 50 and less than 55, it means Box 2 contains 51 or 53 items. The total.number of item in that box, which is 37 does not take a place, which is immediate above the Box, which contains 20 items more than the Box, which bought by Raj. The total number of item in that box, which bought by Raj is 55. The total number of item in all five Box.s is equal to 252. So, the rest box contains 32 or 34 items. The number of Chocolates and number of Balloons in Box3 are equal, it means total number of item in Box 3 is 32 or 34.
So, we can get -
Now from the rest conditions, the total number of item in that box, which bought by Deepa is not 37. So, case-1 is eliminated and case-2 is continued.
The box, which bought by Monika does not contain the equal number of Chocolates and Balloons. The number of Balloons in Box2 is 23. The number of Chocolates in Box2 is not less than 30, from that condition Box 3 contains 32 items. The number of Chocolates in Box4 is four more than Chocolates, which is in Box3, it means 20 Chocolates and 17 Balloons in Box 4. Box1 contains 23 Balloons more than Box4 contains Balloons, it means 40 Balloons and 35 Chocolates in Box 1. Box5 contains 7 Chocolates less than Box1 contains Chocolate, it means 28 Chocolates and 27 Balloons in Box 5.
So, the final arrangement are -
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