Statement: It has now been proved that most of the cases of leprosy are not infectious and that they are curable.
Courses of action: I. An awareness drive should be launched among people regarding this fact.
II. People should be encouraged not to boycott leprosy patients from the socity.
III. Leprosy should e declared a risk-free disease by the government.
Only I follows
I and II follow
I and III follow
II and III follow
The correct Answer is:B
People should know the truth about any disease. Further, they boycott leprosy patients which is not justified, particularly if leprosy is not contagious. So, I and II are justifies courses of action but III is not. It seeks to declare leprosy as a risk-free disease. But only some, not all, forms of leprosy ar non-contagious. Some of them are contagious and hence it can.t be declared risk-free.
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