State Henry's law.Solution in Kannada
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Henry's law: It states that ''the partial pressure of a gas in vapour phase (p) is proportional to the mole fraction of the gas (χ) in the solution '' and is expressed as p=KHχ
where KH is Henry's law constant.
Significance of KH:Asp_(A)=K_(H)chi_(A).Thus,atconstanttemperatureforthesame∂pressureofd⇔erentgases.chi_(A) prop 1/K_(H).Inotherwordssolubilityis∈versely∝ortional→Henry'sconstantofthegas.HigherthevalueofK_(H),loweristhesolubilityofthegas.AsH_(2)ismoresolub≤thanhelium,H_(2)willhavelowervalueofK_(H) than that of helium.