A 3 digit palindrome is a 3 digit number (not starting with zero) which reads the same backwards as forwards For example, 242. The sum of all even 3 digit palindromes is 2n1⋅3n2⋅5n3⋅7n4⋅11n5⋅ value of n1+n2+n3+n4+n5 is Solution in Kannada
L:et number of the form palindrome be αβα.
Now, If αβα is even, then α may be 2,4,6,8 and β take values 0,1,2,……9.
So, total number of palindrime (even) =10×4=40
To find the sum of all even 3 digit plaindrome
So, sum of number start with 2
Sum of number srart with 4=(404)×10+450
Similarly, sum of number start with 6=(606)×10+450
Similarly, sum of number start with 8=(808)×10+450
∴ Total sum =(202+404+606+808)×10+450×4
On comparing 24×53×111 with
Now, n1+n2+n3+n4+n5=8.
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