Find the number f divisors of 720. How many of these are even? Also find the sum of divisors.Solution in Bengali
We have
Now, number of divisors of 720 is equivalent to selection of zero or more integer from (2,2,2,2),(3,3),(5).
The number of ways of selection is 5×3×2=30. This also inclueds 1 and 720.
Now, in even divisor factor 2 should be there. Then from set of 2, we must have nonempty selection. Hence, the number of even divisors is 4×3×2=24. Also, the number of divisor of 720 can be seen as the number of different terms in the expansion of (20+21+22+23+24)×(30+31+32)×(50+51)
which also gives sum of divisors.
Hence, sum of divisors is
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