In this chapter, we will study about health. We will also look forward to studying diseases as well to get the right understanding of it. When it comes to health, it is defined by the World Health Organization as the state of an active and energetic condition that includes mental, physical and social well being. In maintaining good health, both a balanced diet as well as regular exercise plays a very important role. Many factors attribute to affecting health as below:
- Genetic disorders
- Infection from pathogens
- Poorly balanced diet
- Consuming unhygienic and unhealthy food
- Stress and anxiety
- Lack of physical activities or exercise
What are Diseases and their Types?
The abnormal condition that affects a healthy living organism is known as disease. There are two types of diseases which are infectious diseases and non-infectious diseases. Now we will have a look at it in detail to get the best idea about it.
Infectious diseases: Infectious diseases are caused by pathogens such as fungi, viruses, bacteria, parasites, and so on. It can also be transmitted from one person to another. So, this is also known as a communicable or contagious disease. Some of the examples of infectious diseases are flu, tuberculosis, common cold, malaria, etc, that causes these types of diseases.
Non-infectious diseases: Non-infectious diseases cannot be transmitted from one person to another. So, it is also known as a non-communicable disease. It can also be caused by genetic disorders or lack of physical activity, etc. including some environmental factors as well.
What are the Common Diseases in Humans?
- Salmonella typhi, which is also known as a pathogenic bacterium, is known to cause typhoid in humans. With the help of the Widal test, this fever can be confirmed.
- Streptococcus pneumonia and Hemophilus influenza cause pneumonia.
- Malaria is caused by a small protozoan called plasmodium.
- Amoebasis or amoebic dysentery is caused by Entamoeba histolytica, which is another protozoan.
- Ascariasis is caused by ascaris, which is an intestinal parasite.
- One of the most infectious ailments in humans, cold is caused by a group of the virus which is known as Rhinovirus.
- Elephantiasis or filariasis is caused by Wuchererta, the filarial worm.
Related Videos:
- Common Diseases In Humans
- Active And Passive Immunity
- Innate Immunity
- Allergies
- Significance Of Health
- Reproductive Health
- AIDS -Its causes and prevention
The ability of the body to defend, protect and fight different pathogens like virus, bacteria and other foreign bodies and toxic substances is known as immunity. Coming to the types of immunity, there are 2 types of immunity which are innate immunity and acquired immunity.
Innate Immunity: This is a non-specific type of immunity that is present at the time of birth. It is to be noted that it is achieved by the provision of 4 barrier types which are the physiological barrier, physical barrier, cellular barriers and cytokine barrier.
Acquired Immunity: This is characterized by memory which happens to be a pathogen-specific immunity.
Active and Passive Immunity
In case of the active immunity, antibodies are produced by the host in the form of living or dead microbes when it gets exposed to antigens. The process is very slow that takes a lot of time to provide its full effective response. On the other hand, the ready-made antibodies which are given directly in protecting the body against any foreign agents is called passive immunity.
HIV(Human Immunodeficiency Virus) caused Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome. It is through sexual contact with an infected person that is generally transmitted. It is also caused due to blood transfusion with contaminated blood or even the sharing of infected needles. The diagnostic test for AIDS is ELISA (Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay).
Important Chapters:
Infectious diseases: Infectious diseases are caused by pathogens such as fungi, viruses, bacteria, parasites, and so on. It can also be transmitted from one person to another. So, this is also known as a communicable or contagious disease. Some of the examples of infectious diseases are flu, tuberculosis, common cold, malaria, etc, that causes these types of diseases.
Non-infectious diseases: Non-infectious diseases cannot be transmitted from one person to another. So, it is also known as a non-communicable disease. It can also be caused by genetic disorders or lack of physical activity, etc. including some environmental factors as well.
Innate Immunity: This is a non-specific type of immunity that is present at the time of birth. It is to be noted that it is achieved by the provision of 4 barrier types which are the physiological barrier, physical barrier, cellular barriers and cytokine barrier.
Acquired Immunity: This is characterized by memory which happens to be a pathogen-specific immunity.
Knowledge Check
In the world have we made health an end in itself ? We have forgotten that health is really a means to enable a person to do his work and do it well. A lot of modern medicine is concerned with promotion of good health. Many patients as well as many physicians pay very little attention to health, but very much attention to health makes some people imagine that they are ill. Our great concern with health is shown by the medical columns in newspaper, the health articles in popular magazines and the popularity of the television programme and all those books on medicine. We talk about health all the time. Yet, for the most only result is more people are with imaginary illnesses. The healthy man should not be wasting any time talking about health, he should be using health for work, the work he does and the work that good health makes possible.
Talking about health all the time makes peopleAalways suffer from imaginary illnesses.Bsometimes suffer from imaginary illnesses.Crarely suffer from imaginary illnesses.Doften suffer from imaginary illnesses.