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The chapter ‘My Childhood’ talks about the childhood of A.P.J Abdul Kalam.


The chapter ‘My Childhood’ talks about the childhood of A.P.J Abdul Kalam.


The chapter ‘My Childhood’ talks about the childhood of A.P.J Abdul Kalam.


1) My Childhood is an extract from “Wings of Fire”, the autobiography of Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam. This chapter mentions his childhood and several incidents from his early days.
2) He was born in a middle-class Tamil Muslim family in the island town of Rameswaram. His family included his parents, three brothers and a sister.
3) His parents were very hardworking and kind people who always helped others. He along with his siblings spent their childhood in their ancestral home.
4) Kalam’s father believed in simple living and provided all the essential necessities to his family. Although his parents had no formal education, they treated others equally and many outsiders would eat with the family regularly.
5) Kalam credits his parents for instilling qualities like self-discipline and honesty in him and his siblings. His family had a secular mindset and they participated in the festivities of Hindus.
6) He further mentioned that he had heard several tales from the Ramayana and the Prophet Muhammad from his mother and grandmother.
7) All of this depicts that his family believed in secularism and never stopped him from mingling with children of other communities.
8) While growing up in Rameswaram, friendship played an instrumental role in Kalam’s life. He had three close friends – Ramanadha Sastry, Aravindan and Sivaprakasan who belonged to orthodox Hindu Brahmin families.
9) He and his friends never discriminated against each other on the basis of religion or caste. When they grew up, he and his friends took up different professions.
10) Ramanadha Sastry became a priest of the Rameswaram temple; Aravindan undertook the business of transport arrangements for visiting pilgrims and Sivaprakasan became a contractor for providing catering services in the Southern Railways.
11) One day, while Kalam was in his fifth standard, a new teacher came to his class and saw him wearing a cap that marked his Muslim identity.
12) When the teacher saw that Kalam being a Muslim was seated next to Ramanandha, a Hindu priest’s son, he couldn’t tolerate it.
13) Consequently, he asked Kalam to sit on the back bench and seeing this, his friend Ramanandha started weeping. This incident left a lasting impression on Kalam’s mind.
14) Later, they discussed this incident with their respective families. Hearing this, Ramanandha’s father immediately summoned the teacher and asked him not to spread communal hatred or social inequality among young minds.
15) He demanded an apology from the teacher for his ill behaviour towards the children.
16) In case he refuses to apologise, he should quit the job right away. In no time, the young teacher apologised and reformed his behaviour and started treating everyone equally from then on, irrespective of caste or creed.
17) Furthermore, Kalam mentioned that his science teacher, Sivasubramania Iyer was an orthodox Hindu Brahmin but treated all his students with equality.
18) On one such occasion, his teacher invited Kalam to his home for a meal. However, Mr Iyer’s wife was a conservative person who refused to serve Kalam or let him sit inside her kitchen to eat the meal.
19) Seeing this, Mr Iyer wasn’t perturbed about his wife’s ill behaviour. Instead, he served the meal to young Kalam and sat next to him and ate the food.
20) His wife observed all this from behind the kitchen door. After winding up the meal, his science teacher invited Kalam for dinner again for the following weekend.
21) This time, Mr Iyer’s wife served Kalam with her own hands and let him sit inside her kitchen. As Kalam was growing up, the Second World War soon came to an end and the Indian people started their fight for Independence.
22) The whole country was filled with an extraordinary sense of optimism to achieve India’s Independence at all costs.
23) Soon, Kalam asked his father’s permission to leave Rameswaram and study at Ramanathapuram to pursue higher studies.
24) To this, his father stated that children come to this world and receive the love of their parents and near and dear ones. However, this love didn’t indicate that they can force their thoughts and decisions on their children.


इस पाठ में ए.पी.जे अब्दुल कलाम के बचपन के बारे में बताया गया है।


इस पाठ में ए.पी.जे अब्दुल कलाम के बचपन के बारे में बताया गया है।


ABDUL KALAMHe was a boy with an ordinary appearance, Abdul Kalam had many sterling qualities since childhood. He had respect for his parents. He inherited honesty and self-discipline from his father, and from his mother inherited faith in goodness and dip kindness. Kalam was an entrepreneur and a hard-working child. He collected tamarind seeds, when his demand had increased, and he earned one ana. He did everything assigned to him with full dedication. He suspended his cousin during World War II by stopping a train at Rameswaram. He was also a sensitive child and learned valuable lessons from his experiences. He learned early in life that caste-based segregation is a poison that should not be allowed to flourish. Kalam was also progressive and decided at the right time to pursue further studies and move forward in life.


Question 1. Where was Abdul Kalam’s house?
ANSWER: Abdul Kalam's house was in Masjid Street in Rameshwaram town in the state of Tamil Nadu.

Question 2. What do you think Dinamani is the name of? Give a reason for your answer.
ANSWER: Dinamani is the name of a newspaper. It is a vernacular daily, printed in the Tamil language. I think so because Kalam says that he can read the stories of the war in the headlines of the Dinamani.

Question 3. Who were Abdul Kalam’s school friends? What did they later become?
ANSWER:Abdul Kalam had three friends. Their names are Ramanadha Sastry, Aravindan and Sivaprakasan. When he grew up, Ramananda Shastri became a priest of the Rameswaram temple, Aravindan started the business of taking pilgrims from the Rameswaram temple and Sivaprakasan became a caterer for the railways.

Question 4. How did Abdul Kalam earn his first wages?
ANSWER: During World War II, when trains were cancelled at Rameswaram, newspapers were bundled and thrown from the moving train. Kalam's cousin, who distributed newspapers, asked him to help collect these bundles. This work helped Abdul Kalam earn his first salary.

Question 5. Had he earned any money before that? In what way?
ANSWER: Yes, Abdul Kalam had earned some money before that. When the Second World War broke out, there was a large demand for tamarind seeds in the market. He collects the seeds and sells them at a provision shop on Mosque Street. This helped him earn one anna a day.

Question 6. How does the author describe: (i) his father, (ii) his mother, (iii) himself?
ANSWER: The author, (i)Abdul Kalam describes his father as an honest and generous person. He neither had much formal education nor much wealth. However, he had great instincts and a kind heart. He was self-disciplined and avoided all unqualified luxuries.
(ii) She describes her mother, Aashiyamma, as an ideal assistant for her husband. She was a woman with a big heart who fed food to many people every day.
(iii) He describes himself as a little boy who has undistinguished looks. He possessed the qualities of honesty, self-discipline, and kindness that he had inherited from his parents.

Question 7.What characteristics does he say he inherited from his parents?
ANSWER: The author inherited a legacy of humility and philanthropy from his parents. He learned the lesson of honesty and loyalty from his parents. He was self-disciplined due to the exemplary life of his parents.

Question 8. What were the qualities that Abdul Kalam admired in his parents?
Answer: Kalam’s parents were noble and generous people. Though his father was an austere man, he provided his family with all necessities, in terms of food, medicine, or clothes. He admired his father’s honesty and self-discipline and his mother’s faith in goodness and kindness. He admired his parents for respecting all religions.

Question 9. Kalam’s childhood was a secure one both materially and emotionally. Illustrate.
Answer: APJ Abdul Kalam called his childhood a secure one because he had loving and caring parents who gave love and guidance to their children and took care of their emotional and physical needs. They provided their children with all necessities, in terms of food, medicine, or clothes.

Question 10. How does Kalam show his father was a simple man?
Answer: Kalam’s father was a simple self-disciplined man. He neither had formal education nor much wealth and he avoided all inessential comforts and luxuries.

Question 11. What kind of a person was Kalam’s father?
Answer: Abdul Kalam’s father, Jainulabdin, was a tall and handsome man. Although he did not have much formal education, he was progressive and valued education. He was an austere man and didn’t have much wealth, however, he was a generous man and provided both material and emotional security to his family. He was a very practical man with a vast store of wisdom and never obstructed the progressive ways of his children.

Question 12. How does Abdul Kalam describe his mother?
Answer: Kalam’s mother, Ashiamma, was tall, good-looking, and very attached to her children. She was an ideal helpmate to her husband. She was a gentle and kind lady with faith in goodness and deep kindness. Like her husband, she was very generous and fed a number of outsiders daily. Kalam inherited the values of kindness and generosity from her. Kalam inherited the values of kindness and generosity from her.

Question 13. How was Kalam’s appearance different from that of his parents?
Answer: Kalam did not take after his tall and handsome parents. He was a rather short boy with average looks. Unlike his parents who had quite striking features, his appearance was undistinguished.

Question 14. Briefly describe Abdul Kalam’s ancestral house.
Answer: Abdul Kalam’s ancestral house was situated on Mosque Street in Rameshwaram. It had been built in the middle of the nineteenth century and was a fairly large, pucca house made of limestone and brick.

Question 15. How did the Second World War give Abdul Kalam the opportunity to earn his first wages?
Answer: When the stoppage of trains was cancelled at Rameshwaram because of World War II, Kalam’s cousin, Samsuddin, who distributed newspapers in Rameswaram, asked him for help in collecting newspaper bundles which were thrown from the moving train. This helped Abdul Kalam earn his first wages.

Question 16. What are Kalam’s views about his first job?
Answer: As a young boy, Kalam earned his first wage by helping his cousin, Samsuddin, collect papers thrown from a moving train for distribution. Half a century later, Kalam would still feel the surge of pride in earning his own money for the first time.

Question 17. Had Kalam earned any money before that? In what way?
Answer: When the Second World War broke out in 1939, there was a sudden demand for tamarind seeds in the market. Kalam collected these seeds and sold them to earn an anna a day which was a big amount for a small boy like him in those days.


Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam was an Indian aerospace scientist and politician who served as the 11th President of India from 2002 to 2007. He was born and raised in Rameswaram, Tamil Nadu, and studied physics and aerospace engineering.


Avul Pakir Jainulabdin Abdul Kalam was an Indian aerospace scientist and politician who served as the 11th President of India from 2002 to 2007. He was born and raised in Rameswaram, Tamil Nadu, and studied physics and aerospace engineering.


Innate: inborn; (a quality or filing) in one’s nature;जन्‍मजात
Generosity of spirit: his soul sought to help others who were nidy;आत्मा की उदारता
Limestone;a type of hard white sedimentary rock that is used for building or for making cement;चूना-पत्‍थर
Austere;without decoration;अति साधारण और सरल
Tamarind seeds: kind of fruit;इमली के बीज
Suspension;not being allowed to do your job;किसी को अपने पद, नौकरी आदि से कुछ समय के लिए हटाने की क्रिया
Orthodox: that most people believe, do or accept; usual;रूढ़िवादी
Pilgrims: a person who travels a long way to visit a religious place;तीर्थयात्री
Prophet: a person who says what will happen in the future;भविष्‍यवक्ता
Wiping: to let tears fall because of strong emotion; to cry;आँसू बहाना
Summoned: to order a person to come to a place;किसी व्यक्ति को किसी स्‍थान पर पहुँचने का आदेश देना
Poison: a substance that kills or harms you if you eat or drink it;विष, ज़हर
Bluntly: speaking in a direct and honest way, even if this offends;सीधे और ईमानदार तरीके से बोलना, भले ही यह अपमानजनक
Conviction: the action of finding somebody guilty of a crime in a court of law;न्‍यायालय द्वारा अपराधी ठहराए जाने की क्रिया
Segregation: separation;अलग करने या होने की क्रिया
Rebel: a person who refuses to obey people in authority or to accept rules;विद्रोही
Perturbed: upset;परेशान


अवुल पाकिर जैनुलाब्दीन अब्दुल कलाम एक भारतीय एयरोस्पेस वैज्ञानिक और राजनीतिज्ञ थे, जिन्होंने 2002 से 2007 तक भारत के 11 वें राष्ट्रपति के रूप में कार्य किया। उनका जन्म और परवरिश रामेश्वरम, तमिलनाडु में हुआ और उन्होंने भौतिकी और एयरोस्पेस इंजीनियरिंग का अध्ययन किया।


अवुल पकिर जैनुलाब्दीन अब्दुल कलाम एक भारतीय एयरोस्पेस वैज्ञानिक और राजनीतिज्ञ थे, जिन्होंने 2002 से 2007 तक भारत के 11 वें राष्ट्रपति के रूप में कार्य किया। उनका जन्म और परवरिश रामेश्वरम, तमिलनाडु में हुआ और उन्होंने भौतिकी और एयरोस्पेस इंजीनियरिंग का अध्ययन किया।


I was born into a middle-class Tamil family in the island town of Rameswaram in the erstwhile Madras State. My father, Jainulabdeen, had neither much formal education nor much wealth; despite these disadvantages, he possessed great innate wisdom and a true generosity of spirit. He had an ideal helpmate in my mother, Ashiamma. I do not recall the exact number of people she fed every day, but I am quite certain that far more outsiders ate with us than all the members of our own family put together.


I was born into a middle-class Tamil family in the island town of Rameswaram in the erstwhile Madras State. My father, Jainulabdin, had neither much formal education nor much wealth; despite these disadvantages, he possessed great innate wisdom and true generosity of spirit. He had an ideal helpmate in my mother, Ashiamma. I do not recall the exact number of people she fed every day, but I am quite certain that far more outsiders ate with us than all the members of our own family put together.


Innate- inborn; (a quality or feeling) in one’s nature, जन्‍मजात
Gnerosity of spirit- his soul sought to help others who were needy, आत्मा की उदारता


Innate: inborn; (a quality or filing) in one’s nature;जन्‍मजात
Generosity of spirit: his soul sought to help others who were in need;आत्मा की उदारता


ए.पी.जे अब्दुल कलाम के पिता का नाम जैनुलाब्दीन था। ए.पी.जे का कहना है कि उनके पिता बहुत अमीर नहीं थे, उनके पास धन नहीं था, वे उच्च शिक्षित नहीं थे लेकिन इन नुकसानों के बावजूद, उनके पास कुछ अन्य गुण थे- वे स्वाभाविक रूप से बहुत बुद्धिमान थे और उदार भी थे। ए.पी.जे की माँ का नाम आशियम्मा था। वह अपने पति की मदद करती थी। वह एक बहुत बड़ा सहारा और मददगार थी। ए.पी.जे की माँ भी उदार और दयालु थी। हर दिन वह बहुत से लोगों को खाना खिलाती थी। वह अपने परिवार में कुल सदस्यों की तुलना में बाहर के लोगों को अधिक संख्या में खिलाया करती थी।


ए.पी.जे. अब्दुल कलाम का जन्म द्वीप शहर रामेश्वरम के एक मध्यवर्गीय तमिल परिवार में हुआ। आज हम इस राज्य को तमिलनाडु के नाम से जानते हैं लेकिन जब उनका जन्म हुआ था, उस समय इस राज्य को मद्रास राज्य के रूप में जाना जाता था। ए.पी.जे अब्दुल कलाम के पिता का नाम जैनुलाब्दीन था। ए.पी.जे कहते हैं कि उनके पिता बहुत अमीर नहीं थे, उनके पास धन नहीं था, वे उच्च शिक्षित नहीं थे लेकिन इन कमियों के बावजूद, उनके पास कुछ अन्य गुण थे- वे स्वाभाविक रूप से बहुत बुद्धिमान थे और उदार भी थे। एपीजे की माँ भी उदार और दयालु थी। उनकी माता अशिअम्मा एक गृहणी थीं। उनको उन लोगों की सटीक संख्या याद नहीं है जिन्हें वह हर दिन खिलाती थी, लेकिन उनको पूरा यकीन है कि उनके अपने परिवार के सभी सदस्यों की तुलना में कहीं अधिक बाहरी लोगों ने उनके साथ भोजन किया।


I was one of many children — a short boy with rather undistinguished looks, born to tall and handsome parents. We lived in our ancestral house, which was built in the middle of the nineteenth century. It was a fairly large pucca house, made of limestone and brick, on the Mosque Street in Rameswaram. My austere father used to avoid all inessential comforts and luxuries. However, all necessities were provided for, in terms of food, medicine or clothes. In fact, I would say mine was a very secure childhood, both materially and emotionally.


I was one of many children — a short boy with rather undistinguished looks, born to tall and handsome parents. We lived in our ancestral house, which was built in the middle of the nineteenth century. It was a fairly large pucca house, made of limestone and brick, on the Mosque Street in Rameswaram. My austere father used to avoid all inessential comforts and luxuries. However, all necessities were provided for, in terms of food, medicine or clothes. In fact, I would say mine was a very secure childhood, both materially and emotionally.


Undistinguished- ordinary, साधारण
Ancestral- ancestral, पैतृक
Limestone- a type of hard white sedimentary rock that is used for building or for making cement, चूना-पत्‍थर
Austere- without decoration, अति साधारण और सरल


Undistinguished: ordinary; साधारण
Ancestral: of, belonging to, or inherited from an ancestor or fore-fathers; पैतृक
Limestone: a type of hard white sedimentary rock that is used for building or for making cement; चूना-पत्‍थर
Austere: having a plain and unadorned appearance; अति साधारण और सरल
Materially-in terms of material possessions,भौतिक


अब्दुल कलाम के कई भाई-बहन थे और वे खुद का वर्णन करते हैं कि उनकी लंबाई कम थी और वह बहुत साधारण दिखते थे। इसके विपरीत, उनके माता-पिता बहुत लंबे और सुंदर थे। ए.पी.जे अब्दुल कलाम का पैतृक घर बहुत पुराना था। इसे उन्नीसवीं शताब्दी में बनाया गया था। यह एक पक्का घर था, जो ईंटों और चूना पत्थर से बना था। यह रामेश्वरम में मस्जिद स्ट्रीट पर स्थित है। ए.पी.जे के पिता बहुत ही सरल थे लेकिन वे सख्त भी थे। वह अपना जीवन साधारण तरीके से जीना चाहते थे और वह अपने बच्चों को अनावश्यक चीजों पर पैसा बर्बाद न करने की सीख देते थे। ए.पी.जे का कहना है कि उनके पिता किसी भी तरह के असुविधाजनक आराम और विलासिता से बचते थे। उन्होंने उन्हें भोजन, कपड़े और दवाई जैसी सभी आवश्यक चीजें प्रदान कीं। ए.पी.जे का कहना है कि उनके माता-पिता ने उनकी सभी जरूरतों को पूरा किया - चाहे वह कोई भी ठोस चीज हो, या उनका प्यार और स्नेह हो। इससे पता चलता है कि उनके पास कृतज्ञता का गुण है। ए.पी.जे अपने माता-पिता के शुक्रगुजार है।


अब्दुल कलाम के कई भाई-बहन थे और वे खुद का वर्णन करते हैं कि उनकी लंबाई कम थी और वे आम दिखते थे। इसके विपरीत, उनके माता-पिता बहुत लंबे और अच्छे दिखने वाले थे। ए.पी.जे को उनके यह गुण विरासत में नहीं मिले। ए.पी.जे अब्दुल कलाम का पुश्‍तैनी घर बहुत पुराना था। इसे उन्नीसवीं शताब्दी में बनाया गया था। यह रामेश्वरम में मस्जिद स्ट्रीट पर चूना पत्थर और ईंट से बना एक काफी बड़ा पक्का घर था। ए.पी.जे के पिता बहुत ही सरल स्वभाव के थे, लेकिन वे सख्त भी थे। वह अपना जीवन साधारण तरीके से जीना चाहते थे और वह अपने बच्चों को अनावश्यक चीजों पर पैसा बर्बाद न करने की सीख देते थे। ए.पी.जे का कहना है कि उनके पिता किसी भी तरह के अनावश्यक विलासिता(ऐशो-आराम) से बचते थे। हालांकि, उनकी सारी ज़रूरते (भोजन, चिकित्सा या कपड़े) उनको प्रदान की गई थीं। वास्तव में, वह कहते हैं कि उनका बचपन भौतिक और भावनात्मक रूप से बहुत ही सुरक्षित था।


The Second World War broke out in 1939, when I was eight years old. For reasons I have never been able to understand, a sudden demand for tamarind seeds erupted in the market. I used to collect the seeds and sell them to a provision shop on Mosque Street. A day’s collection would fetch me the princely sum of one anna. My brother-in-law Jallaluddin would tell me stories about the War which I would later attempt to trace in the headlines in Dinamani. Our area, being isolated, was completely unaffected by the War. But soon India was forced to join the Allied Forces and something like a state of emergency was declared. The first casualty came in the form of the suspension of the train halt at Rameswaram station. The newspapers now had to be bundled and thrown out from the moving train on the Rameswaram Road between Rameswaram and Dhanuskodi. That forced my cousin Samsuddin, who distributed newspapers in Rameswarm, to look for a helping hand to catch the bundles and, as if naturally, I filled the slot. Samsuddin helped me earn my first wages. Half a century later, I can still feel the surge of pride in earning my own money for the first time.


The Second World War broke out in 1939, when I was eight years old. For reasons I have never been able to understand, a sudden demand for tamarind seeds erupted in the market. I used to collect the seeds and sell them to a provision shop on Mosque Street. A day’s collection would fetch me the princely sum of one anna. My brother-in-law Jallaluddin would tell me stories about the War which I would later attempt to trace in the headlines in Dinamani. Our area, being isolated, was completely unaffected by the War. But soon India was forced to join the Allied Forces and something like a state of emergency was declared. The first casualty came in the form of the suspension of the train halt at Rameswaram station. The newspapers now had to be bundled and thrown out from the moving train on the Rameswaram Road between Rameswaram and Dhanuskodi. That forced my cousin Samsuddin, who distributed newspapers in Rameswaram, to look for a helping hand to catch the bundles and, as if naturally, I filled the slot. Samsuddin helped me earn my first wages. Half a century later, I can still fil the surge of pride in earning my own money for the first time.


Tamarind seeds- kind of fruit, इमली के बीज
Suspension- not being allowed to do your job, किसी को अपने पद, नौकरी आदि से कुछ समय के लिए हटाने की क्रिया


Tamarind seeds: kind of fruit; इमली के बीज
Suspension: not being allowed to do your job; किसी को अपने पद, नौकरी आदि से कुछ समय के लिए हटाने की क्रिया


जब वर्ष 1939 में दूसरा विश्व युद्ध छिड़ा था, तब ए.पी.जे आठ साल के थे। इसलिए, हम गणना कर सकते हैं कि ए.पी.जे वर्ष 1931 में पैदा हुए थे। बाजार में इमली के बीजों की मांग बढ़ गई थी। ए.पी.जे इमली के बीजों को मस्जिद गली में स्थित एक प्रोविजन शॉप पर इकट्ठा कर के बेचने का काम करते थे I वह मात्र एक आना राशि कमाया करते थे, जो छह पैसे के बराबर होती थी। उस समय, इस एक आना का मतलब उनके लिए बहुत पैसा था। ए.पी.जे अब्दुल कलाम के भाई-कानून जल्ललुद्दीन उन्हें चल रहे विश्व युद्ध की कहानियां सुनाते थे। बाद में, ए.पी.जे अखबार 'दिनमणि' पढ़ते थे और उन्हीं कहानियों की खबरें खोजते थे। रामेश्वरम एक छोटा सा द्वीप शहर था। इसलिए, यह शुरुआत में विश्व युद्ध से प्रभावित नहीं था। लेकिन कुछ समय बाद, भारत को युद्ध में शामिल होना पड़ा और मित्र देशों के साथ गठबंधन किया। तब देश में आपातकाल की स्थिति घोषित कर दी गई थी। आपातकाल के दौरान, राष्ट्रपति शासन देश में लागू किया गया। लोगों को दिए जाने वाले बहुत से विशेषाधिकार वापस ले लिए गए I रामेश्वरम के लोगों पर द्वितीय विश्व युद्ध का पहला प्रभाव पड़ा था। रामेश्वरम स्टेशन पर ट्रेन के ठहराव को रद्द कर दिया गया था। इसके साथ ही, अखबार का बंडल जो रामेश्वरम के लिए आता था, चलती ट्रेन से बाहर फेंक दिया जाता था। ए.पी.जे अब्दुल कलाम के चचेरे भाई समसुद्दीन, रामेश्वरम में अखबारों को वितरित करते थे। अख़बार के बंडल को चलती ट्रेन से बाहर फेंक दिया गया जिसे पकड़ने में मदद के लिए उसे किसी की ज़रूरत थी। उनके चचेरे भाई समसुद्दीन ने उनकी पहली कमाई कमाने में मदद की। यह घटना 50 साल पहले हुई थी। अब भी, अर्थात् जब उन्होंने पुस्तक लिखी, तो वे स्वयं को संतुष्ट और गौरवान्वित महसूस कर सकते थे। ए.पी.जे का कहना है कि जब भी कोई अपनी मेहनत से अपना पैसा कमाता है, तो वह उसी तरह महसूस करता है जैसे उन्होंने किया था।


जब वर्ष 1939 में दूसरा विश्व युद्ध छिड़ा था ए.पी.जे आठ साल के थे। इसलिए, हम गणना कर सकते हैं कि वह वर्ष 1931 में पैदा हुए थे। बाजार में इमली के बीजों की मांग बढ़ गई थी। ए.पी.जे इमली के बीजों को मस्जिद गली में स्थित एक प्रोविजन शॉप पर इकट्ठा कर के बेचने का काम करते थे | वह मात्र एक आना राशि कमाया करते थे, जो छह पैसे के बराबर होती थी। उस समय, इस एक आना का मतलब उनके लिए बहुत पैसा था। ए.पी.जे अब्दुल कलाम के बहनोई जल्ललुद्दीन उन्हें चल रहे विश्व युद्ध की कहानियां सुनाते थे। बाद में, ए.पी.जे अखबार 'दिनमणि' पढ़ते थे और उन्हीं कहानियों की खबरें खोजते थे। रामेश्वरम एक छोटा सा द्वीप शहर था, जो जमीन से दूर था। इसलिए, यह शुरुआत में विश्व युद्ध से प्रभावित नहीं था। लेकिन कुछ समय बाद, भारत को युद्ध में शामिल होना पड़ा और मित्र देशों के साथ गठबंधन करना पड़ा। तब देश में आपातकाल की स्थिति घोषित कर दी गई थी। आपातकाल के दौरान, राष्ट्रपति शासन देश में लागू किया जाता है। यह देश में कर्फ्यू जैसा है। लोगों को दिए जाने वाले बहुत से विशेषाधिकार वापस ले लिए गए हैं। रामेश्वरम के लोगों पर द्वितीय विश्व युद्ध का पहला प्रभाव पड़ा था। ट्रेन के ठहराव को रद्द कर दिया गया था और अख़बार के बंडल को चलती ट्रेन से बाहर फेंक दिया गया, उसे पकड़ने में मदद के लिए उसे किसी की ज़रूरत थी। जो ए.पी.जे की पहली कमाई थी। यह घटना 50 साल पहले हुई थी। अब भी, अर्थात् जब उन्होंने पुस्तक लिखी, तो वे स्वयं को संतुष्ट और गौरवान्वित महसूस कर सकते थे। ए.पी.जे का कहना है कि जब भी कोई अपनी मेहनत से अपना पैसा कमाता है, तो वह उसी तरह महसूस करता है जैसे उन्होंने किया था।


Every child is born, with some inherited characteristics, into a specific socio-economic and emotional environment, and trained in certain ways by figures of authority. I inherited honesty and self discipline from my father; from my mother, I inherited faith in goodness and deep kindness and so did my three brothers and sister. I had three close friends in my childhood — Ramanadha Sastry, Aravindan and Sivaprakasan. All these boys were from orthodox Hindu Brahmin families. As children, none of us ever felt any difference amongst ourselves because of our religious differences and upbringing. In fact, Ramanadha Sastry was the son of Pakshi Lakshmana Sastry, the high priest of the Rameswaram temple. Later, he took over the priesthood of the Rameswaram temple from his father; Aravindan went into the business of arranging transport for visiting pilgrims; and Sivaprakasan became a catering contractor for the Southern Railways.


Every child is born, with some inherited characteristics, into a specific socio-economic and emotional environment, and trained in certain ways by figures of authority. I inherited honesty and self-discipline from my father; from my mother, I inherited faith in goodness and deep kindness and so did my three brothers and sister. I had three close friends in my childhood — Ramanadha Sastry, Aravindan and Sivaprakasan. All these boys were from orthodox Hindu Brahmin families. As children, none of us ever felt any difference amongst ourselves because of our religious differences and upbringing. In fact, Ramanadha Sastry was the son of Pakshi Lakshmana Sastry, the high priest of the Rameswaram temple. Later, he took over the priesthood of the Rameswaram temple from his father; Aravindan went into the business of arranging transport for visiting pilgrims, and Sivaprakasan became a catering contractor for the Southern Railways.


Orthodox- that most people believe, do or accept, रूढ़िवादी
Pilgrims- a person who travels a long way to visit a religious place, तीर्थयात्री


Orthodox: that most people believe, do or accept;usual;रूढ़िवादी
Pilgrims: a person who travels a long way to visit a religious place;तीर्थयात्री
Socio-economic- relating to or concerned with the interaction of social and economic factors, सामाजिक-आर्थिक


हर बच्चे का जन्म कुछ विरासत में मिली विशेषताओं के साथ, एक विशिष्ट सामाजिक-आर्थिक और भावनात्मक वातावरण में होता है, और प्राधिकरण के आंकड़ों द्वारा कुछ तरीकों से प्रशिक्षित किया जाता है। उन्हें अपने पिता से ईमानदारी और आत्म अनुशासन विरासत में मिला; अपनी माँ से, उन्हें अच्छाई और गहरी दया पर विश्वास विरासत में मिला और इसी तरह यह विरासत उनके तीन भाई और बहन को भी मिली। उनके बचपन में उनके तीन करीबी दोस्त थे - रमानाथ शास्त्री, अरविंदन और शिवप्रकाश। ये सभी लड़के रूढ़िवादी हिंदू ब्राह्मण परिवारों से थे। बच्चों के रूप में, उन में से किसी ने भी कभी उनके धार्मिक मतभेदों और परवरिश के कारण आपस में कोई अंतर महसूस नहीं किया। वास्तव में, रामानंद शास्त्री रामेश्वरम मंदिर के उच्च पुजारी पाक्षी लक्ष्मण शास्त्री के पुत्र थे। बाद में, उन्होंने अपने पिता से रामेश्वरम मंदिर के पुजारी का पद संभाला; अरविंदन तीर्थयात्रियों के लिए परिवहन की व्यवस्था करने के व्यवसाय में चला गया; और शिवप्रकासन दक्षिणी रेलवे के लिए एक खानपान ठेकेदार बन गए।


प्रत्येक बच्चे का जन्म कुछ विरासत में मिली विशेषताओं के साथ होता है, एक विशिष्ट सामाजिक-आर्थिक और भावनात्मक वातावरण में, और वह बड़ों द्वारा प्रशिक्षित किया जाता है। वह कहते हैं, "मुझे अपने पिता से ईमानदारी और आत्म अनुशासन विरासत में मिला; अपनी माँ से, मुझे अच्छाई और गहरी दया पर विश्वास विरासत में मिला और इसी तरह मेरे तीन भाई और बहन भी थे। मेरे बचपन में मेरे तीन करीबी दोस्त थे - रमानाथ शास्त्री, अरविंदन और शिवप्रकाश। ये सभी लड़के रूढ़िवादी हिंदू ब्राह्मण परिवारों से थे। बच्चों के रूप में, हममें से किसी ने कभी भी हमारे धार्मिक मतभेदों और परवरिश के कारण आपस में कोई अंतर महसूस नहीं किया। वास्तव में, रामानंद शास्त्री रामेश्वरम मंदिर के उच्च पुजारी लक्ष्मण शास्त्री के पुत्र थे। बाद में, उन्होंने अपने पिता से रामेश्वरम मंदिर के पुजारी का पद संभाला; अरविंदन तीर्थयात्रियों के लिए परिवहन की व्यवस्था करने के व्यवसाय में चला गया; और शिवप्रकासन दक्षिणी रेलवे के लिए एक खानपान ठेकेदार बन गए।"


During the annual Shri Sita Rama Kalyanam ceremony, our family used to arrange boats with a special platform for carrying idols of the Lord from the temple to the marriage site, situated in the middle of the pond called Rama Tirtha which was near our house. Events from the Ramayana and from the life of the Prophet were the bedtime stories my mother and grandmother would tell the children in our family.


During the annual Shri Sita Rama Kalyanam ceremony, our family used to arrange boats with a special platform for carrying idols of the Lord from the temple to the marriage site, situated in the middle of the pond called Rama Tirtha which was near our house. Events from the Ramayana and from the life of the Prophet were the bedtime stories my mother and grandmother would tell the children in our family.


Prophet- a person who says what will happen in the future, भविष्‍यवक्ता


Prophet: a person who says what will happen in the future;भविष्‍यवक्ता


जब भी श्री सीता राम कल्याण समारोह होता था, ए.पी.जे का परिवार भी इसमें भाग लेता था। वे इसके लिए नावों की व्यवस्था करते थे। वे नावों पर एक विशेष मंच बनाते थे, जिस पर राम और सीता की मूर्ति रखी जाती थी और मंदिर से विवाह स्थल तक पहुँचाया जाता था, जो राम तीर्थ नामक एक तालाब के बीच में था। यह तालाब ए.पी.जी के घर के पास था। जैसे जैसे वह बड़े होते जा रहे थे, उन्होंने कभी नहीं सोचा था कि हिंदू और मुस्लिमों के बीच कोई अंतर है क्योंकि वे हिंदू त्योहारों में भी भाग लेते थे I ए.पी.जे कहते हैं कि उन्होंने रामायण और जीवन की कहानियों को अपनी मां और दादी से सुना हैं। इसलिए, उन्होंने हिंदू देवताओं और मुस्लिम देवताओं दोनों की कहानियाँ सुनीं हैं।


वार्षिक श्री सीता राम कल्याणम समारोह के दौरान, उनका परिवार मंदिर से विवाह स्थल तक भगवान की मूर्तियों को ले जाने के लिए एक विशेष मंच के साथ नावों की व्यवस्था करता था, जो उनके घर के पास स्थित राम तीर्थ नामक तालाब के बीच में स्थित थी। रामायण से लेकर पैगंबर के जीवन की घटनाएं उनकी मां और दादी उनके परिवार में बच्चों को रात को कहानियो के रूप में सुनाती थीं।


One day when I was in the fifth standard at the Rameswaram Elementary School, a new teacher came to our class. I used to wear a cap which marked me as a Muslim, and I always sat in the front row next to Ramanadha Sastry, who wore the sacred thread. The new teacher could not stomach a Hindu priest’s son sitting with a Muslim boy. In accordance with our social ranking as the new teacher saw it, I was asked to go and sit on the back bench. I felt very sad, and so did Ramanadha Sastry. He looked utterly downcast as I shifted to my seat in the last row. The image of him weeping when I shifted to the last row left a lasting impression on me.


One day when I was in the fifth standard at the Rameswaram Elementary School, a new teacher came to our class. I used to wear a cap that marked me as a Muslim, and I always sat in the front row next to Ramanadha Sastry, who wore the sacred thread. The new teacher could not stomach a Hindu priest’s son sitting with a Muslim boy. In accordance with our social ranking as the new teacher saw it, I was asked to go and sit on the backbench. I felt very sad, and so did Ramanadha Sastry. He looked utterly downcast as I shifted to my seat in the last row. The image of him wiping when I shifted to the last row left a lasting impression on me.


Weeping- to let tears fall because of strong emotion; to cry, आँसू बहाना


Wiping- to let tears fall because of strong emotion; to cry;आँसू बहाना
Downcast- sad and without hope,(व्‍यक्ति) खिन्‍न और निराश


जैसा कि ए.पी.जे अब्दुल कलाम एक मुस्लिम परिवार से थे, उन्होंने अपने सिर पर एक टोपी पहन रखी थी, जिससे उनकी पहचान एक मुस्लिम के रूप में हुई। उनके मित्र रमानाथ शास्त्री जो रामेश्वरम मंदिर के पुजारी के पुत्र थे, एक हिंदू ब्राह्मण परिवार से थे और ब्राह्मणों द्वारा पहना जाने वाला पवित्र धागा पहनते थे। जब ये बच्चे कक्षा पाँच में थे, तो एक नया शिक्षक उनकी कक्षा में आया। ए.पी.जे अब्दुल कलाम एक घटना को याद करते हैं, जो तब हुई थी। यह नया शिक्षक बर्दाश नहीं कर सका कि एक हिंदू पुजारी का बेटा एक मुस्लिम लड़के के बगल में बैठा था। उन्होंने ए.पी.जे से कहा कि वे समाज के निचले तबके से ताल्लुक रखें और आखिरी बेंच पर बैठें। दोनों बच्चों को बहुत बुरा लगा। जब ए.पी.जे ने अपनी सीट बदल ली और वापस चले गये और आखिरी बेंच पर बैठ गये, तो रमानाथ को बहुत बुरा लगा। ए.पी.जे को आज भी अपने मित्र रमानाथ की रोने की छवि याद है।


एक दिन जब वह रामेश्वरम एलिमेंट्री स्कूल में पाँचवीं कक्षा में था, एक नया शिक्षक उनकी कक्षा में आया। उन्होंने(अब्दुल) एक टोपी पहनी थी जो उनको एक मुस्लिम के रूप में चिह्नित करती थी, और वह हमेशा रमनदान शास्त्री के बगल में आगे की पंक्ति में बैठे थे, जो पवित्र धागा पहनते थे। नया शिक्षक एक हिंदू पुजारी के बेटे को मुस्लिम लड़के के साथ बैठा नहीं सकता था। उनकी सामाजिक रैंकिंग के अनुसार जैसे ही नए शिक्षक ने इसे देखा, उन्हें पीछे की बेंच पर जाकर बैठने के लिए कहा गया। उन्हें बहुत दुःख हुआ, और इसी तरह से रमानाथ शास्त्री भी बुरा महसूस कर रहे थे। अंतिम पंक्ति में अपनी सीट पर जाते समय वह पूरी तरह से दुखी दिख रहा था। उनके आखिरी पंक्ति में जाने पर उनके दोस्त के रोने ने उनपर एक स्थायी चाप छोड़ दी।


After school, we went home and told our respective parents about the incident. Lakshmana Sastry summoned the teacher, and in our presence, told the teacher that he should not spread the poison of social inequality and communal intolerance in the minds of innocent children. He bluntly asked the teacher to either apologise or quit the school and the island. Not only did the teacher regret his behaviour, but the strong sense of conviction Lakshmana Sastry conveyed ultimately reformed this young teacher.


After school, we went home and told our respective parents about the incident. Lakshmana Sastry summoned the teacher, and in our presence, told the teacher that he should not spread the poison of social inequality and communal intolerance in the minds of innocent children. He bluntly asked the teacher to either apologize or quit the school and the island. Not only did the teacher regret his behavior, but the strong sense of conviction Lakshmana Sastry conveyed ultimately reformed this young teacher.


Summoned- to order a person to come to a place, किसी व्यक्ति को किसी स्‍थान पर पहुँचने का आदेश देना
Poison- a substance that kills or harms you if you eat or drink it, विष, ज़हर
Bluntly- speaking in a direct and honest way, even if this offends, सीधे और ईमानदार तरीके से बोलना, भले ही यह अपमानजनक
Conviction- the action of finding somebody guilty of a crime in a court of law, न्‍यायालय द्वारा अपराधी ठहराए जाने की क्रिया


Summoned: to order a person to come to a place;किसी व्यक्ति को किसी स्‍थान पर पहुँचने का आदेश देना
Poison: a substance that kills or harms you if you eat or drink it;विष, ज़हर
Bluntly: speaking in a direct and honest way, even if this offends;सीधे और ईमानदार तरीके से बोलना, भले ही यह अपमानजनक हो
Conviction: The action of finding somebody guilty of a crime in a court of law;न्‍यायालय द्वारा अपराधी ठहराए जाने की क्रिया


दोनों बच्चों ने घर जाकर अपने माता-पिता को इस घटना के बारे में बताया और रमानाथ के पिता, लक्ष्मण शास्त्री ने नए शिक्षक को बुलाया और उसे डांटा। उन्होंने उनसे कहा कि जाति और धार्मिकता के विषैले भेदभाव को उनके निर्दोष दिमाग में डालकर बच्चों की दोस्ती को खत्म न करें। लक्ष्मण शास्त्री खुद में बहुत स्पष्ट थे। उन्होंने अध्यापक से कहा- या तो आप अपने द्वारा किए गए गलत कामों के लिए क्षमा करें या फिर स्कूल और रामेश्वरम शहर छोड़ दें। शिक्षक ने अपने द्वारा की गई गलती के लिए खेद व्यक्त किया और लक्ष्मण शास्त्री के दृढ़ संकल्प के कारण, धर्म और जाति के बारे में उनके विचार बदल गए।


दोनों बच्चों ने घर जाकर अपने माता-पिता को इस घटना के बारे में बताया और रमानाथ के पिता, लक्ष्मण शास्त्री ने नए शिक्षक को बुलाया और उसे डांटा। उन्होंने उनसे कहा कि जाति और धार्मिकता के विषैले भेदभाव को उनके निर्दोष दिमाग में डालकर बच्चों की दोस्ती को खत्म न करें। लक्ष्मण शास्त्री खुद में बहुत स्पष्ट थे। उन्होंने अध्यापक से कहा- या तो आप अपने द्वारा किए गए गलत कामों के लिए क्षमा मांगे या फिर स्कूल और रामेश्वरम शहर छोड़ दें। शिक्षक ने अपने द्वारा की गई गलती के लिए खेद व्यक्त किया और लक्ष्मण सस्त्राी के दृढ़ संकल्प के कारण, धर्म और जाति के बारे में उनके विचार बदल गए।


On the whole, the small society of Rameswaram was very rigid in terms of the segregation of different social groups. However, my science teacher Sivasubramania Iyer, though an orthodox Brahmin with a very conservative wife, was something of a rebel. He did his best to break social barriers so that people from varying backgrounds could mingle easily. He used to spend hours with me and would say, “Kalam, I want you to develop so that you are on par with the highly educated people of the big cities.”


On the whole, the small society of Rameswaram was very rigid in terms of the segregation of different social groups. However, my science teacher Sivasubramania Iyer, though an orthodox Brahmin with a very conservative wife, was something of a rebel. He did his best to break social barriers so that people from varying backgrounds could mingle easily. He used to spend hours with me and would say, “Kalam, I want you to develop so that you are on par with the highly educated people of the big cities.”


Segregation- separation, अलग करने या होने की क्रिया
Rebel- a person who refuses to obey people in authority or to accept rules, विद्रोही


Segregation: separation;अलग करने या होने की क्रिया
Rebel: a person who refuses to obey people in authority or to accept rules;विद्रोही


समाज के चार समूहों में ब्राह्मण, क्षत्रिय, वैश्य, शूद्रों का विभाजन रामेश्वरम में सख्ती से किया गया था। अब्दुल कलाम के विज्ञान शिक्षक शिवसुब्रमण्य अय्यर एक धार्मिक व्यक्ति थे, एक रूढ़िवादी ब्राह्मण लेकिन एक विद्रोही प्रकार के व्यक्ति थे। वह जाति व्यवस्था के आधार पर भेद नहीं करते थे। इन सामाजिक बाधाओं को तोड़ने के लिए उन्होंने बहुत मेहनत की। वह चाहते थे कि विभिन्न जातियों के लोग आपस में बातचीत करें। उन्होंने ए.पी.जे अब्दुल कलाम को कड़ी मेहनत करने के लिए प्रोत्साहित किया ताकि वे उच्च स्तर के शिक्षित लोगों की तरह हो सकें जो बड़े शहरों में रहते थे।


कुल मिलाकर, रामेश्वरम का छोटा समाज विभिन्न सामाजिक समूहों के अलगाव के मामले में बहुत कठोर था। हालाँकि, उनके विज्ञान शिक्षक शिवसुब्रमण्य अय्यर जिनकी पत्नी रूढ़िवादी थी, एक विद्रोही थे। उन्होंने सामाजिक बाधाओं को तोड़ने की पूरी कोशिश की ताकि अलग-अलग पृष्ठभूमि के लोग आसानी से मिल सकें। वह उनके साथ घंटों बिताते थे और कहते थे, "कलाम, मैं चाहता हूं कि आप विकास करें ताकि आप बड़े शहरों के उच्च शिक्षित लोगों के बराबर हों।"


One day, he invited me to his home for a meal. His wife was horrified at the idea of a Muslim boy being invited to dine in her ritually pure kitchen. She refused to serve me in her kitchen. Sivasubramania Iyer was not perturbed, nor did he get angry with his wife, but instead, served me withhis own hands and sat down beside me to eat his meal. His wife watched us from behind the kitchen door. I wondered whether she had observed any difference in the way I ate rice, drank water or cleaned the floor after the meal. When I was leaving his house, Sivasubramania Iyer invited me to join him for dinner again the next weekend. Observing my hesitation, he told me not to get upset, saying, “Once you decide to change the system, such problems have to be confronted.” When I visited his house the next week, Sivasubramania Iyer’s wife took me inside her kitchen and served me food with her own hands.


शिवसुब्रमनिया अय्यर की पत्नी एक पारंपरिक और रूढ़िवादी ब्राह्मण परिवार से थीं। उसने धर्म का बहुत सख्ती से पालन किया और रसोई को 'शुद्ध' रखने के लिए, किसी भी हीन धर्म के व्यक्ति को रसोई में प्रवेश करने की अनुमति नहीं थी। जब शिवसुब्रमण्यम अय्यर ने एपीजे अब्दुल कलाम को अपने घर पर डिनर के लिए बुलाया, तो उनकी पत्नी को डर था कि मुस्लिम परिवार का एक लड़का उनकी रसोई को अशुद्ध कर देगा। उसने उसे अपनी रसोई में खाना परोसने से मना कर दिया। शिवसुब्रमण्यम अय्यर नाराज नही थे। उन्होंने खुद ए.पी.जे को खाना परोसा और खाने के लिए उनके पास बैठ गए। उनकी पत्नी रसोई के दरवाजे के पास खड़ी थी और भोजन करते समय एपीजे को देखा। ए.पी.जे का कहना है कि उन्हें नहीं लगता कि उनके भोजन करने के तरीके में कोई अंतर है या वे जिस तरह से पानी पी रहे हैं या जिस तरह से उन्होंने भोजन के बाद फर्श को साफ किया है। वह यह बताना चाहता है कि धर्म कोई मायने नहीं रखता है क्योंकि यह उस तरीके को नहीं बदलता है जिसमें कोई व्यक्ति भोजन करता है। जब ए.पी.जे शिवसुब्रमण्यम अय्यर के घर से जाना वाले थे, तो उन्होंने उसे एक बार फिर रात के खाने के लिए आमंत्रित किया। जब शिवसुब्रमणिया अय्यर ने देखा कि एपीजे अब्दुल कलाम संकोच कर रहे हैं, तो उन्होंने उसे परेशान न होने के लिए कहा। उन्होंने कहा कि अगर उन्होंने व्यवस्था को बदलने का फैसला किया था, तो समाज के खिलाफ जाने के लिए, उन्हें मजबूत और बहादुर होना पड़ा और स्थिति का सामना करना पड़ा। अगले हफ्ते जब वे शिवसुब्रमण्यम अय्यर के घर गए, तो उनकी पत्नी ने उन्हें बैठाया। रसोई में और अपने हाथों से उसे खाना परोसा।


Perturbed- upset, परेशान


Perturbed: upset;परेशान
Hesitation- doubt or reluctance, हिचकिचाहट


शिवसुब्रमनिया अय्यर की पत्नी एक पारंपरिक और रूढ़िवादी ब्राह्मण परिवार से थीं। उसने धर्म का बहुत सख्ती से पालन किया और रसोई को 'शुद्ध' रखने के लिए, किसी भी हीन धर्म के व्यक्ति को रसोई में प्रवेश करने की अनुमति नहीं दी। जब शिवसुब्रमण्यम अय्यर ने ए.पी.जे अब्दुल कलाम को अपने घर पर डिनर के लिए बुलाया, तो उनकी पत्नी को डर था कि मुस्लिम परिवार का एक लड़का उनकी रसोई को अशुद्ध कर देगा। उसने उसे अपनी रसोई में खाना परोसने से मना कर दिया। शिवसुब्रमण्यम अय्यर अपनी पत्नी से न तो नाराज थे और न ही गुस्सा थे। उन्होंने खुद ए.पी.जे को खाना परोसा और खाने के लिए उनके पास बैठ गए। उनकी पत्नी रसोई के दरवाजे के पास खड़ी थी और भोजन करते समय ए.पी.जे को देख रही थी। ए.पी.जे का कहना है कि उन्हें नहीं लगता कि उन्हें लगा कि उनके भोजन करने के तरीके में कोई अंतर है या वे जिस तरह से पानी पी रहे हैं या जिस तरह से उन्होंने भोजन के बाद फर्श को साफ किया है। वह यह बताना चाहते है कि धर्म कोई मायने नहीं रखता है क्योंकि यह उस तरीके को नहीं बदलता है जिसमें कोई व्यक्ति भोजन करता है। जब ए.पी.जे शिवसुब्रमण्यम अय्यर के घर से जाने वाले थे, तो उन्होंने उन्हें एक बार फिर रात के खाने के लिए आमंत्रित किया। जब शिवसुब्रमणिया अय्यर ने देखा कि ए.पी.जे अब्दुल कलाम सीथांत थे, तो उन्होंने उन्हें परेशान न होने के लिए कहा। उन्होंने कहा कि अगर उन्होंने व्यवस्था को बदलने का फैसला किया था, तो समाज के मानदंडों के खिलाफ जाने के लिए, उन्हें मजबूत और बहादुर होना पड़ेगा और स्थिति का सामना करना पड़ेगा। अगले हफ्ते जब वे शिवसुब्रमण्यम अय्यर के घर गए, तो उनकी पत्नी ने उन्हें बैठाया और अपने हाथों से उन्हें खाना परोसा।


शिवसुब्रमनिया अय्यर की पत्नी एक पारंपरिक और रूढ़िवादी ब्राह्मण परिवार से थीं। उसने धर्म का बहुत सख्ती से पालन किया और रसोई को 'शुद्ध' रखने के लिए, किसी भी हीन धर्म के व्यक्ति को रसोई में प्रवेश करने की अनुमति नहीं थी। जब शिवसुब्रमण्यम अय्यर ने एपीजे अब्दुल कलाम को अपने घर पर डिनर के लिए बुलाया, तो उनकी पत्नी को डर था कि मुस्लिम परिवार का एक लड़का उनकी रसोई को अशुद्ध कर देगा। उसने उसे अपनी रसोई में खाना परोसने से मना कर दिया। शिवसुब्रमण्यम अय्यर नाराज नही थे। उन्होंने खुद ए.पी.जे को खाना परोसा और खाने के लिए उनके पास बैठ गए। उनकी पत्नी रसोई के दरवाजे के पास खड़ी थी और भोजन करते समय एपीजे को देखा। ए.पी.जे का कहना है कि उन्हें नहीं लगता कि उनके भोजन करने के तरीके में कोई अंतर है या वे जिस तरह से पानी पी रहे हैं या जिस तरह से उन्होंने भोजन के बाद फर्श को साफ किया है। वह यह बताना चाहता है कि धर्म कोई मायने नहीं रखता है क्योंकि यह उस तरीके को नहीं बदलता है जिसमें कोई व्यक्ति भोजन करता है। जब ए.पी.जे शिवसुब्रमण्यम अय्यर के घर से जाना वाले थे, तो उन्होंने उसे एक बार फिर रात के खाने के लिए आमंत्रित किया। जब शिवसुब्रमणिया अय्यर ने देखा कि एपीजे अब्दुल कलाम परेशान थे, तो उन्होंने उसे परेशान न होने के लिए कहा। उन्होंने कहा कि अगर उन्होंने व्यवस्था को बदलने का फैसला किया था, तो समाज के खिलाफ जाने के लिए, उन्हें मजबूत और बहादुर होना पड़ा और स्थिति का सामना करना पड़ा। अगले हफ्ते जब वे शिवसुब्रमण्यम अय्यर के घर गए, तो उनकी पत्नी ने उन्हें बैठाया। रसोई में और अपने हाथों से उसे खाना परोसा।


Then the Second World War was over and India’s freedom was imminent. “Indians will build their own India,” declared Gandhiji. The whole country was filled with an unprecedented optimism. I asked my father for permission to leave Rameswaram and study at the district headquarters in Ramanathapuram.


Then the Second World War was over and India’s freedom was imminent. “Indians will build their own India,” declared Gandhiji. The whole country was filled with unprecedented optimism. I asked my father for permission to leave Rameswaram and study at the district headquarters in Ramanathapuram.


जब वर्ष 1945 में द्वितीय विश्व युद्ध हुआ, तब भारत को स्वतंत्रता मिलने वाली थी। गांधी जी, जिन्हें 'राष्ट्रपिता' के रूप में जाना जाता है, भारत के स्वतंत्रता संग्राम का एक महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा थे। उन्होंने कहा कि भारतीय अपने भारत का निर्माण करेंगे। पूरा देश आशा और खुशी से भर गया था I हर कोई ऐसी भावना का अनुभव कर रहा था जो उन्होंने पहले कभी महसूस नहीं की थी। हर कोई उम्मीद कर रहा था कि अब उन्हें अपनी आज़ादी मिलेगी। ए.पी.जे ने अपने पिता को रामनाथपुरम जाने की अनुमति देने के लिए कहा, जो उच्च अध्ययन के लिए जिला मुख्यालय था I


Unprecedented-never done or known before, अभूतपूर्व
Optimism- being positive and hopeful about something, आशावाद


He told me as if thinking aloud, “Abul ! I know you have to go away to grow. Does the seagull not fly across the sun, alone and without a nest?” He quoted Khalil Gibran to my hesitant mother, “Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself. They come through you but not from you. You may give them your love but not your thoughts. For they have their own thoughts.”


जब वर्ष 1945 में द्वितीय विश्व युद्ध हुआ, तब भारत को स्वतंत्रता मिलने वाली थी, जो वर्ष 1947 में हुई थी। एम के गांधी, जिन्हें 'राष्ट्रपिता' के रूप में जाना जाता है, भारत के स्वतंत्रता संग्राम का एक महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा थे। उन्होंने कहा कि भारतीय अपने भारत का निर्माण करेंगे। पूरा देश आशा और खुशी से भर गया था हर कोई ऐसी भावना का अनुभव कर रहा था जो उन्होंने पहले कभी महसूस नहीं किया था। हर कोई उम्मीद कर रहा था कि अब उन्हें अपनी आज़ादी मिलेगी। ए.पी.जे ने अपने पिता से रामेश्वरम छोडकर आगे पढ़ने के लिए रामनाथपुरम जिला मुख्यालय जाने कि अनुमति ली|


जवाब में, उनके पिता ने उन्हें बताया कि वह जानते थे कि ए.पी.जे को दूर जाने की जरूरत है ताकि वह जीवन में आगे बढ़ सके। उन्होंने एक सीगल का उदाहरण दिया, जो आकाश में अकेले उड़ता है और कोई घोंसला नहीं बनाता है। इसका मतलब है कि इसका अपना घर नहीं है क्योंकि यह एक स्थान से दूसरे स्थान पर उड़ान भरता रहता है। जब ए.पी.जे की माँ को पता चला कि वह घर छोड़ने वाले है और उच्च अध्ययन के लिए रामनाथपुरम जाना चाहते है, तो वह परेशान हो गई। ए.पी.जे के पिता ने उन्हें शांत करने की कोशिश की और खलील जिब्रान द्वारा लिखित एक प्रसिद्ध कविता "योर चिल्ड्रन आर नॉट योर चिल्ड्रन" की कुछ पंक्तियाँ उन्हें सुनाई। उन्होंने कहा कि आपके बच्चे आपके बच्चे नहीं हैं, वे देश के बच्चे हैं। ऐसा मत सोचो कि आप अपने बच्चों पर शासन कर सकते हैं। वे स्वयं के लिए जीवन की इच्छा का परिणाम हैं। उनके अपने विचार हैं। उन्होंने उन्हें अपने विचारों को पूरा करने के लिए स्वतंत्रता देने के लिए कहा।


He told me as if thinking aloud, “Abul! I know you have to go away to grow. Does the seagull not fly across the sun, alone and without a nest?” He quoted Khalil Gibran to my hesitant mother, “Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself. They come through you but not from you. You may give them your love but not your thoughts. For they have their own thoughts.”


  • 1. Abdul Kalam was born into a middle-class Muslim family in Rameswaram. He had three brothers and a sister. His father was a generous and intelligent man. His mother was a pious woman. He lived in an ancestral house on Masjid Street. His father lived a simple life but provided all the necessities to the children. His parents were neither highly educated nor wealthy. Still were generous and kind. Many outsiders eat with family every day. Kalam inherited the qualities of honesty and self-discipline from his parents. Kalam was only 8 years old when World War II broke out in 1939. Then tamarind seeds were in great demand. Abdul used to collect and sell those seeds in the market. His cousin Shamsuddin distributed newspapers and employed him as a facilitator. In this way, he earned his first wage. He inherited the faith of goodness and kindness from his parents.

  • अब्दुल कलाम का जन्म रामेश्वरम में एक मध्यमवर्गीय मुस्लिम परिवार में हुआ था। उनके तीन भाई और एक बहन थी। उनके पिता एक उदार और बुद्धिमान व्यक्ति थे। उनकी माँ एक धर्मपरायण महिला थीं। वह मस्जिद स्ट्रीट पर एक पुश्तैनी घर में रहते थे। उनके पिता एक साधारण जीवन जीते थे, लेकिन बच्चों को सभी आवश्यकताएं प्रदान करते थे। उनके माता-पिता न तो उच्च शिक्षित थे और न ही धनी। फिर भी उदार और दयालु थे। कई बाहरी लोग हर दिन परिवार के साथ खाना खाते हैं। कलाम को अपने माता-पिता से ईमानदारी और आत्म-अनुशासन के गुण विरासत में मिले। कलाम केवल 8 साल के थे जब 1939 में द्वितीय विश्व युद्ध छिड़ गया था। तब इमली के बीज काफी मांग में थे। अब्दुल उन बीजों को बाजार में इकट्ठा करके बेचते थे। उनके चचेरे भाई शम्सुद्दीन ने समाचार पत्र वितरित किए और उन्हें एक सूत्रधार के रूप में नियुक्त किया। इस तरह, उन्होंने अपना पहला वेतन मिला। उन्हें अपने माता-पिता से अच्छाई और दया का विश्वास विरासत में मिला।

  • 2. Kalam's family respected all religions. He participated in Hindu festivals. His mother and grandmother told stories. In bed told the children about Ramayana and the life of the Prophet. Kalam had three friends - Rameswaram Shastri, an elder priest of the Rameswaram temple, Arvindam, and Shivprakash. He had a different religious background and upbringing. They never felt any difference between themselves. He adopted different professions when he grew up. One day when Abdul Rameswaram was in 5th grade at Elementary School, a new teacher came into his class. He wore a hat, which set him apart as a Muslim. Kalam always sat in the front row next to Ramanand Shastri, but the teacher could not tolerate the son of a Hindu priest sitting with a Muslim boy. Kalam was asked to sit on the backbench. Both friends felt very sad and told their parents about the incident after school. Ramanand's father called the teacher and told him not to spread the poison of communal hatred and social inequality in the minds of innocent children. He asked the teacher to apologize or leave school and the city. The teacher apologized and corrected himself.

  • कलाम के परिवार ने सभी धर्मों का सम्मान किया। उन्होंने हिंदू त्योहारों में भी भाग लिया। उनकी माँ और दादी रामायण और पैगंबर के जीवन के बारे में उन्हें कहानियां सुनाया करती थी। कलाम के तीन दोस्त थे - रामेश्वरम शास्त्री, रामेश्वरम मंदिर के एक बड़े पुजारी, अरविंदम के बेटे और शिवप्रकाश। उनकी एक अलग धार्मिक पृष्ठभूमि और परवरिश थी। उन्होंने कभी भी अपने बीच कोई अंतर महसूस नहीं किया। बड़े होने पर उन्होंने अलग-अलग पेशे अपनाए। एक दिन जब अब्दुल रामेश्वरम एलिमेंट्री स्कूल में 5 वीं कक्षा में थे, तब एक नया शिक्षक उनकी कक्षा में आया। उन्होंने एक टोपी पहनी थी, जो उन्हें एक मुस्लिम के रूप में अलग करती थी। कलाम हमेशा रामानंद शास्त्री के बगल में आगे की पंक्ति में बैठे थे, लेकिन शिक्षक एक मुस्लिम लड़के के साथ हिंदू पुजारी के बेटे को बर्दाश्त नहीं कर सके इसलिए उन्होंने कलाम को पीछे वाले बेंच पर बैठने को कहा। दोनों दोस्तों को बहुत दुख हुआ और उन्होंने अपने माता-पिता को स्कूल के बाद की घटना के बारे में बताया। रामानंद के पिता ने शिक्षक को बुलाया और कहा कि वह मासूम बच्चों के मन में सांप्रदायिक घृणा और सामाजिक असमानता का जहर न फैलाएं। उन्होंने शिक्षक से माफी मांगने या स्कूल और शहर छोड़ने को कहा। शिक्षक ने माफी मांगी और खुद को सुधारा।

  • 3. Once Abdul's science teacher invited him to dine at his house. His wife refused to serve kalam food in her kitchen as she believed in religious separation. The teacher himself served him food and sat down to eat for himself. His wife looked from behind the door and found no change in Abdul's behavior. After dinner, the teacher again invited him to join them the following weekend. This time the wife served food inside the kitchen with her hands.

  • एक बार अब्दुल के विज्ञान शिक्षक ने उन्हें अपने घर पर भोजन करने के लिए आमंत्रित किया। उनकी पत्नी ने रसोई में धार्मिक भोजन करने से इनकार कर दिया। शिक्षक ने खुद उसे खाना परोसा और खुद खाने के लिए बैठ गए। उनकी पत्नी ने दरवाजे के पीछे से देखा और अब्दुल के व्यवहार में कोई बदलाव नहीं पाया। रात के खाने के बाद, शिक्षक ने फिर से उन्हें अगले सप्ताह के अंत में शामिल होने के लिए आमंत्रित किया। इस बार पत्नी ने अपने हाथों से रसोई के अंदर भोजन परोसा।

  • 4. The second world war ended, Kalam asked his father to allow him to go to Ramanathapuram to study. His father knew that Kalam would have to go far to grow up and so he permitted him. He told his hesitating wife to give his love to his children, but do not impose his thoughts on them.

  • दूसरा विश्व युद्ध समाप्त हो गया, कलाम ने अपने पिता को रामवंतपुरम में पढ़ाई करने की अनुमति देने के लिए कहा। उनके पिता जानते थे कि कलाम को बड़ा होने के लिए बहुत दूर जाना होगा और इसलिए उन्होंने उसे अनुमति दी। उन्होंने अपनी पत्नी से कहा कि वह अपने बच्चों को अपना प्यार दे, लेकिन उन पर अपने विचार न थोपे।


    जवाब में, उनके पिता ने उसे बताया कि वह जानते थे कि ए.पी.जे को दूर जाने की जरूरत है ताकि वह जीवन में आगे बढ़ सके। उन्होंने एक सीगल का उदाहरण दिया, जो आकाश में अकेले उड़ता है और एक घोंसला नहीं रखता है। इसका मतलब है कि इसका अपना घर नहीं है क्योंकि यह एक स्थान से दूसरे स्थान पर उड़ान भरता रहता है। जब ए.पी.जे की माँ को पता चला कि वह घर छोड़ने वाले है और उच्च अध्ययन के लिए रामनाथपुरम जाना चाहते है, तो वह परेशान हो गई। ए.पी.जे के पिता ने उन्हें शांत करने की कोशिश की और खलील जिब्रान द्वारा लिखित एक प्रसिद्ध कविता 'चिल्ड्रन योर चिल्ड्रन’की कुछ पंक्तियाँ उन्हें बताईं। उन्होंने कहा कि आपके बच्चे आपके बच्चे नहीं हैं, वे जीवन के बच्चे हैं। ऐसा मत सोचो कि आप अपने बच्चों पर शासन(राज करना) कर सकते हैं। वे स्वयं के लिए जीवन की इच्छा का परिणाम हैं। उनके अपने विचार हैं। उन्होंने उन्हें अपने विचारों को पूरा करने के लिए स्वतंत्रता देने के लिए कहा।


    ABDUL KALAM was a boy with an ordinary appearance, Abdul Kalam had many sterling qualities since childhood. He had respect for his parents. He inherited honesty and self-discipline from his father, and from his mother inherited faith in goodness and deep kindness. Kalam was an entrepreneur and hard-working child. He collected tamarind seeds, when his demand had increased, and he earned one ana. He did everything assigned to him with full dedication. He suspended his cousin during World War II by stopping a train at Rameswaram. He was also a sensitive child and learned valuable lessons from his experiences. He learned early in life that caste-based segregation is a poison that should not be allowed to flourish. Kalam was also a progressive and decided his hometown at the right time to pursue further studies and move forward in life.
    साधारण दिखने वाले एक लड़के, अब्दुल कलाम में बचपन से ही कई स्टर्लिंग गुण थे। उन्हें अपने माता-पिता के प्रति सम्मान था। उन्हें अपने पिता से ईमानदारी और आत्म-अनुशासन विरासत में मिली थी, और अपनी माँ से अच्छाई और गहरी दया में विश्वास विरासत में मिला। कलाम एक उद्यमी और परिश्रमी बच्चे थे। उन्होंने इमली के बीजों को इकट्ठा किया और उसे बेचकर एक एना कमाया। उन्होंने पूेरे समर्पण के साथ उन्हें सौंपा गया हर काम किया। उन्होंने अपने चचेरे भाई को रामेश्वरम में ट्रेन रोककर द्वितीय विश्व युद्ध के दौरान निलंबित कर दिया था। वह एक संवेदनशील बच्चे भी थे, और उन्होंने अपने अनुभवों से बहुमूल्य सबक सीखे। उन्होंने जीवन में जल्दी सीखा कि जाति-आधारित अलगाव एक ऐसा ज़हर है, जिसे पनपने नहीं देना चाहिए। कलाम भी प्रगतिशील थे और अपने गृहनगर को आगे की पढ़ाई करने और जीवन में आगे बढ़ने के लिए सही समय पर तय किया।


  • 1.Abdul Kalam was born into a middle-class Muslim family in Rameswaram. He had three brothers and a sister. His father was a generous and intelligent man. His mother was a pious woman. He lived in an ancestral house on Masjid Street. His father lived a simple life but provided all the necessities to the children. His parents were neither highly educated nor wealthy. Still were generous and kind. Many outsiders ate with their family every day. Kalam inherited the qualities of honesty and self-discipline from his parents. Kalam was only 8 years old when World War II broke out in 1939. Then tamarind seeds were in great demand. Abdul used to collect and sell those seeds in the market. His cousin Shamsuddin distributed newspapers and employed him as a facilitator. In this way, he earned his first wage. He inherited the faith of goodness and kindness from his parents.

  • अब्दुल कलाम का जन्म रामेश्वरम में एक मध्यमवर्गीय मुस्लिम परिवार में हुआ था। उनके तीन भाई और एक बहन थी। उनके पिता एक उदार और बुद्धिमान व्यक्ति थे। उनकी माँ एक धर्मपरायण महिला थीं। वह मस्जिद स्ट्रीट पर एक पुश्तैनी घर में रहते थे। उनके पिता एक साधारण जीवन जीते थे, लेकिन बच्चों को सभी आवश्यकताएं प्रदान करते थे। उनके माता-पिता ना तो उच्च शिक्षित थे और ना ही धनी। फिर भी उदार और दयालु थे। कई बाहरी लोग हर दिन उनके परिवार के साथ खाना खाते हैं। कलाम को अपने माता-पिता से ईमानदारी और आत्म-अनुशासन के गुण विरासत में मिले। कलाम केवल 8 साल के थे जब 1939 में द्वितीय विश्व युद्ध छिड़ गया था। तब इमली के बीज काफी मांग में थे। अब्दुल उन बीजों को बाजार में इकट्ठा करके बेचते थे। उनके भाई शम्सुद्दीन ने समाचार पत्र वितरित किए और उन्हें एक सूत्रधार के रूप में नियुक्त किया। इस तरह, उन्हें अपना पहला वेतन मिला। उन्हें अपने माता-पिता से अच्छाई और दया का विश्वास विरासत में मिला।

  • 2. Kalam's family respected all religions. He participated in Hindu festivals. His mother and grandmother told stories. In bed told the children about Ramayana and the life of the Prophet. Kalam had three friends - Ramanadha Shastry, son of Aravindan, and Sivaprakasan. He had a different religious background and upbringing. They never felt any difference between themselves. He adopted different professions when he grew up. One day when Abdul was in 5th grade at Elementary School, a new teacher came into his class. He wore a hat, which set him apart as a Muslim. Kalam always sat in the front row next to Ramanand Shastri, but the teacher could not tolerate the son of a Hindu priest sitting with a Muslim boy. Kalam was asked to sit on the backbench. Both friends felt very sad and told their parents about the incident after school. Ramanand's father called the teacher and told him not to spread the poison of communal hatred and social inequality in the minds of innocent children. He asked the teacher to apologize or leave school and the city. The teacher apologized and corrected himself.

  • कलाम के परिवार ने सभी धर्मों का सम्मान किया। उन्होंने हिंदू त्योहारों में भाग लिया। उनकी माँ और दादी ने कहानियाँ सुनाईं। रात को सोते समय बिस्तर में बच्चों को रामायण और पैगंबर के जीवन के बारे में बताया। कलाम के तीन दोस्त थे - रमानधा शास्त्री, अरविंदम और शिवप्रकाश। उनकी एक अलग धार्मिक पृष्ठभूमि और परवरिश थी। उन्होंने कभी भी अपने बीच कोई अंतर महसूस नहीं किया। बड़े होने पर उन्होंने अलग-अलग पेशे अपनाए। एक दिन जब अब्दुल रामेश्वरम एलिमेंट्री स्कूल में 5 वीं कक्षा में थे, तब एक नया शिक्षक उनकी कक्षा में आया। उन्होंने एक टोपी पहनी थी, जो उन्हें एक मुस्लिम के रूप में अलग करती थी। कलाम हमेशा रामानंद शास्त्री के बगल में आगे की पंक्ति में बैठे थे, लेकिन शिक्षक एक मुस्लिम लड़के के साथ हिंदू पुजारी के बेटे को बर्दाश्त नहीं कर सकते थे। कलाम को पीछे वाले बेंच पर बैठने को कहा गया। दोनों दोस्तों को बहुत दुख हुआ और उन्होंने अपने माता-पिता को स्कूल के बाद की घटना के बारे में बताया। रामानंद के पिता ने शिक्षक को बुलाया और कहा कि वह मासूम बच्चों के मन में सांप्रदायिक घृणा और सामाजिक असमानता का जहर न फैलाएं। उन्होंने शिक्षक से माफी मांगने या स्कूल और शहर छोड़ने को कहा। शिक्षक ने माफी मांगी और खुद के विचारों को ठीक किया।

  • 3. Once Abdul's science teacher invited him to dine at his house. His wife refused to serve Kalam food in her kitchen as she believed in religious separation. The teacher himself served him food and sat down to eat for himself. His wife looked from behind the door and found no change in Abdul's behaviour. After dinner, the teacher again invited him to join them the following weekend. This time the wife served food inside the kitchen with her hands.

  • एक बार अब्दुल के विज्ञान शिक्षक ने उन्हें अपने घर पर भोजन करने के लिए आमंत्रित किया। उनकी पत्नी ने कलाम को खाना परोसने से मना कर दिया क्यूंकि वह धार्मिक अलगाव में विश्वास रखती थी। शिक्षक ने खुद उसे खाना परोसा और खुद खाने के लिए बैठ गए। उनकी पत्नी ने दरवाजे के पीछे से देखा और अब्दुल के व्यवहार में कोई बदलाव नहीं पाया। रात के खाने के बाद, शिक्षक ने फिर से उन्हें अगले सप्ताह के अंत में शामिल होने के लिए आमंत्रित किया। इस बार पत्नी ने अपने हाथों से रसोई के अंदर भोजन परोसा।

  • 4. The second world war ended, Kalam asked his father to allow him to go to Ramanathapuram to study. His father knew that Kalam would have to go far to grow up and so he permitted him. He told his hesitating wife to give his love to his children, but do not impose his thoughts on them.

  • दूसरा विश्व युद्ध समाप्त हो गया, कलाम ने अपने पिता को रामवंतपुरम में पढ़ाई करने की अनुमति देने के लिए कहा। उनके पिता जानते थे कि कलाम को बड़ा होने और कुछ करने के लिए बहुत दूर जाना होगा और इसलिए उन्होंने उसे अनुमति दी। उन्होंने अपनी झिझक से पत्नी से कहा कि वह अपने बच्चों को अपना प्यार दे, लेकिन उन पर अपने विचार ना थोपे।


    1. Elucidate the circumstances leading to a materially and emotionally secured childhood of Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam.
    ANSWER: Kalam was one of the live children of his parents. They lived in their ancestral house which was fairly a packhouse. his father used to avoid all inessential comforts and luxuries. However, all necessities were provided for, in terms of food, medicine or clothes. In lad, he would say he was a very secure childhood both materially and emotionally.

    2. Describe the circumstances which helped Kalam in earning his first wages during the outbreak of the Second World War.
    ANSWER: It was the time of the Second World War. India was forced to join the Allied Forces and a kind of a state of emergency was declared. As a result, the train halt at Rameswaram was suspended. The bundles of newspapers were thrown out of the moving train. They had to be collected. Now, Abdul Kalam’s cousin Samsuddin wanted a helping hand to catch the bundles. So, he engaged Abdul for this job and helped him earn his first wages. Abdul felt a great surge of pride when he earned his own money for the first time. He was beside himself with joy.

    3. What relationship did Kalam have with his three friends- Ramanadha Sastry, Aravindan and Sivaprakasan.
    ANSWER: Kalam had three close friends-Ramanadha Sastry, Aravindan and Sivaprakasan to his childhood. These boys were from orthodox Hindu Brahmin families. As children, none of them ever felt any difference amongst themselves because of their religious differences and upbringing. At school when Abdul looked utterly downcast, Ramanadha felt much and wept. The feeling was great.

    4. Describe the circumstances that led to Kalam’s punishment by his new teacher when he was in standard fifth.
    ANSWER: When Kalam was in the standard fifth then a new teacher came. He found a Muslim student sitting beside a Hindu student. He could not stomach a Hindu priest’s son sitting with a Muslim boy. In accordance with his social ranking a new teacher saw it. He was asked to go and sit on the backbench.

    5. How was the teacher compelled to withdraw the punishment inflicted on A. P.J. Abdul Kalam?
    ANSWER: Lakshman Sastry summoned the teacher, and in the presence of the children and their parents, he told the teacher that he should not spread the poison of social inequality and communal intolerance in the minds of innocent children. He bluntly asked the teacher to either apologise or quit school. The teacher realised it and thus he was compelled to withdraw his fault.

    6. How did Kalam’s science teacher, Sivasubramania Iyer, try to break social barriers in the small town of Rameswaram?
    ANSWER: Kalam’s science teacher Sivasubramania Iyer invited Kalam to have a meal in his house. His wife was very upset to sec a Muslim boy in her kitchen and did not help her husband. She was an orthodox woman. She hated him. The science teacher himself served the boy and sat beside him for his meal. In fact, lie tried to light against the social harries in the small town of Rameswaram. Next time when Kalam visited the teacher’s house his wife took him inside her kitchen and served him food with her own hands. Thus he tried to break social barriers in the small town of Rameswaram.


    ABDUL KALAM was a boy with an ordinary appearance, Abdul Kalam had many sterling qualities since childhood. He had respect for his parents. He inherited honesty and self-discipline from his father, and from his mother inherited faith in goodness and deep kindness. Kalam was a hard-working child. He collected tamarind seeds, when his demand had increased, and he earned one ana. He did everything assigned to him with full dedication. He was also a sensitive child and learned valuable lessons from his experiences. He learned early in life that caste-based segregation is a poison that should not be allowed to flourish. Kalam was also a progressive and decided to leave his hometown at the right time to pursue further studies and move forward in life.
    साधारण दिखने वाले एक लड़के, अब्दुल कलाम में बचपन से ही कई गुण थे। उन्हें अपने माता-पिता के प्रति सम्मान था। उन्हें अपने पिता से ईमानदारी और आत्म-अनुशासन विरासत में मिली थी, और अपनी माँ से अच्छाई और गहरी दया विरासत में मिला। कलाम एक परिश्रमी बच्चे थे। उन्होंने इमली के बीजों को इकट्ठा किया, जब उनकी मांग बढ़ गई थी, और उन्होंने एक एना कमाया। उन्होंने पूेरे समर्पण के साथ उन्हें सौंपा गया हर काम किया। वह एक संवेदनशील बच्चे भी थे, और उन्होंने अपने अनुभवों से बहुमूल्य सबक सीखे। उन्होंने जीवन में जल्दी सीखा कि जाति-आधारित अलगाव एक ऐसा ज़हर है, जिसे पनपने नहीं देना चाहिए। कलाम भी प्रगतिशील थे और अपने गृहनगर को आगे की पढ़ाई करने के लिए छोड़कर जीवन में आगे बढ़ने का फैसला उन्होंने सही समय पर लिया।


    1. Who is the only scientist to have become the President of India?
    ANSWER: Dr A. P. J. Abdul Kalam is the only scientist to have become the president of India.

    2. Name any three scholars who have been the present of India?
    ANSWER: Dr. Rajendra Prasad. Dr. S.P. Radha Krishnan, Dr. Zakir Hussain.

    3. Who is called the Missile man of India?
    ANSWER: Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam is called the Missile man of India.

    4. Do you remember any childhood experience of your own? If yes, narrate your experience.
    ANSWER: When I was a child, it so happened that I was on a morning walk with my father. I had a glance at a beautiful park in front of a big house. There were so many beautiful flowers of different colours. I had a kind of weakness for rose flowers. So, I sneaked into the garden to get a few flowers. No sooner did I enter the garden, a fierce-looking dog pounced upon me. He started barking and I started screaming. I was trying to save myself. When the lady of the house came rushing and saved me. She did not scold me but advised me not to enter any one’s garden without the master’s permission. I realised it was my great experience.

    5. Who were the parents of Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam?
    ANSWER: Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam’s father was Jainulabdeen and mother was Ashiamma.

    6. When was his ancestral house built?
    ANSWER: His ancestral house was built in the middle of the nineteenth century.

    7. When did the Second World War break out?
    ANSWER: The Second World War broke out in 1939 A.D.

    8. What qualities did he inherit from his parents?
    ANSWER: He inherited honesty and self-discipline from his father and from his mother. He inherited faith in goodness and deep kindness.

    9. What was the occupation of his family?
    ANSWER: His family used to arrange boats with a special platform for carrying idols of the lord from the temple to the marriage site.

    10. How did the new teacher behave with Kalam and what did he do?
    ANSWER: The new teacher could not digest a Hindu priest’s son sitting with a Muslim boy. He asked Kalam to go and sit on the backbench.

    11. What profession did his three friends adopt on growing adult?
    ANSWER: Ramnadha Sastry took over the priesthood of the Rameswaram temple from his father. Aravindan went into the business of arranging transport for visiting Pilgrims and Sivaprakasan became a catering contractor for the Southern Railways.

    12. How many brothers and sisters did Kalam have?
    ANSWER: Kalam has three brothers and one sister.

    13. Point out the modes and manners of Sivasubramania Iyer, Kalam’s Science teacher?
    ANSWER: Kalam’s Science teacher Sivasubramaria Iyer did his best to break social barriers so that people from varying backgrounds could mingle easily. He used to spend hours with Kalam and even invite him for a meal in his house.

    14. Who was the eleventh President of India?
    ANSWER: Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam was the eleventh President of India.

    15. Who was the man whose projects in space, defence and nuclear technology guided India into the twenty-first century?
    ANSWER: Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam projects in space, defence and nuclear technology guided India into the twenty-first century.

    16. Where did Kalam go for his higher studies after leaving Rameswaram?
    ANSWER: Kalam went to the district headquarters in Ramanathapuram for his higher studies after leaving Rameswaram.

    17. Why did Sivasubramania Iyer invite Kalam to his house? What was the reaction of Iyer’s wife?
    ANSWER: Sivasubramania Iyer Kalam’s science teacher invited Kalam to his house for a meal. Iyer, though an orthodox Brahmin with a very conservative wife. He wanted people to develop religious tolerance.

    18. When was India’s freedom declared imminent?
    ANSWER: Indian freedom was declared imminent when the Second World War was over.


    Question 1. Where was Abdul Kalam’s house?
    ANSWER: Abdul Kalam's house was in Masjid Street in Rameshwaram town in the state of Tamil Nadu.

    Question 2. What do you think Dinamani is the name of? Give a reason for your answer.
    ANSWER: Dinamani is the name of a newspaper. It is a vernacular daily, printed in the Tamil language. I think so because Kalam says that he can read the stories of the war in the headlines of the Dinamani.

    Question 3. Who were Abdul Kalam’s school friends? What did they later become?
    ANSWER:Abdul Kalam had three friends. Their names are Ramanadha Sastry, Aravindan and Sivaprakasan. When he grew up, Ramananda Shastri became a priest of the Rameswaram temple, Aravindan started the business of taking pilgrims from the Rameswaram temple and Sivaprakasan became a caterer for the railways.

    Question 4. How did Abdul Kalam earn his first wages?
    ANSWER: During World War II, when trains were cancelled at Rameswaram, newspapers were bundled and thrown from the moving train. Kalam's cousin, who distributed newspapers, asked him to help collect these bundles. This work helped Abdul Kalam earn his first salary.

    Question 5. Had he earned any money before that? In what way?
    ANSWER: Yes, Abdul Kalam had earned some money before that. When the Second World War broke out, there was a large demand for tamarind seeds in the market. He collects the seeds and sells them at a provision shop on Mosque Street. This helped him earn one anna a day.

    Question 6. How does the author describe: (i) his father, (ii) his mother, (iii) himself?
    ANSWER: The author, (i)Abdul Kalam describes his father as an honest and generous person. He neither had much formal education nor much wealth. However, he had great instincts and a kind heart. He was self-disciplined and avoided all unqualified luxuries.
    (ii) She describes her mother, Aashiyamma, as an ideal assistant for her husband. She was a woman with a big heart who fed food to many people every day.
    (iii) He describes himself as a little boy who has undistinguished looks. He possessed the qualities of honesty, self-discipline, and kindness that he had inherited from his parents.

    Question 7.What characteristics does he say he inherited from his parents?
    ANSWER: The author inherited a legacy of humility and philanthropy from his parents. He learned the lesson of honesty and loyalty from his parents. He was self-disciplined due to the exemplary life of his parents.


    1. How does Abdul Kalam describe his mother?
    ANSWER: Ashiamma Kalam, Kalam's mother, was tall, attractive, and devoted to her children. Her husband found her to be an excellent helpmate. She was a gentle and kind lady with deep kindness and faith in goodness. She, like her husband, was very generous and fed a number of outsiders on a daily basis. She instilled in Kalam the values of kindness and generosity. She instilled in Kalam the values of kindness and generosity.

    2. How was Kalam’s appearance different from that of his parents?
    ANSWER: Kalam did not take after his tall and handsome parents. He was a rather short boy with average looks. Unlike his parents who had quite striking features, his appearance was undistinguished.

    3. Briefly describe Abdul Kalam’s ancestral house.
    ANSWER: Abdul Kalam’s ancestral house was situated on the Mosque Street in Rameswaram. It had been built in the middle of nineteenth century and was a fairly large house made of limestone and brick.


    Question 1. What were the qualities that Abdul Kalam admired in his parents?
    Answer: Kalam’s parents were noble and generous people. Though his father was an austere man, he provided his family with all necessities, in terms of food, medicine, or clothes. He admired his father’s honesty and self-discipline and his mother’s faith in goodness and kindness. He admired his parents for respecting all religions.

    Question 2. Kalam’s childhood was a secure one both materially and emotionally. Illustrate.
    Answer: APJ Abdul Kalam called his childhood a secure one because he had loving and caring parents who gave love and guidance to their children and took care of their emotional and physical needs. They provided their children with all necessities, in terms of food, medicine, or clothes.

    Question 3. How does Kalam show his father was a simple man?
    Answer: Kalam’s father was a simple self-disciplined man. He neither had formal education nor much wealth and he avoided all inessential comforts and luxuries.

    Question 4. What kind of a person was Kalam’s father?
    Answer: Abdul Kalam’s father, Jainulabdin, was a tall and handsome man. Although he did not have much formal education, he was progressive and valued education. He was an austere man and didn’t have much wealth, however, he was a generous man and provided both material and emotional security to his family. He was a very practical man with a vast store of wisdom and never obstructed the progressive ways of his children.

    Question 5. How does Abdul Kalam describe his mother?
    Answer: Kalam’s mother, Ashiamma, was tall, good-looking, and very attached to her children. She was an ideal helpmate to her husband. She was a gentle and kind lady with faith in goodness and deep kindness. Like her husband, she was very generous and fed a number of outsiders daily. Kalam inherited the values of kindness and generosity from her. Kalam inherited the values of kindness and generosity from her.


    Innate- inborn; (a quality or feeling) in one’s nature, जन्‍मजात
    Gnerosity of spirit- his soul sought to help others who were needy, आत्मा की उदारता
    Undistinguished- ordinary, साधारण
    Ancestral- ancestral, पैतृक
    Limestone- a type of hard white sedimentary rock that is used for building or for making cement, चूना-पत्‍थर
    Austere- without decoration, अति साधारण और सरल
    Tamarind seeds- kind of fruit, इमली के बीज
    Suspension- not being allowed to do your job, किसी को अपने पद, नौकरी आदि से कुछ समय के लिए हटाने की क्रिया
    Orthodox- that most people believe, do or accept, रूढ़िवादी
    Pilgrims- a person who travels a long way to visit a religious place, तीर्थयात्री
    Prophet- a person who says what will happen in the future, भविष्‍यवक्ता
    Weeping- to let tears fall because of strong emotion; to cry, आँसू बहाना
    Summoned- to order a person to come to a place, किसी व्यक्ति को किसी स्‍थान पर पहुँचने का आदेश देना
    Poison- a substance that kills or harms you if you eat or drink it, विष, ज़हर
    Bluntly- speaking in a direct and honest way, even if this offends, सीधे और ईमानदार तरीके से बोलना, भले ही यह अपमानजनक
    Conviction- the action of finding somebody guilty of a crime in a court of law, न्‍यायालय द्वारा अपराधी ठहराए जाने की क्रिया
    Segregation- separation, अलग करने या होने की क्रिया
    Rebel- a person who refuses to obey people in authority or to accept rules, विद्रोही
    Perturbed- upset, परेशान


    Question 1. How was Kalam’s appearance different from that of his parents?
    Answer: Kalam did not take after his tall and handsome parents. He was a rather short boy with average looks. Unlike his parents who had quite striking features, his appearance was undistinguished.

    Question 2. Briefly describe Abdul Kalam’s ancestral house.
    Answer: Abdul Kalam’s ancestral house was situated on Mosque Street in Rameshwaram. It had been built in the middle of the nineteenth century and was a fairly large, pucca house made of limestone and brick.

    Question 3. How did the Second World War give Abdul Kalam the opportunity to earn his first wages?
    Answer: When the stoppage of trains was cancelled at Rameshwaram because of World War II, Kalam’s cousin, Samsuddin, who distributed newspapers in Rameswaram, asked him for help in collecting newspaper bundles which were thrown from the moving train. This helped Abdul Kalam earn his first wages.

    Question 4. What are Kalam’s views about his first job?
    Answer: As a young boy, Kalam earned his first wage by helping his cousin, Samsuddin, collect papers thrown from a moving train for distribution. Half a century later, Kalam would still fil the surge of pride in earning his own money for the first time.

    Question 5. Had Kalam earned any money before that? In what way?
    Answer: When the Second World War broke out in 1939, there was a sudden demand for tamarind seeds in the market. Kalam collected these seeds and sold them to earn an anna a day which was a big amount for a small boy like him in those days.


    Innate: inborn; (a quality or filing) in one’s nature; जन्‍मजात
    Generosity of spirit: his soul sought to help others who were in need; आत्मा की उदारता
    Undistinguished: ordinary; साधारण
    Ancestral: of, belonging to, or inherited from an ancestor or ancestors; पैतृक
    Limestone;a type of hard white sedimentary rock that is used for building or for making cement; चूना-पत्‍थर
    Austere: having a plain and unadorned appearance; अति साधारण और सरल
    Tamarind seeds: kind of fruit;इमली के बीज
    Suspension: not being allowed to do your job; किसी को अपने पद, नौकरी आदि से कुछ समय के लिए हटाने की क्रिया
    Orthodox: that most people believe, do or accept; usual; रूढ़िवादी
    Pilgrims: a person who travels a long way to visit a religious place; तीर्थयात्री
    Prophet: a person who says what will happen in the future; भविष्‍यवक्ता
    Wiping: to let tears fall because of strong emotion; to cry; आँसू बहाना
    Summoned: to order a person to come to a place;किसी व्यक्ति को किसी स्‍थान पर पहुँचने का आदेश देना
    Poison: a substance that kills or harms you if you eat or drink it;विष, ज़हर
    Bluntly: speaking in a direct and honest way, even if this offends;सीधे और ईमानदार तरीके से बोलना, भले ही यह अपमानजनक
    Conviction: the action of finding somebody guilty of a crime in a court of law;न्‍यायालय द्वारा अपराधी ठहराए जाने की क्रिया
    Segregation: separation;अलग करने या होने की क्रिया
    Rebel: a person who refuses to obey people in authority or to accept rules;विद्रोही
    Perturbed: upset;परेशान