Class 12 | PHYSICS |
Chapter | CAPACITORS |
HC VERMA | worked out examples |
Medium | English |
Academic Year | 2023-2024 |
Question 1
A parallel plate capacitor has plates of area 200cm2 and separation between the plates 1.00 mm. What potential difference will be developed if a charge of 1.00 nC )(i.e., 1.00×10−9C) is given to the capacitor? If the plate separation is now increased to 2.00 mm, what will be the new potential difference?View SolutionQuestion 10
Three capacitors of capacitances 2μF, 3μF and 6μF are connected in series with a 12 V battery. All the connecting wire are disconnected, the three positive plates are connected together and the three negative plates are connected together. Find the charges on the three capacitors after the reconnection. View SolutionQuestion 12
Each of the three plates shown in figure has an area of 200 cm^2 on one side and the gap between the adjacent plates is 0.2 mm. The emf of the battery is 20V. Find the distribution of charge on various surfaces of the plates. What is the equivalent capacitance of the system between the terminal points?Question 18
A parallel plate capacitor is formed by two plates, each of area 100cm2, separated by a distance of 1 mm. A dielectric of dielectric constant 5.0 and dielectric strength 1.9×107Vm−1 is filled between the plates. Find the maximum charge that can be stored on the capacitor without causing any dielectric breakdown.View SolutionQuestion 20
Figure shown a parallel-plate capacitor having square plates of edge a and plate-separation d. The gap between the plates is filled with a dielectric of dielectric constant K which varies parallel to an edge as K=K0+αx, where K and α are constants and x is the distance from the left end. Calculate the capacitance.Question 21
A parallel plate capacitor of capacitance 100μF is connected a power supply of 200V. A dielectric slab of dielectric constant 5 is now inserted into the gap between the plates. (a) Find the extra charge flown through the power supply and the work done by the supply. (b) Find the change in the electrostatic energy of the electric field in the capacitor.View SolutionQuestion 22
Shown a parallel plate capacitor with plates of width b and length l. The separation between the platesis d. The plates are rigidly clamped and connected to a battery of emf V. A dielectric slab of thickness d and dielectric constant K is slowly inserted between the plates. (a) Calculate the energy of the system when a length x of the slab is introduced into the capacitor. (b) what force should be applied on teh slab to ensure that is goes slowly into the capacitor? Neglect any effect of friction or gravity.Question 23
A parallel-plate capacitor is placed in such a way that its plates are horizontal and the lower plate is dipped into a liquid of dielectric constant K and density ρ. Each plate has an area A. The plates are now connected to a battery which supplies a positive charge of magnitude Q to the upper plate. Find the rise in the level of the liquid in the space between the plates. (figure)