Class 12 | PHYSICS |
DC PANDEY ENGLISH | Integer Type Questions |
Medium | English |
Academic Year | 2023-2024 |
Question 5
If an orbital electron of the hydrogen atom jumps from the groud state to a higher energy state, its orbital value where its velcoity is reduced to half its initial value.. If the radius of the electron orbit in the ground state is r, then the radius of the new orbit would be:View SolutionQuestion 44
Consider a hydrogen-like atom whose energy in nth excited state is given byQuestion 48
In a Coolidge tube, the potential difference used to accelerate the electrons is increased from 12.4kV to 24.8kV. As a result, the difference between the wavelengths of Kα-line and minimum wavelength becomes thrice. The wavelength of the Kα line is 0.25×KA∘. Find the value of K. hce=(12.4KVA∘)View SolutionQuestion 53
Consider the following energiesQuestion 55
Half lives of two isotopes X and Y of a material are known to be 2×109 years and 4×109 years respectively if a planet was formed with equal number of these isotopes, then the current age of planet, given that currently the material has 20% of X and 80% of Y by number, will be:View SolutionQuestion 78
There are two radio nuceli A and B.A is an α emitter and B a β emitter. Their disintegration constant are in the ratio of 1:2 What should be the ratio of number of atoms of A and B at any time t so that probabilities of getting alpha and beta particles are same at that instant? View SolutionQuestion 82
A radioactive source in the form of a metal sphere of diameter 3.2×10^ −3 m emits β-particle at a constant rate of 6.25×10^ 10 particle/sec. The source is electrically insulated and all the β-particle are emitted from the surface. The potential of the sphere will rise to 1 V in time View SolutionQuestion 91
Two separate monochromatic light beams A and B of the same intensity (energy per unit area per unit time) are falling normally on a unit area of a metallic surface. Their wavelength are λA and λB respectively. Assuming that all the the incident light is used in ejecting the photoelectrons, the ratio of the number of photoelectrons from beam A to that from B isView SolutionQuestion 92
In the Bohr model of a hydrogen atom, the centripetal force is furnished by the Coulomb attraction between the proton and the electrons. If a0 is the radius of the ground state orbit, m is the mass and e is the charge on the electron and e0 is the vacuum permittivity, the speed of the electron is View SolutionQuestion 93
Average life ofa radioactive sample is 4 ms Initially the total number of nuclie is N0 A charged capacitor of capacity 20μf is connected across a resistor R. The value of R such that ratio of number of nuclei remaining to the charge on capacitor remains constant with time is View SolutionQuestion 97
Light coming from a discharge tube filled with hydrogen falls on the cathode of the photoelectric cell. The work function of the surface of cathode is 4eV Which one of the following values of the anode voltage (in volts ) with respect to the cathode willl likely to make the photoo current zero. View SolutionQuestion 100
In a hypothetical atom, potential energy between electron and proton at distance r is given by (−ke24r2) where k is a constant Suppose Bohr theory of atomic structrures is valid and n is principle quantum number, then total energy E is proportional to 1) n^5 2) n^2 3) n^6 4) n^4View SolutionQuestion 104
The only source of energy in a particular star is the fusion reaction given by -Question 107
If light of wavelength of maximum intensity emitted from surface at temperature T1 Is used to cause photoelectric emission from a metallic surface, the maximum kinetic energy of the emitted electron is 6 ev, which is 3 time the work function of the metallic surface. If light of wavelength of maximum intensity emitted from a surface at temperature T2(T2=2T1) is used, the maximum kinetic energy of the photo electrons emitted is View SolutionQuestion 108
When photon of wavelength λ1 are incident on an isolated shere supended by an insulated , the corresponding stopping potential is found to be V. When photon of wavelength λ2 are used , the orresponding stopping potential was thrice the above value. If light of wavelength λ3 is used , carculate the stopping potential for this case.View SolutionQuestion 112
The electron in a hydrogen atom makes a transition n1→n2, where n1 and n2 are the principle quantum numbers of the two states. Assume the Bohr model to be valid. The time period of the electron in the initial state is eight times that in the final state. the possible values of n1 and n2 are View SolutionQuestion 124
Photoelectric effect supports quantum nature of light becauseQuestion 129
An unstable nucleus X can decay into two stable nuclie Y and Z A sample containing only X is taken at t=0 Three graphs loge(Nx vs t,Nx, vs t and Nz vs t are drawn as shown below Here Nx,Ny and Nz represent number of nuclei of X,Y and Z repectively at any instant. tQuestion 130
An electron , initiallty at rest is released from a large distance from a proton (fixed in space ). The de-broglie wavelength of the electron when it is at distance r from proton is λ the ratio of its kinetic energy at this distance with the kinetic energy of the electron is ground stae of hydrogen atom (Bohr model) with the radius of its orbit being r, is α Pick the correct options (s) View SolutionQuestion 131
A nucleus X of mass M. intially at rest undergoes alpha decay according to the equationQuestion 132
Consider an atom made up of a protons and a hypothetical particle of triple the mass of electron but having same charge as electron. Apply bohr model and consider all possible transition of this hypothetical from second excited state to lower states.The possible wavelengths emitted is (are) (given in term of the Rydberg constant R for the hydrogen atom)View SolutionQuestion 144
Light of wavelength 330nm falling on a piece of metal ejects electrons with sufficient energy with required voltage V0 to prevent them reaching a collector. In the same set up, light of wavelength 220nm ejects electrons which require twice the voltage V0 to stop them in reaching a collector. the numerical value of voltage V0 is View SolutionQuestion 145
Light of wavelength 0.6μm from a sodium lamp falls on a photocell and causes the emission of photoelectrons for which the stopping potential is 0.5V. With light of wavelength 0.4μm from a murcury vapor lamp, the stopping potential is 1.5V. Then, the work function [in electron volts] of the photocell surface isView SolutionQuestion 149
A target element A is bombarded with electrons and the wavelengths of the characterstic spectrum are measured. A second characteristic spectrum is also obtained , because of an impurity in the target. The wavelengths of the Kα lines are 196 pm (element A) and 169 pm (impurity). If the atomic number of impurity is z=(10λ−1) . Find the value of λ . (atomic number of element A is 27).View SolutionQuestion 150
A moving hydrogen atom makes a head on collision with a stationary hydrogen atom. Before collision both atoms are in in ground state and after collision they move together. What is the minimum value of the kinetic energy of the moving hydrogen atom, such that one of the atoms reaches one of the excited state?View SolutionQuestion 151
A radioactive sample contains two different types of radioactive nuclei. A-with half-time 5 days and B-type with half life 30 days. Initially the decay rate of A-type nuclei is 64 times that of B type of nuclei . Their decay rates will be equal when time is 9n days. Find the value of n.View Solution