Class 12 | PHYSICS |
Chapter | WAVE MOTION |
Medium | English |
Academic Year | 2023-2024 |
Question 11
A sinusoidal wave is propagating along a streched string that lies along the x-axis. The displacement of the string as a function of time is graphed in for particles at x-0 and at x=0.0900 m. (a) what is the amplitude of the wave? (b)what is the period of the wave? (c ) you are told that the two points x=0 and x=0.0900 m are within one wavelength of each other. if the wave is moving in the +x-direction, determine the wavelength and the wave speed. (d) if instead the wave is moving in the -x-direction, determine the wavelength and the wave speed. (e) would it be possible to derermine definitely the wavelength in parts (c ) and (d) if you were not told that the two points were within one wavelength of each other? why ot why not?Question 17
y(x,t)=0.8[(4x+5t)2+5] represents a moving pulse where x and y are in metre and t in second. Then,choose the correct alternative(s):Question 21
The figure represents the instantaneous picture of a transverse harmonic wave travelling along the negative x-axis . Choose the correct alternative(s) realted to the movement of the nine points shown in the figure [more than one option may be correct ]Question 23
The figure represents the instantaneous picture of a transverse harmonic wave travelling along the negative x-axis . Choose the correct alternative(s) realted to the movement of the nine points shown in the figure [more than one option may be correct ]Question 30
Question 31
A string of length L consists of two distinct sections. The left half has linear mass density μ1=μ0/2 while the right half has linear mass density μ2=3μ0 . Tension in the string is F0 . The time required for a transverse wave pulse to travel from one end of the string to the other is View SolutionQuestion 32
A transverse wave is tranvelling in a string at any moment a small element 'dx' is at inclination 30∘ with the direction of propagation of the wave. After some time interval its inclination changes to 60∘ with direction of propagation. Potential energy of this small element is initially U0 and finally it is KU0, value of K is View SolutionQuestion 33
A long rubber tube having mass 0.9kg is fastened to a fixed support and the free end of the tube is attached to a cord which passase over a pulley and supports an object, with a mass of 5 kg as shown in fig. If the tube is struck by a transvers blow at one end, the time required for the pulse to reach the 49 other end is (linear density of tube =49625kg/m )Question 36
The figure shows a snap photograph of a vibrating string at t=0. The particle P is observed moving up with velocity 20√3cm/s. The tangent at P makes an angle 60∘ with x-axis.Question 40
One end of a 60m long rope of mass 1.8 kg is tied to a rigid horizontal support held high above the ground. The rope hangs vertically and kept taut by a weight 'W' suspended at its lower end. A person jerks the lower end of the rope sideways in a sinusoidal manner and a transverse wave of frequency 2 Hz and amplitude 10cm passes along the rope such that there are 2 cycles of the wave in the total length of the rope. Neglecting the weight of the rope as compared to the suspended weight W and with g = 10m/s2, answer the following questions. (S=75×10−4m2)Question 41
One end of a 60m long rope of mass 1.8 kg is tied to a rigid horizontal support held high above the ground. The rope hangs vertically and kept taut by a weight 'W' suspended at its lower end. A person jerks the lower end of the rope sideways in a sinusoidal manner and a transverse wave of frequency 2 Hz and amplitude 10cm passes along the rope such that there are 2 cycles of the wave in the total length of the rope. Neglecting the weight of the rope as compared to the suspended weight W and with g = 10m/s2, answer the following questions. (S=75×10−4m2)Question 50
Two strings of the same material and the same area of cross-section are used in sonometer experiment. One is loaded with 12kg and the other with 3 kg. The fundamental frequency of the first string is equal to the first overtone of the second string. If the length of the second string is 100 cm, then the length of the first string isView SolutionQuestion 53
A composition string is made up by joining two strings of different masses per unit length 1g/ m and 4 g/m. The composite string is under the same tension. A transverse wave pulse : Y = (6 mm) sin(5t + 40x), where it is in seconds and 'x' in meters, is sent along the lighter string towards the joint. The joint is at x = 0. The equation of the wave pulse reflected from the joint isView SolutionQuestion 57
The fundamental frequency of a sonometer wire increases by 6Hz if its tension is increased by 44% , keeping the length constant . Find the change in the fundamental frequency of the sonometer wire when the length of the wire is increased by 20% , keeping the original tension in the wire constant. View SolutionQuestion 58
As a charged particle 'q' moving with a velocity →v enters a uniform magnetic field →B, it experience a force →F=q(→v×→B).Forθ=0∘or180∘,θ being the angle between →vand→B, force experienced is zero and the particle passes undeflected. For θ=90∘, the particle moves along a circular arc and the magnetic force (qvB) provides the necessary centripetal force (mv2/r). For other values of θ(θ≠0∘,180∘,90∘), the charged particle moves along a helical path which is the resultant motion of simultaneous circular and translational motions.Question 60
Two wires of different densities are soldered together end to end then stretched under tension T. The waves speed in the first wire is twice that in the second wire.Question 61
Two waves of nearly same amplitude , same frequency travelling with same velocity are superimposing to give phenomenon of interference . If a1 and a2 be their respectively amplitudes , ω be the frequency for both , v be the velocity for both and Δϕ is the phase difference between the two waves then , View SolutionQuestion 65
A string vibrates according to the equation y=5sinπx3cos40πtQuestion 70
A somoneter wire resonates with a given tuning fork forming standing waves with five antindoes between the two bridges when a mass of 9 kg is suspended from the wire. Resonates with the same tuning fork forming three antindoes for the same postions of the bridges. the value of M is View SolutionQuestion 71
The elecron is a hydrogen atoms makes a transition n1→n2 where n1andn2 are the principal quantum numbers of two states. Assume the Bohr model to be be valid. The time period of the electron in the initial state is eight times of the final state. Teh possible values of n1andn2 are View SolutionQuestion 76
At room temperature, a dilute solution of urea is prepared by dissolving 0.60 g of urea in 360 g of water. If the vapour pressure of pure water at this temperature is 35 mm Hg, lowering of vapour pressure will be 1.74×10−x mm Hg. The numerical value of x is _____________. (Molar mass of urea = 60 g mol−1). View SolutionQuestion 77
A window whose area is 2m2 opens on street where the street noise result in an intensity level at the window of 60 dB. How much acoustic power enters the window via sound waves. Now if an acoustic absorber is fitted at the window, how much energy from street will it collect in 5 h?View SolutionQuestion 78
Two identical speakers emit sound waves of frequency 660Hz uniformly in all directions. The audio output of each speaker is 1mW and the speed of sound in air. A point P is a distance 2m from one speaker and 3m from the other. If they are driven coherently but out of phase by 180∘ , the intensity at the point 'P' isQuestion 80
On a frictionless horizontal surface , assumed to be the x−y plane , a small trolley A is moving along a straight line parallel to the y−axis ( see figure) with a constant velocity of (√3−1)m/s . At a particular instant , when the line OA makes an angle of 45(∘) with the x− axis , a ball is thrown along the surface from the origin O. Its velocity makes an angle ϕ with the x− axis and it hits the trolley .Question 87
A source is moving across a circle given by the equation x2+y2=R2 with constant speed vS=330π6√3m/s. In clockwise sense. A detector is stationary at the point (2R,0)w.r.t. the centre of the circle. The frequency emitted by the source is fS.Question 88
A narrow tube is bend in the form of a circle of radius R, as shown in the figure. Two small holes S and D are made in the tube at the positions right angle to each other. A source placed at S generated a wave of intensity I0 which is equally divided into two parts : One part travels along the longer path, while the other travels along the shorter path. Both the parts wave meet at the point D where a detector is placed.Question 89
A narrow tube is bend in the form of a circle of radius R, as shown in the figure. Two small holes S and D are made in the tube at the positions right angle to each other. A source placed at S generated a wave of intensity I0 which is equally divided into two parts : One part travels along the longer path, while the other travels along the shorter path. Both the parts wave meet at the point D where a detector is placed.Question 90
A narrow tube is bent in the form of a circle of radius R, as shown in figure. Two small holes S and D are made in the tube at the position at right angle to each other. A source placed at S generates a wave of intensity I0 which two parts: one part travels along the longer path, while the other travels along the shorter path. Both the waves meet at point D where a detector is placed.Question 96
Electron exicted from lower orbit to higher orbit and returns back to ground state from excited state with a life time1 nanosecond by emitting a photon of wave length 600nm. Calculate uncertainity in the energy of the excited state. Also calculate the percentage uncertainity, if the energy is measured from ground state. View SolutionQuestion 97
Question 101
Chemical reactions are invariably associated with the transfter of energy either in the form of heat or light. In the laboratory, heat changes in physical and chemical processes are measured with an instrument called calorimeter. Heat change in the process is calculated asQuestion 103
A glass tube of 1.0m length is filled with water . The water can be drained out slowly at the bottom of the tube . If a vibrating tuning fork of frequency 500c/s is brought at the upper end of the tube and the velocity of sound is 330m/s, then the total number of resonances obtained will be View SolutionQuestion 107
Two uniform wire are vibrating simultaneously in their fundamental modes. The tensions, lengths, diameters, and the densities of the two wires are in the ratios, 8:1,36:35,4:1,1:2 respectively. If the note of higher pitch has a frequency of 360Hz the number of beats produced per second isView SolutionQuestion 110
A long tube open at the top is fixed verticallly and water level inside the tube can be moved up or down . A vibrating tuning fork is held above the open end and the water level is pushed down gradually so as to get first and second resonance at 24.1cm and 74.1cm , respectively below the open end . The diameter of the tube is View SolutionQuestion 116
A string 25cm long and having a mass of 2.5g is under tension. A pipe closed at one end is 40cm long . When the string is set vibrating in its first overtone and the air in the pipe in its fundamental frequency, 8 beats per second are heard . It is observed that decreasing the tencion in the string decrease the beat frequency. If the speed of sound in air is 320m/s, find the tension in the string.View SolutionQuestion 121
The air column in a pipe closed at one end is made to vibrate in its third over tone by tuning fork of frequency 220Hz. The speed of sound in air is 330m/sec. End correction may be neglected. Let P0 denote the mean pressure at any point in the pipe and ΔP0 the maximum amplitude of pressure vibrationQuestion 122
The air column in a pipe closed at one end is made to vibrate in its third over tone by tuning fork of frequency 220Hz. The speed of sound in air is 330m/sec. End correction may be neglected. Let P0 denote the mean pressure at any point in the pipe and ΔP0 the maximum amplitude of pressure vibrationQuestion 123
The air column in a pipe closed at one end is made to vibrate in its third over tone by tuning fork of frequency 220Hz. The speed of sound in air is 330m/sec. End correction may be neglected. Let P0 denote the mean pressure at any point in the pipe and ΔP0 the maximum amplitude of pressure vibrationQuestion 126
In a standing wave pattern obtained in an open tube filled with Iodine, due to vibrations of frequency 800 cycle/sec the dist between first node, eleventh node is found to be 1 m when the temperature of iodine vapour is 352∘C. If the temperature is 127∘C , the distance between consecutive nodes is (in centimeters) (approximately). View SolutionQuestion 127
Two sound waves of frequencies 100Hz and 102Hz and having same amplitude 'A' are interfering. At a stationary detector, which can detect resultant amplitude greater than or equal to A. So, in a given time interval of 12 seconds, finds the total duration in which detector is active.View SolutionQuestion 131
A motor cycle starts from rest and accelerates along a straight path at 2m/s2. At the straight point of the motor cycle there is a stationary electric siren. How far has the motor cycle gone when the driver hears the frequency of the siren at 94% of its value when the motor cycle was al rest? (Speed of sound = 330ms−1)View SolutionQuestion 135
A police car moving at 22ms−1 chases a motor cyclist. The police man sounds horn at 176 Hz. While both of them move towards a stationary siren of frequency 165 Hz. If the number of beats heard by the motor cyclist per second is zero, then the speed of motorcycle is (Speed of sound in air =330ms−1)View SolutionQuestion 138
Question 140
A source of sound emitting a frequency 660 Hz is moving counter-clockwise in a circular path of radius 2 metres with an angular velocity 15 rad/s. A recorder at a distance from the source is moving simple harmonically along a straight line with an amplitude 2 metres. The frequency of SHM is 152π per second. The arrangement is shown in figure. When the source is at point A the detector is at D. Find the maximum and minimum frequencies recorded. Velocity of sound in air at this temperature can be taken as 300 m/sQuestion 142
Question 143
A sounding body of negligible dimension emiting a frequency of 150 Hz is dropped from a height. During its fall under gravity it passes near a ballon moving up with a constant velocity of 2 m/s . One second after is started to fall , the difference in the frequency observed by the man in ballon just before and just after crossing the body will be (given that velocity of sound = 300 m/s , g = 10m/s2)View SolutionQuestion 145
A source of sound attached to the bob of a simple pendulum execute SHM. The difference between the apparent frequency of sound as received by an observer during its approach and recession at the mean position of the SHM motion is 2% of the natural frequency of the source. The velocity of the source at the mean position is (velocity of sound in the air is 340 m/s) [Assume velocity of sound source << velocity of sound in air] :View SolutionQuestion 147
Consider a source of sound S, and an observer P. The source emits sound of frequency N0. The frequency observed by P is found to be N1 if P approaches S at a speed v and S is stationary; N2 if S approaches P at a speed v and P is stationary and N3 if each of P and S has speed v/2 towards one another View SolutionQuestion 151
Question 152
Question 153
Question 154
A source is moving along a circle X2+Y2=R2 with constant speed Vs=330π6√3m/s in clockwise direction while on observer is stationary at point (2R,0) with respect to the centre of circle frequency emitted by the source is f [velocity of sound V= 330 m/s]Question 155
A source is moving along a circle X2+Y2=R2 with constant speed Vs=330π6√3m/s in clockwise direction while on observer is stationary at point (2R,0) with respect to the centre of circle frequency emitted by the source is f [velocity of sound V= 330 m/s]Question 156
A source is moving along a circle X2+Y2=R2 with constant speed Vs=330π6√3m/s in clockwise direction while on observer is stationary at point (2R,0) with respect to the centre of circle frequency emitted by the source is f [velocity of sound V= 330 m/s]Question 157
A man of mass 50kg is runing on a plank of mass 150kg with speed of 8m/s relative to plank as shows in the figure (both were initially at rest and velocity of man with respect to ground any how remains constant). Plank is placed on smooth horizontal surface. The man, while running, whistle with frequency fo. A detected (D) placed on plank detects frequency. The man jumps off with same velocity (w.r.t. to ground) from point D and slides on the smooth horizontal surface [Assume coefficient of friction between man and horizontal is zero]. The speed of sound in still medium is 330m/s. Answer the following questions on the basis of above situations.Question 158
A man of mass 50kg is runing on a plank of mass 150kg with speed of 8m/s relative to plank as shows in the figure (both were initially at rest and velocity of man with respect to ground any how remains constant). Plank is placed on smooth horizontal surface. The man, while runing, whistle with frequency fo. A detected (D) placed on plank detects frequency. The man jumps off with same velocity (w.r.t. to groung) from point D and slides on the smooth horizontal surface [Assume coefficient of friction between man and horizontal is zero]. The speed of sound in still medium is 330m/s. Answer the following questions on the basis of above situations.Question 159
A man of mass 50kg is runing on a plank of mass 150kg with speed of 8m/s relative to plank as shows in the figure (both were initially at rest and velocity of man with respect to ground any how remains constant). Plank is placed on smooth horizontal surface. The man, while runing, whistle with frequency fo. A detected (D) placed on plank detects frequency. The man jumps off with same velocity (w.r.t. to groung) from point D and slides on the smooth horizontal surface [Assume coefficient of friction between man and horizontal is zero]. The speed of sound in still medium is 330m/s. Answer the following questions on the basis of above situations.Question 160
The following figures in the Column-II indicate the direction of motion of source and the observer match the corresponding graph in Column-I drawn between the apparent frequency. and time V0 is the velocity of observer Vs the velocity of source, and n0 the frequency of the sourceQuestion 161
Two trains are moving towards each other at speed of 144 km/hr and 54 km/hr relative to the ground. The second sounds a whistle of frequency 710 Hz, the frequency of this whistle as heard by a passenger in the first train after the trains have crossed each other is x×102Hz , what is value of x. (v = 340 m/s) View SolutionQuestion 164
The frequency of a source of sound as measured by an observer when the source is moving towards him with a speed of 30 m/s is 720 Hz. The apparent frequency when the source is moving away after crossing the observer is x×102Hz what is the value of x. ......... (velocity of sound is 330 m/s) View Solution