Class 12 | PHYSICS |
Chapter | WAVE MOTION |
Medium | English |
Academic Year | 2023-2024 |
Question 9
A pulse is propagating on a long stretched string along its length taken as positive x-axis. Shape of the string at t = 0 is given by y=√a2−x2when |x|≤a=0 when |x|≥a . What is the general equation of pulse after some time 't' , if it is travelling along positive x-direction with speed V?View SolutionQuestion 10
The equation of a wave travelling on a string stretched along the X-axis is given byQuestion 12
y(x,t)=0.8[(4x+5t)2+5] represents a moving pulse where x and y are in metre and t in second. Then,choose the correct alternative(s):Question 25
A block of mass M is attached with a string of mass m and length l as shown in figure. The whole system is placed on a planet whose mass and radius is three times the mass and radius of earth. Find the ratio of maximum and minimum velocity of wave pulse. Assume the acceleration due to gravity on the earth to be g.Question 28
A wire of 9.8×10−3kgm passes over a frictionless light pulley fixed on the top of a frictionless inclined plane which makes an angle of 30∘ with the horizontal. Masses m and M are tied at the two ends of wire such that m rests on the plane and M hangs freely vertically downwards. the entire system is in equilibrium and a transverse wave propagates along the wire with a velocities of 100m/s.View SolutionQuestion 31
A transverse waves is travelling in a string. Study following statement.Question 34
A loop of a string of mass length μ and redius R is rotated about an axis passing through centre perpendicular to the plane with an angular velocity ω.A small disturbance is created in the loop having the same sense of rotation. The linear speed of the disturbance observer is View SolutionQuestion 42
Transverse waves are generated in two uniform wires A and B of the same material by attaching their free ends to a vibrating source of frequency 200 Hz. The Area of cross section of A is half that of B while tension on A is twice than on B. The ratio of wavelengths of the transverse waves in A and B is View SolutionQuestion 43
A somoneter wire resonates with a given tuning fork forming standing waves with five antindoes between the two bridges when a mass of 9 kg is suspended from the wire. Resonates with the same tuning fork forming three antindoes for the same postions of the bridges. the value of M is View SolutionQuestion 44
Two vibrating strings of the same material but lengths L and 2L have radii 2 r and r respectively. They are strectched under the same tension. Both the strings vibrate in their fundamental modes, the one of length L with frequency n1 and the other with frequency n2. The ratio n1/n2 is given byQuestion 45
An object of specific gravity ρ is hung from a thin steel wire. The fundamental frequency for transverse standing waves in the wire is 300 Hz. The object is immersed in water, so that one half of its volume is submerged . The new fundamental frequency (in Hz) isQuestion 48
A long wire PQR is made by joining two wires PQ and QR of equal radii. PQ has a length 4.8m and mass 0.06 kg. QR has length 2.56 m and mass 0.2 kg. The wire PQR is under a tension of 80N. A sinusoidal wave pulse of amplitude 3.5 cm is sent along the wire PQ from the end P. No power is dissipated during the propagation of the wave pulse. Calculate:Question 50
A steel wire of length 1 m, mass 0.1 kg and uniform cross-sectional area 10−6m2 is rigidly fixed at both ends. The temperature of wire is lowered by 20°C. If transverse waves are set up by plucking the string in the middle, calculate the frequency (In S.I. units) of the fundamental mode of vibration. Young’s modulus of steel =2×1011N/m2, coefficient of linear expansion of steel=1.21×10−6(degC)−1.View SolutionQuestion 51
A standing wave is maintained in a homogeneous string of cross-sectional area s and density ρ . It is formed by the superposition of two waves travelling in opposite directions given by the equation y1=asin(ωt−kx) and y2=2asin(omegt+kx). The total mechanical energy confined between the sections corresponding to the adjacent antinodes is View SolutionQuestion 52
A somoneter wire resonates with a given tuning fork forming standing waves with five antindoes between the two bridges when a mass of 9 kg is suspended from the wire. Resonates with the same tuning fork forming three antindoes for the same postions of the bridges. the value of M is View SolutionQuestion 55
The (x,y) co-ordinates of the corners of a square plate are (0,0), (L,L) and (0,L). The edges of the plate are clamped and transverse standing waves are set up in it. If u(x,y) denotes the displacement of the plate at the point (x,y) at some instant of time, the possible expression (s) for u is (are) (a=positiveconstant)View SolutionQuestion 57
The displacement of a medium in a sound wave is given by the equation y1=Acos(ax+bt) where A, a and b are positive constants. The wave is reflected by an obstacle situated at x=0. the intensity of the reflected wave is 0.64 times that of the incident wave.Question 58
The displacement of a medium in a sound wave is given by the equation y1=Acos(ax+bt) where A, a and b are positive constants. The wave is reflected by an obstacle situated at x=0. the intensity of the reflected wave is 0.64 times that of the incident wave.Question 59
Two wires 1 and 2 of the same cross sectional area A=10mm2 and the same length but made of different materials are welded together and their ends are rigidly clamped between two walls, as shown in figure. The respective young's moduli and coefficient of linear expansions are y1=109N/m2,y2=2×109N/m2,α1=6×10−4∘C−1,α2=3×10−4∘C−1 . if temperature of system reduced by 20∘C thenQuestion 60
Two wires 1 and 2 of the same cross sectional area A=10mm2 and the same length but made of different materials are welded together and their ends are rigidly clamped between two walls, as shown in figure. The respective young's moduli and coefficient of linear expansions are y1=109N/m2,y2=2×109N/m2,α1=6×10−4∘C−1,α2=3×10−4∘C−1 . if temperature of system reduced by 20∘C thenQuestion 61
Two wires 1 and 2 of the same cross sectional area A=10mm2 and the same length but made of different materials are welded together and their ends are rigidly clamped between two walls, as shown in figure. The respective young's moduli and coefficient of linear expansions are y1=109N/m2,y2=2×109N/m2,α1=6×10−4∘C−1,α2=3×10−4∘C−1 . if temperature of system reduced by 20∘C thenQuestion 71
The faintest sound the human ear can detect at a frequency of 1kHz (for which the ear is most sensitive) corresponds to an intensity of about 10−12W/m2 (the so called threshold of hearing). Determine the pressure amplitude and maximum displacement associated with this sound assuming the density of air = 1.3kg/m2 and velocity of sound in air = 332 m/sView SolutionQuestion 73
A plane longitudinal wave having angular frequency ω = 500 rad /sec is travelling in positive x-direction in a medium of density ρ =1 kg/m and bulk modulus 4×104N/m2 . The loudness at a point in the medium is observed to be 20 dB. Assuming at x = 0 initial phase of the medium particles to be zero, find the equation of the wave View SolutionQuestion 74
A person standing at a distance of 6 m from a source of sound receives sound wave in two ways, one directly from the source and other after reflection from a rigid boundary as shown in the figure. The maximum wavelength for which, the person will receive maximum sound intensity, isQuestion 75
sound singal is sent through a compostie tube as shown in the figure. The radius of the semicrcular portion of the tube is r, speed of sound in air is v, the source of sound is capable of giving varied frequencies . If n is an integaer then frequnecy for maximum intensity is given byQuestion 80
Assume that temperature varies linearly with height near the Earth's surface. Considering temperature at the surface of the Earth T1 and T2 at a height h above the surface, calculate the time t needed for a sound wave produced at a height. x. to reach the Earth's surface. Velocity of sound at the Earth's surface is c.View SolutionQuestion 81
A dog while barking delivers about 1 mW of power. If this power is uniformly distributed over a hemispherical area, what is the sound level at a distance of 5 m? What would the sound level be if instead of 1 dog, 5 dogs start barking at the same time each delivering 1 mW of power View SolutionQuestion 84
A plane longitudinal wave of angular frequency ω=1000 rad/s is travelling along positive x direction in a homogeneous gaseous medium of density d=1kgm−3 . Intensity of wave is I=10−10W.m−2 and maximum pressure change is (ΔP)m=2×10−4Nm−2 . Assuming at x = 0, initial phase of medium particles to be zeroQuestion 85
A plane longitudinal wave of angular frequency ω=1000 rad Is is travelling along positive x direction in a homogeneous gaseous medium of density d=1kgm−3 . Intensity of wave is I=10−10W.m−2 and maximum pressure change is (ΔP)m=2×10−4Nm−2 . Assuming at x = 0, initial phase of medium particles to be zeroQuestion 86
A plane longitudinal wave of angular frequency ω=1000 rad Is is travelling along positive x direction in a homogeneous gaseous medium of density d=1kgm−3 . Intensity of wave is I=10−10W.m−2 and maximum pressure change is (ΔP)m=2×10−4Nm−2 . Assuming at x = 0, initial phase of medium particles to be zeroQuestion 95
Figure shows a wire ring of radius a that is perpendicular to the general direction of a radially sysmmetric, diverging magnetic field. The magnetic field at the ring is everywhere of the same magnitude B, and its direction at the ring everywhere makes an angle θ with a normal to the plane of the ring. thge twisted lead wires have no effect on the problem. Find the magnitude of the force the field exerts on the ring if the ring carries a current i.Question 99
A pipe's lower end is immersed in water such that the length of air column from the top open end has a certain length 25 cm. The speed of sound in air is 350 m/s. The air column is found to resonate with a tuning fork of frequency 1750 Hz. By what minimum distance should the pipe be raised in order to make the air column resonate again with the same tuning fork?Question 106
In an organ pipe (may be closed or open ) of 99cm length standing wave is set up , whose equation is given by longitudinal displacement.Question 107
In an organ pipe (may be closed or open ) of 99cm length standing wave is set up , whose equation is given by longitudinal displacement.Question 108
Consider a situation (i) that two sound waves, y1=(0.2m)sin504π(t−x/300)andy2=(0.6m)sin496π(t−x/300), are superimposed. Consider another situation (ii) that two sound waves, y'1=(0.4m)sin504π(t−x/300)andy'2=(0.4m)sin504π(t+x/300), are superimposed.Question 110
A glass tube 1.5 m long and open at both ends is immersed vertically in a water tank completely. A tuning fork or 660 Hz. Is vibrated and kept at the upper end of the tube and the tube is gradually raised out of water . The total number of resonances heard before the tube comes out of water taking velocity of sound air 330 m//sec is View SolutionQuestion 111
A pop-gun consists of a cylindrical barrel 3cm2 in cross-section closed at one end by a cork and having a well fitting piston at the other. If the piston is pushed slowly in, the cord is finally ejected, giving a pop, the frequency of which is found to be 512Hz. Assuming that the initial distance between the cork and the piston was 25cm and there is no leakage of air, If the force required to eject the cork is 0.75 x xkg-wt. Find the value of x. Atmospheric pressure = 1kgwt/cm2, v = 340 m/s. View SolutionQuestion 118
A person is listening to two trains one approaching him while the other moving away from him. The speed of both the trains is 5 m/s. If both trains give off whistle of their nature frequency of 280 Hz then the observer will hear ... no of beats/s. (Velocity of sound = 350 m/s)View SolutionQuestion 119
Two different sound sources s1ands2 have frequencies ratio 1:2. Source s, is approaching towards an observer and s2 is receding from the same observer. Speeds of both s1ands2 are the same and equal to v. speed of sound in air in 300 m/s. If no beats are heard by the observer the value of V is 1View SolutionQuestion 123
A source of sound emitting a note of constant frequency is moving towards a stationary listener and then recedes from the listener with constant velocity maintained throughout the motion. The frequency heard by the listener (f). when plotted against time (t) will give the following curve(s). View SolutionQuestion 125
Question 127
A source emitting a sound of frequency f is placed at a large distance from an observer. The source starts moving towards the observer with a uniform acceleration a. Find the frequency heard by the observer corresponding to the wave emitted just after the source starts. The speed of sound in the medium is v.View SolutionQuestion 128
A square ground of side a=10√2 m has a circular running track of radius a/2 with its centre coinciding the centre of the ground. A man is running on the track with an angular velocity ω = 22 rad /s while a car is moving on a road adjacent to ground as shown in the figure. The car moves in such away that the car, the man and the centre of the ground always lie on the same straight line. If a source of sound of frequency v = 300 Hz is being placed at the centre of the ground find the minimum frequency received by the man in the car. Assume velocity of sound in air is v = 330 m/s.Question 133
A whistle of frequency f0 = 1300 Hz is dropped from a height H = 505 m above the ground. At the same time, a detector is projected upwards with velocity v=50ms−1 along the same line. If the velocity of sound is c=300ms−1 find the frequency detected by the detector after t = 5s.View SolutionQuestion 135
A sound wave of frequency f travels horizontally to the right . It is teflected from a larger vertical plane surface moving to left with a speed v. the speed of sound in medium is cQuestion 136
Question 139
As shown in the figure two sources producing sound Sr and Sn (velocity of sound 360 m/sec) each producing sound of frequency 200 Hz. S1 is rotating anti clock wise where as Sn is approaching observer O each with a speed 10 m/sec. (neglect radius of circular path of S1), then calculateQuestion 141
There is a detective submarine installed inside sea water post 26/11 incident to detect terrorists. It is moving with constant speed Vθ along a straight line and it sends a wave which travels with speed Vw = 1100m/sec in water. Initially waves are getting reflected from a fixed Island and the frequency detected by the submarine is found to be 20% more than the original frequency. When a terrorist ship moving towards the submarine with constant speed Vs comes in between the submarine and the island. Frequency of waves reflected from the ship is 80% more than the original frequency.Question 142
There is a detective submarine installed inside sea water post 26/11 incident to detect terrorists. It is moving with constant speed Vθ along a straight line and it sends a wave which travels with speed Vw = 1100m/sec in water. Initially waves are getting reflected from a fixed Island and the frequency detected by the submarine is found to be 20% more than the original frequency. When a terrorist ship moving towards the submarine with constant speed Vs comes in between the submarine and the island. Frequency of waves reflected from the ship is 80% more than the original frequency.Question 143
An indian submarine is moving in the Arabian sea with constant velocity. To detect enemy it sends out sonar waves which travel with velocity 1050ms in water. Initially the waves are getting reflected from a fixed island and the reflected waves are coming back to submarine. The frequency of reflected waves are detected by the submarine and found to be 10% greater than the sent waves.Question 147
Two identical tuning forks vibrating at the same frequency 256 Hz are kept fixed at some distance apart. A listener runs between the forks at a speed of 3.0ms−1 so that he approaches one tuning-fork and recedes from the other. find the beat frequency observed by the listener. Speed of sound in air =332ms−1.