Class 12 | PHYSICS |
Medium | English |
Academic Year | 2023-2024 |
Question 14
Assume that the nuclear binding energy per nucleon (B/A) versus mass number (A) is drawn and is as shown in the figure. Consider a nucleus of A=110. Fission of the nucleus results into 2 fragments Then which of the following sets could be possibly the mass numbers of the resulting nucleiQuestion 15
A radio nuclide A1 with decay constant λ1 transforms into a radio nuclide A2 with decay constant λ2. Assuming that at the initial moment, the preparation contained only the radio nuclide A1Question 24
If two deuterium nuclei get close enough to each other, the attraction of the strong nuclear force will fuse them to make an isotope of helium. This process releases a huge amount of energy. The range of nuclear force is 10−15 m. This is the principle behind the nuclear fusion reactor. The deuterium nuclei moves to fast that, it is not possible to contain them by physical walls. Therefore they are confined magnetically (Assume coulomb law to hold even at 10−18 m)Question 25
If two deuterium nuclei get close enough to each other, the attraction of the strong nuclear force will fuse them to make an isotope of helium. This process releases a huge amount of energy. The range of nuclear force is 10−15 m. This is the principle behind the nuclear fusion reactor. The deuterium nuclei moves to fast that, it is not possible to contain them by physical walls. Therefore they are confined magnetically (Assume coulomb law to hold even at 10−18 m)Question 28
For a radioactive material, its activity A and rate of change of its activity of R are defined as A=−dNdt and R=−dAdt, where N(t) is the number of nuclei at time t. Two radioactive source P (mean life τ) and Q (mean life 2τ) have the same activity at t=0. Their rates of activities at t=2τ are Rp and RQ, respectively. If RPRQ=ne, then the value of n is:View SolutionQuestion 29
A radioactive material consists nuclides of 3 isotope which decay by α− emission, β- emission and deuteron emission respectively. Their half lives are T1=400sec,T2=800sec and T3=1600 sec respectively. At t=0, probability of getting α.β and deuteron from radio nuclide are equal. If the probability of α emission at t = 1600 seconds is n/13, then find the value of .n. is _____View SolutionQuestion 33
A radioactive sample decays with a mean life of 20ms. A capacitor of capacitance 100μF is charged to some potential and then the plates are connected to a resistance .R.. If the ratio of the charge on the capacitance to the activity of radioactive sample remains constant in time is R=100(x)Ω, then x=View SolutionQuestion 38
in the chemical analyisis of a rock the mass ratio of two radioacctive isotopes is found to be 100: 1 the mean lives of the two isotope are 4×109 yr and 2×109 yr, respecively if it is assumed that at the time of formation the atoms of both the isotopes were on equal propartion ,, calculate the age of the rock . ratio of the atomic weights of the two isotope is 1.02:1 .View SolutionQuestion 39
A rock is 1.5×109 years old. The rock contains .238U which disintegretes to form .236U. Assume that there was no .206Pb in the rock initially and it is the only stable product fromed by the decay. Calculate the ratio of number of nuclei of .238U to that of .206Pb in the rock. Half-life of .238U is 4.5×109.years.(2^(1/3) = 1.259) .View SolutionQuestion 45
The element curium .24896Cm has a mean life of 1013s. Its primary decay modes are spontaneous fission and α-decay, the former with a probability of 8% and the later with a probability of 92%, each fission releases 200MeV of energy. The masses involved in decay are as followsQuestion 48
A nucleus at rest undergoes α−deacy emitting an α -particle of de Brogile wavelength λ=5.76×10−15m. If the mass of the daughter nucleus is 223.610 amu and that of the α-particles is 4.002aμ, determine the total kinetic erergy in the final state. Hence, obtian the mass of parent nucleus in amu (1aμ=931.470MeVc^(-2)).View SolutionQuestion 49
A nucleus at rest undergoes α−deacy emitting an α -particle of de Brogile wavelength λ=5.76×10−15m. If the mass of the daughter nucleus is 223.610 amu and that of the α-particles is 4.002aμ, determine the total kinetic erergy in the final state. Hence, obtian the mass of parent nucleus in amu (1aμ=931.470MeVc^(-2)).View SolutionQuestion 50
A nucleus at rest undergoes α−deacy emitting an α -particle of de Brogile wavelength λ=5.76×10−15m. If the mass of the daughter nucleus is 223.610 amu and that of the α-particles is 4.002aμ, determine the total kinetic erergy in the final state. Hence, obtian the mass of parent nucleus in amu (1aμ=931.470MeVc^(-2)).View SolutionQuestion 53
The present day abundances (in moles) of the isotopes U238andU235 are in the atio of 128 : 1. They have half lives of 4.5×109 years and 7×108 years respectively. If age of earth in 49X76×107 years, then calculate X (Assume equal moles of each isotope existed at the time of formation of the earth) View Solution