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To bachcho, ab hum padhne vale hai mathematics ki ek aur new branch jise hum vector kahte hai. Bachcho vector ke baare mein thoda bahut aapne class 11th mein physics mein padha hoga but fir bhi hum yha par vector ke basic se hi start krenge aur janenge ki akhir hum isse kyu padhte hai aur real life mein vectors ka kya use hai. Vectors ka use hum aisi quantities ko represent karne ke lie karte hai jinke paas magnitude aur direction dono ho. For examples : displacement, velocity, acceleration, force, etc. The length represents the magnitude and the direction of that quantity is the direction in which the vector is pointing. Those quantities which have only magnitude are called scalar quantities. For example : distance, volume, density, speed, etc. In this chapter, we will study some of the basic concepts about vectors, various operations on vectors, and their algebraic and geometric properties.


Hello Students, In today's class we will learn a very interesting topic which is Vector algebra which has a good weightage in the exam of JEE.
These notes are designed keeping in mind the basics and the recent changes in the syllabus and pattern of JEE.
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Vectors constitute one of the several Mathematical systems which can be usefully employed to provide mathematical handling for certain types of problems in Geometry, Mechanics and other branches of Applied Mathematics. Vectors facilitate mathematical study of such physical quantities as possess Direction in addition to Magnitude. Velocity of a particle, for example, is one such quantity.
Physical quantities are broadly divided in two categories viz ( a ) Vector Quantities & (b) Scalar quantities.
( a ) Vector quantities :
Any quantity, such as velocity, momentum, or force, that has both magnitude and direction and for which vector addition is defined and meaningful; is treated as vector quantities.
Note : Quantities having magnitude and direction but not obeying the vector law of addition will not be treated as vectors.
For example, the rotations of a rigid body through finite angles have both magnitude & direction but do not satisfy the law of vector addition therefore not a vector.
( b ) Scalar quantities :
A quantity, such as mass, length, time, density or energy, that has size or magnitude but does not involve the concept of direction is called scalar quantity.


Basic terminology and Definition|Addition of vectors|Basic tricks and formulaes in vectors|Collinear or Coplanar vectors|Section formula|Relation between two parallel vectors|Vector equation of a straight line|Product of vectors|Scalar product in particular cases|Scalar product and angle between two vectors|Linear combination of vectors|Vector or cross product and Properties of vector product|Interpretation of vector product as vector area|Product of three or more vectors|Properties of scalar triple product

Some Basic Concepts

Why Study Vectors ?
You use vectors in almost every activity you do. A vector is a quantity that has size and direction. The fancy word for size is "magnitude".
Examples of everyday activities that involve vectors include:

  • Breathing (your diaphragm muscles exert a force that has a magnitude and direction)

  • Walking (you walk at a velocity of around 6 km/h in the direction of the bathroom)

  • Going to school (the bus has a length of about 20 m and is headed towards your school)

  • Lunch (the displacement from your class room to the canteen is about 40 m in a northerly direction)

Each vector quantity has a magnitude and a direction.
So, the definition of vectors is, ek aisi quantity jiska magnitude bhi ho aur direction bhi usse hum vector kahte hai, aur jisme sirf magnitude ho unhe scalar. The difference between scalar and vector quantity is

Basic terminology and Definition

1. Zero or null vector : A vector whose magnitude is zero is called zero or null vector and it is denoted by 0 or 0. The initial and terminal points of the directed line segment representing zero vector are coincident and its direction is arbitrary.
2. Unit vector: A vector of unit magnitude is called a unit vector. A unit vector in the direction of is denoted by â. Thus a Vector
â=amoda=(Vector of a)/( Magnitude of a)
( i ) â=1
( ii ) Unit vectors parallel to x- axis, y- axis and z- axis are denoted by ˆi,ˆj and ˆk respectively.
( iii ) Two unit vectors may a and b be equal unless they have the same direction.
3. Equal Vectors: Two vectors a and b are said to be equal , if
( a ) IaI=IbI
( b ) they have the same sense of direction.
4. Co-initial vectors: Vectors having same initial point.
5. Free vectors: All such vectors are those which when transformed into space from one point to another point without affecting their magnitude and direction, can be considered equal. i.e. the physical effects produced by them remains unaltered. e.g. displacement, velocity.
6. Localised vectors: e.g. force, different physical effect if line of application is changed.
Note: In mathematics we mainly deal with free vectors.

Example 1

Classify the following measures as scalars and vectors :
(i) 40 seconds , (ii) 100m2, (iii) 30gm/cm3
(iv) 60km/hr , (v) 56m/s towards south

(i) 40 seconds represents time, which is scalar.
(ii) 100m2 represents an area, which is scalar.
(iii) 30gm/cm3 represents density, which is scalar.
(iv) 60km/hr represents speed, which is scalar,
(v) 56m/s towards south represents velocity, which is a vector.

Addition of vectors

Triangle law of addition :
If two vectors are represented by two consecutive sides of a triangle then their sum is represented by the third side of the triangle but in opposite direction. This is known as the triangle law of addition of vectors.Thus, if AB=a,BC=b ,and AC=c then AB+BC=AC
Converse of triangle law is also true.
Parallelogram Law of Addition :
If two vectors are represented by two adjacent sides of a parallelogram, then their sum is represented by the diagonal of the parallelogram whose initial point is the same as the initial point of the given vectors. This is known as parallelogram law of addition of vectors.Thus if OA=a,OB=b and OC=c
then OA+OB=OC i.e. −−a+b=c
Position vectors
Let O be fixed point in space, then vector OP (P is any point in space) is called position vector of point P w.r.t. O. If A and B are any two point in space then
AB =p.v.of B-p.v.of A= OBOA
Note: Position vector of a point P(x,y,z) in terms of its cartesian coordinate is OP=xˆi+yˆj+zˆk.

Example 2

Show that the points A(1,2,8),B(5,0,2) and C(11,3,7) are collinear, and find the ratio in which B divides AC

The position vectors of A,B and C are (ˆi2ˆj8ˆk),(5ˆi2ˆk) and (11ˆi+3ˆj+7ˆk) respectively.
AB= (position vector of B) - (position vector of A)
BC= (position of C) - (position vector of B)
=(11ˆi+3ˆj+7ˆk)(5ˆi2ˆk)=(6ˆi+3ˆj+9ˆk), and
AC= (position vector of C) - (position vector of A)
Now, AB=(4ˆi+2ˆj+6ˆk)=2(2ˆi+ˆj+3ˆk).
Hence, B divides AC in the ratio 2:3.

Basic tricks and formulaes in vectors

Multiplication of a vector by a scalar:
If a is a vector & m is a scalar, then ma is a vector parallel to a whose modulus is |m| times that of a. This multiplication is called Scalar multiplication. If a & b are vectors & m,n are scalars, then :

  • m(a)=(a)m=ma
  • m(na)=n(ma)=(mn)a
  • (m+n)a=ma+na
  • m(a+b)=ma+mb
    Distance between two points:
    Let A and B be two given points whose coordinate are respectively (x1,y1,z1) and (x2,y2,z2)
    If a and b are p.v., of A and B relative to point O, then
    Now AB=OBOA=ba=(x2x1)ˆi+(y2y1)ˆj+(z2z1)ˆk Distance between the points A and B = magnitude of AB=(x2x1)2+(y2y1)2+(z2z1)2

Definition of a vector

A quantity that has magnitude as well as direction is called a vector.
Vector is represented as AB or simply as a, and read as vector AB or vector a.
The point A from where the vector AB starts is called its initial point, and the point B where it ends is called its terminal point. The distance between initial and terminal points of a vector is called the magnitude (or length) of the vector, denoted as |AB|, or |a|, or a. The arrow indicates the direction of the vector.

Collinear or Coplanar vectors

Vectors which are parallel to the same line are called collinear vectors or parallel vectors. Such vectors have either same direction or opposite direction. If they have the same direction they are said to be like vectors, and if they have opposite directions, they are called unlike vectors.
In the diagram a and c are like vectors whereas a and b and are unlike vectors.
i.e. a=k1c(k1>0),a=k2b, (k2<0)
Coplanar vectors
If the directed line segments of some given vectors are parallel to the same plane then they are called coplanar vectors. It should be noted that two vectors arc always coplanar but three or more vectors may or may not be coplanar.

Position Vector

To dekho bachcho aapne class XI mein three dimensional right handed rectangular coordinate system padha hai (Fig. 1). Ek point P consider karo space mein, having coordinates (x,y,z) with respect to the origin O(0,0,0). To dekho vector OP (O initial point hai aur P terminal point hai), is called the position vector of the point P with respect to O. So, by distance formula, the magnitude of OP (or r) is given by,
|OP| = x2+y2+z2
In practice, the position vectors of points A,B,C, etc., with respect to the origin O are denoted by a, b, c, etc., respectively (Fig (ii)).
Direction Cosines : To dekho yha par hum ek position vector consider karenge aur abhi humne dekha position vector kya hota hai, ek aisa vector jo origin ko join kare given point se is called a position vector. To yha par hum ek point consider karte hai P such that it makes vector OP (or r) of a point P(x,y,z) as (in Fig.) to yha pr hum dekh sakte hai r direction-axes x,y and z ke saath angle form kar rha hai let it be α,β and γ respectively, these angles are called its direction angles. The cosine values of these angles, i.e., cosα, cosβ and cosγ are called direction cosines of the vector r, and usually denoted by l, m and n, respectively.
Yha par hum fig. mein dekh sakte hai ΔOAP ek right angle triangle hai so, cosα = xr(cos = bh). Similarly, from the right angled triangles OBP and OCP, we may write cosβ = yr and cosγ = zr. Thus, the coordinates of the point P may also be expressed as (lr,mr,nr). The numbers lr,mr and nr, proportional to the direction cosines are called as direction ratios of vector r, and denoted as a,b and c, respectively.

Section formula

If a and b are the position vectors of two points A and B, then the position vector c of a point P dividing AB in the ratio m:n is given by
Particular Case :
1. Position vector of the mid point of AB is a+b2
2. If the point P divides AB in the ratio m:n externally, then p.v. of P is given by c=mbnamn

Example 3

Find the scalar and vector components of the vector with initial points A(3,1,2) and terminal point B(5,4,3).

We have,
AB= (Position vector B) - (Position vector A)
The scalar components of AB are 8,5,1.
The vector component of AB are 8ˆi,5ˆj,ˆk.

Example 1

In a regualr hexagon ABCDEF, AB=a,BC=bandCD=c. Then AE=

We have,
In ΔACD, we have
In ΔAED, we have
a+b+ca=AE [DE=BA=a]

Example 4

Find the position vector of a point R which divides the line segment joining the points A(2,3,4) and B(3,1,2) externally in the ratio 3:2.

The position of A is (2ˆi3ˆj+4ˆk).
The position vector of B is (3ˆi+ˆj2ˆk).
Let R divide AB extenally in the ratio 3:2 .
Then, position vector of R.
Hence, the position vector of R is (5ˆi+9ˆj14ˆk).

Example 2

If A, B, C, D be any four points and E and F be the middle points of AC and BD respectively, then AB+CB+CD+AD is equal to

Since F is the middle point of BD. Therefore,
AB+AD=2AF …(i)
Similarly, we have
CB+AD+2CF …(ii)
Adding (i) and (ii), we get
AB+AD+CB+CD=4EF [E is the mid-point of AC]

Types of a Vectors

Zero or Null Vector : Ek aisa vector jiske initial and terminal points coincide kar jaye usse hum zero/null vector kahte hai, and denoted as 0. A zero vector has magnitude of 0. It is independent of direction or we can say it can have any direction as it has zero magnitude. The vectors AA,BB represent the zero or null vector.
Free Vectors : If the initial point of a vector is not specified, then it is said to be a free vector.
Like and Unlike Vectors : Vectors are said to be like when they have the same direction and unlike when they have opposite direction.
Unit Vector : This is the most important vector. A vector whose magnitude is unity (i.e., 1 unit) is called a unit vector. The unit vector in the direction of a given vector a is denoted by ˆa.
To find a unit vector, a , in the same direction of a vector, a, we divide the vector by its magnitude.
For a vector a = (m,n) its magnitude is given by
Coinitial Vectors : Two or more vectors having the same initial point are called coinitial vectors.
Collinear Vectors : Two or more vectors are said to be collinear if they are parallel to the same line, irrespective of their magnitudes and directions.
Equal Vectors : Two vectors a and b are said to be equal, if they have the same magnitude and direction regardless of the positions of their initial points, and written as a=b.
Negative of a Vector : A vector whose magnitude is the same as that of a given vector (say, AB), but direction is opposite to that of it, is called negative of the given vector. For example, vector BA is negative of the vector AB, and written as BA= – AB.
Localized Vectors : A vector which is drawn parallel to a given vector through a specified point in space is called localized vector.
Coplanar Vectors : A system of vectors is said to be coplanar, if their supports are parallel to the same plane. Otherwise they are called non-coplanar vectors.
Reciprocal of a Vector : A vector having the same direction as that of a given vector (say a) but magnitude equal to the reciprocal of the given vector is known as the reciprocal of vector a. It is denoted by a1.
If vector α is the reciprocal of a, then |α|=1|a|

Example 3

Let ABCD be a p[arallelogram whose diagonals intersect at P and let O be the origin. Then prove that OA+OB+OC+OD=4OP.

Since the diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other. Therefore, P is the middle point of AC and BD both.

Example 5

The two adjacent sides of a parallelogram are 2ˆi4ˆj+5ˆk and ˆi2ˆj3ˆk. Find the unit vector parallel to its diagonal. Also, find its area.

The adjacent sides of a parallelogram are a=2ˆi4ˆj+5ˆk and b=ˆi2ˆj3ˆk then the diagonal of the parallelogram is x=a+b.
Then unit vector parallel to the diagonal
and area of the parallelogram
=|a×b|=∣ ∣ ∣ˆiˆjˆk245123∣ ∣ ∣
=115 sq. units.

Example 4

The sides of a parallelogram are 2ˆi+4ˆj5ˆkandˆi+2ˆj+3ˆk, then the unit vector parallel to one of the diagonals is

The diagonals of the parallelogram are
So, unit vectors along the diagonals are

Example 6

Find a unit vector in the direction of PQ, where P and Q have coordinates (5,0,8) and (3,3,2) respectively.

Since, the coordinates of P and Q are (5,0,8) and (3,3,2), respectively.
Unit vector in the direction of PQ=PQPQ=2ˆi+3ˆj6ˆk22+32+62

Example 5

If (x,y,z)(0,0,0)and(ˆi+ˆj+3ˆk)x+(3ˆi3ˆj+ˆk)y+(4ˆi+5ˆj)z =a(xˆi+yˆj+zˆk), then the values of a are

The given vector equation can be written as
Since ˆi,ˆj,ˆk are linearly independent vectors.
Eliminating x, y, z we get
∣ ∣ ∣1a341(3+a)531a∣ ∣ ∣=0a=0,1

Example 7

Show that the three points 2ˆi+3ˆj+5ˆk,ˆi+2ˆj+3ˆk,7ˆiˆk are collinear.

Clearly, we have
AB = (position vector of B) - (position vector of A)
BC= (position vector of C) - (position vector of B)
AB=2BC, which shows that AB and BC are parallel vectors,
Hence the points A,B and C collinear.

Relation between two parallel vectors

1. If a and b be two parallel vectors, then there exists a non-zero scalar k such that a=kb
i.e. there exist two non- zero scalar quantities x and y so that xa+yb=0
2. If a and b be two non-zero non-parallel vectors then xa+yb=0x=0 and y=0
4. If a=a1ˆi+a2ˆj+a3ˆk and b=b1ˆi+b2ˆj+b3ˆk then from the property of parallel vector, we have a| |b

Addition of Vectors

Bachcho jaise aapne ab tak numbers ka addition ya subtraction kiya hai waise vectors ka addition ya subtraction nhi hota kyonki yha magnitude ke sath direction bhi matter karti hai islie vectors ke addition aur subtraction ke specific laws hai jinki help se hum addition ya subtraction karte hai. So let's see,
Triangle Law or Head-to-Tail Method
1. Place the vectors in such a way that the head of the previous vector u connected to the tail of the successive vector v.
2. The resultant vector u+v is formed by connecting the tail of the first vector to the head of the last vector.
Parallelogram Method
1. Place both vectors, u and v at the same initial point.
2. Complete the parallelogram.
3. The diagonal of the parallelogram is the resultant vector u+v.

Subtraction of Vectors
1. Switch the direction of the vector that is being subtracted.
2. Arrange the two vectors from tip to toe.
3. Draw a resultant vector from the tail of the first vector to the tip of the second.

Vector equation of a straight line

Vector equation of a straight line passing through a given point A(a) and parallel to a given vector :
Let O be the origin. Let the line pass through a given point A whose position vector is a ,then OA=a
Let the given line be parallel to vector b
Let r be the position vector any point P on the line then OP=r
Since AP is parallel to b AP=tb, where t is a scalar.
Now OP=OA+AP, r=a+tb....(i) Since for different values of t, we get different positions of point P on the line. hence (i) is the vector equation of the required straight line.
Vector equation of straight line passing through two given point A(a) and B(b) :
Let O be the origin. Let the line pass through two given point A and B whose position vectors referred to O be and a and b respectively, then
OA=a and OB=b
Clearly, the required line passes through A(a) and is parallel to the vector (ba).
Hence the vector equation of the required line is,

Properties of vector addition and subtraction

Commutative Property :- For any two vectors a and b, if we add
a+b or b+a the result will be same i.e.
Proof : Consider the parallelogram ABCD given in above fig. Let AB=a and BC=b, then using the triangle law, from triangle ABC, we have
Now, since the opposite sides of a parallelogram are equal and parallel, from fig. we have, AD=BC=b and DC=AB=a.
Again using triangle law, from triangle ADC, we have
Hence, a+b=b+a.

Associative Property :- For any three vectors a,b and c
If we add first a and b and then add the result to c, it will be same if we first add (b and c) and then adding the result to vector a.
Additive Identity :-Suppose if add 0 to any vector a then we will get the vector a
Therefore 0 is the additive identity for the vector addition.
Additive Inverse :-
If we add a vector a with itself but in opposite direction then the resultant is 0.
If λ (scalar) = 1, then (λa) = a, the magnitude of negative vector is same as a but direction is opposite to a .
The vector a is called the negative (or additive inverse) of vector a.
It is given as a+a=a+a=0.
Multiplication of a Vector by a Scalar :-
Let a be any vector and λ be a scalar.
Multiplication of vector a by a scalar λ is denoted as (λa).
(λa) is also a vector which has the direction same or opposite to that of vector a.
The magnitude of vector (λa) is given as,
|λ a| = |λ|| a |
Geometrically can be shown as :-

Product of vectors

Product of two vectors is done by two methods when the product of two vectors results in a scalar quantity then it is called scalar product. It is also called as dot product because this product is represented by putting a dot.
When the product of two vectors results in a vector quantity then this product is called Vector Product. This product is represented by (x) sign so that it is also called as cross product.
Scalar or dot product of two vectors :
Definition : If a and b are two vectors and θ be the angle between their tails or heads, then their scalar product (or dot product) is defined as the number |a||b|cos(θ) where |a| and |b| are modulii of a and b respectively and 0θπ. It is denoted by ab. Thus
( i ) abR
( ii )ab|a|b
( iii ) ab>0 - angle between a and b say θ[0,π2).
( iv ) ab<0 - angle between a and b say θ(π2,π].
ab>0 - angle between a and b say θ[0π/2).
ab=0 - angle between a and b say θ=π2. or atleast one of a and b is zero vector.
( iv ) The dot product of a zero and non- zero vector is a scalar zero i.e. 0a=0.
( v ) lf θ be angle between any two non zero vector a & b then cosθ=ab|a|b
Geometrical Interpretation :
Geometrically, the scalar product of two vectors is equal to the product of the magnitude of one and the projection of second in the direction of first vector i.e. |a|(|b|cos(θ))
|a| (projection of b in the direction of a)
Similarly |b|(|a|cos(θ))
=|b| (projection of a in the direction of b)
Here projection of b on a=(a)(b)|a|
Projection of a on b = a=(a)(b)b

Unit Vector

Let us take the points A(1,0,0),B(0,1,0) and C(0,0,1) on the xaxis, yaxis and zaxis, respectively. Then, clearly
| OA | = 1, | OB | = 1 and | OC | = 1
These vectors OA, OB, and OC, each having magnitude 1 are Unit Vectors along the axes OX,OY, and OZ respectively. They are denoted by ˆi, ˆj and ˆk as shown in Fig. above.
Component Form of a Vector : Let’s consider a position vector OP of a point P(x,y,z) as shown below
As shown in the figure, Let P1 be the foot of the perpendicular from point P on the plane XOY. Observe that P1P is parallel to the zaxis. We know that ˆi,ˆj and ˆk are unit vectors along the x,y and zaxis respectively. Hence, by definition of the coordinates of point P, we have
Similarly we have QP1=OS=yˆj and
Now, by using the triangle law of vector addition, we can write
and, OP=OP1+P1P=xˆi+yˆj+zˆk
Therefore, the position vector of P with reference to O is
This is the Component Form of a vector. Here, x,y,and z are the scalar components of r and xˆi, yˆj and zˆk are the vector components of r along the respective axis. The scalar components are also referred to as rectangular components at times.
Calculation of vectors : Length of a vector Applying the Pythagoras theorem twice can help us calculate the length of any vector r=xˆi+yˆj+zˆk. In Fig. given above, we note that in the right-angled triangle OQP1,
|OP1| = OQ2+QP12=x2+y2
Also, in the right-angled triangle OP1P, we have
|OP| = OP12+P1P2=(x2+y2)+z2
Therefore, the length of any vector xˆi+yˆj+zˆk is
Now, let’s look at some general calculations of vectors:
If a and b are two vectors given in the component form, that is

  • a=a1ˆi+a2ˆj+a3ˆk

  • b=b1ˆi+b2ˆj+b3ˆk

(i) the sum (or resultant) of the vectors a and b is given by
a + b = (a1+b1)ˆi+(a2+b2)ˆj+(a3+b3)ˆk
(ii) the difference of the vector a and b is given by
a - b = (a1b1)ˆi+(a2b2)ˆj+(a3b3)ˆk