Class 12 | CHEMISTRY |
CENGAGE CHEMISTRY (ENGLISH) | Exercises (Assertion Reasoning) |
Medium | English |
Academic Year | 2023-2024 |
Question 3
The bleaching action of chlorine is permanent, whereas the bleaching action and sulphur dioxide is temporary. In this context :Question 12
A sodium salt (A) is heated with cone. Sulphuric acid. The evolved gas truns moist litmus paper red and producess white fumes in contact with a glass rod moistened with ammonia solution. It also gives white precipitate when passed through AgNO3 solution. When the salt is heated with MnO2 and cone. H2SO4, a gas with an irritating smell is evolved which turns starch-iodide paper blue. Identify the salt and the gaseous product evolved from it. Explain your answer with relevant chemical equations. View SolutionQuestion 14
A colourless inorganic compound (A) imparts a green colour to flame. Its solution does not give white precipitate with H2S. Its solution gives white precipitate with conc. H2SO4 which is insoluble in dil. H2SO4. When it is heated with K2Cr2O7 and conc. H2SO4, a red gas is evolved. The gas when passed through aqueous NaOH solution turns it Yellow. Identify the compound (A) and give chemical reactions.View SolutionQuestion 16
Pseudohalogens or halogenides are complex molecules which behaves like halogen s. Among the following list CNΘ (cyanide), OCNΘ (cyanate), SCNΘ (thio-cyanate), SeCNΘ (selenocyanate), TeCNΘ (tellurocyanate), ONCΘ (isocyanate), NΘ3 (azide), cyanogen (CN)2 oxycyanogen (OCN)2, thiocyanogen (SCN)2, telluroyanogen (TeCN)2, azidecabon dislphide (SCNN3,CICN,BrCN,ICN,ICI,IF7,IF5,IΘ3,ICIΘ2,IΘ,I⊕,I⊕3).Question 17
Fill in teh blanks.Question 18
A gas 'X' is passed through water to form a saturated solution. The aqueous solution on treatment with silver nitrate gives a white precipitate. The saturated aqueous solution also dissolves magnesium ribbon with evolution of a colourless gas 'Y'. The compound 'X' is treated with hot concentrated NaOH, a compound Z is formed. The average bond order between Cl and O atom in (Z) is ________.View SolutionQuestion 24
Fluorine, the first member of group 17, differs form the other members of group in may respects due to:Question 25
Fluorine, the first member of group 17, differs form the other members of group in may respects due to:Question 26
Fluorine, the first member of group 17, differs form the other members of group in may respects due to:Question 27
Fluorine, the first member of group 17, differs form the other members of group in may respects due to:Question 28
Fluorine, the first member of group 17, differs form the other members of group in may respects due to:Question 29
Fluorine, the first member of group 17, differs form the other members of group in may respects due to:Question 30
Halogens react with each other to form a number of compounds called interhalogen compounds. Their genral formula is AXn, where A is less electronegative halogen while X is a more electronegative halogen and n is its number. The interhalogen compounds are essentially covalent and more reactive than the halogens since the bond A-X is weaker than A-A or X-X bond. The reaction of interhalogens are similar to those of halogens.Question 31
Halogens react with each other to form a number of compounds called interalogen compounds. Their genral formula is AXn, where A is less electronegative halogen while X is a more electronegative halogen and n is its number. The interhalogen compounds are essentially convalent and more reactive than the halogens since the bond A-X is weaker than A-A or X-X bond. The reaction of interhalogens are similar to those of halogens.Question 32
Halogens react with each other to form a number of compounds called interalogen compounds. Their genral formula is AXn, where A is less electronegative halogen while X is a more electronegative halogen and n is its number. The interhalogen compounds are essentially convalent and more reactive than the halogens since the bond A-X is weaker than A-A or X-X bond. The reaction of interhalogens are similar to those of halogens.Question 33
Halogens react with each other to form a number of compounds called interalogen compounds. Their genral formula is AXn, where A is less electronegative halogen while X is a more electronegative halogen and n is its number. The interhalogen compounds are essentially convalent and more reactive than the halogens since the bond A-X is weaker than A-A or X-X bond. The reaction of interhalogens are similar to those of halogens.Question 36
I2 has less solubility in water and its solubility increase on adding KI solution. When KI and I2 react then a species 'X' is formed by which solubility of I2 increases.Question 38
Oxygen is more electronegative than chloride. In the series of oxyacids HOCI, HCIO2, HCIO3 and HCIO4, an increasing number of oxygen atom is bonded to the chlorine atom. Chlorine forms a number of oxyacids which differ in their stability order.Question 39
Oxygen is more electronegative than chloride. In the series of oxyacids HOCI, HCIO2, HCIO3 and HCIO4, an increasing number of oxygen atom is bonded to the chlorine atom. Chlorine forms a number of oxyacids which differ in their stability order.Question 40
Oxygen is more electronegative than chloride. In the series of oxyacids HOCI, HCIO2, HCIO3 and HCIO4, an increasing number of oxygen atom is bonded to the chlorine atom. Chlorine forms a number of oxyacids which differ in their stability order.Question 41
Oxygen is more electronegative than chloride. In the series of oxyacids HOCI, HCIO2, HCIO3 and HCIO4, an increasing number of oxygen atom is bonded to the chlorine atom. Chlorine forms a number of oxyacids which differ in their stability order.Question 45
Bleaching power is a mixed salt of hydrochloric acid and hypochlorious acid. It has the formula, CaOCI2.H2O. It is manuafactured by the action of chlorine on dry slaked lime at 40∘C. There is also a view that bleaching power is a mixture [Ca(OCI)2+CaCI2.Ca(OH)2.H2O]. The amount of chlorine obtained form a sample of bleching power by the treatement with excess of dilute acids or CO2 is called a available chlorine. A good sample of bleaching power constains 35−38% of available chlorine. On long standing, it undergoes auto-oxidation and the amount of acvailable chlorine decreases. The estimation of available chlorine is done volumetrically by (a) iodometric method or by (b) aresenite method. In textile industry, the cotton cloth is mainly bleached with the help of bleaching power.Question 46
Bleaching power is a mixed salt of hydrochloric acid and hypochlorious acid. It has the formula, CaOCI2.H2O. It is manuafactured by the action of chlorine on dry slaked lime at 40∘C. There is also a view that bleaching power is a mixture [Ca(OCI)2+CaCI2.Ca(OH)2.H2O]. The amount of chlorine obtained form a sample of bleching power by the treatement with excess of dilute acids or CO2 is called a available chlorine. A good sample of bleaching power constains 35−38% of available chlorine. On long standing, it undergoes auto-oxidation and the amount of acvailable chlorine decreases. The estimation of available chlorine is done volumetrically by (a) iodometric method or by (b) aresenite method. In textile industry, the cotton cloth is mainly bleached with the help of bleaching power.Question 47
Bleaching power is a mixed salt of hydrochloric acid and hypochlorious acid. It has the formula, CaOCI2.H2O. It is manuafactured by the action of chlorine on dry slaked lime at 40∘C. There is also a view that bleaching power is a mixture [Ca(OCI)2+CaCI2.Ca(OH)2.H2O]. The amount of chlorine obtained form a sample of bleching power by the treatement with excess of dilute acids or CO2 is called a available chlorine. A good sample of bleaching power constains 35−38% of available chlorine. On long standing, it undergoes auto-oxidation and the amount of acvailable chlorine decreases. The estimation of available chlorine is done volumetrically by (a) iodometric method or by (b) aresenite method. In textile industry, the cotton cloth is mainly bleached with the help of bleaching power.Question 49
Bleaching power is a mixed salt of hydrochloric acid and hypochlorious acid. It has the formula, CaOCI2.H2O. It is manuafactured by the action of chlorine on dry slaked lime at 40∘C. There is also a view that bleaching power is a mixture [Ca(OCI)2+CaCI2.Ca(OH)2.H2O]. The amount of chlorine obtained form a sample of bleching power by the treatement with excess of dilute acids or CO2 is called a available chlorine. A good sample of bleaching power constains 35−38% of available chlorine. On long standing, it undergoes auto-oxidation and the amount of acvailable chlorine decreases. The estimation of available chlorine is done volumetrically by (a) iodometric method or by (b) aresenite method. In textile industry, the cotton cloth is mainly bleached with the help of bleaching power.Question 141
Assertion (A): I2 can displace Cl2 form NaClO3.Question 143
Assertion (A): The flourine has lower reactivity.Question 185
Bleaching powder and bleach solution are produced on a large scale and used in several house-hold products. The effectiveness of bleach solution is often measured by iodometry.Question 186
Bleaching powder and bleach solution are produced on a large scale and used in several house hold production. The effectiveness of bleach solution is often measured by iodometry.Question 187
The reactions of Cl2 gas with cold-dilute and hot-concentrated NaOH in water give sodium salts of two (different) oxoacids of chlorine, P and Q, respectively. The Cl2 gas reacts with SO2 gas, in presence of charcoal, to give a product R. R reacts with white phosphorus to give a compound S. On hydrolysis, S gives an oxoacid of phosphorus, T.Question 188
The reactions of Cl2 gas with cold-dilute and hot-concentrated NaOH in water give sodium salts of two (different) oxoacids of chlorine, P and Q, respectively. The Cl2 gas reacts with SO2 gas, in presence of charcoal, to give a product R. R reacts with white phosphorus to give a compound S. On hydrolysis, S gives an oxoacid of phosphorus, T.