Class 11 | PHYSICS |
Medium | English |
Academic Year | 2023-2024 |
Question 5
The glass windows of a room have a total area of 5m2 and glass thickness is 3mm. Calculate the rate at which heat escapes from the room per minute by conduction when the inside of the windows is at a temperature 15∘C and the outside temperature is −10∘C. Thermal conductivity =0.84Wm−1K−1.View SolutionQuestion 7
One face of the a cube of side 0.2 m is in contact with ice and the opposite face is in contact with steam. If all other sides are well lagged, calculate the mass of ice that melts during one hour. Thermal conductivity of the metal =40Wm−1K−1. L.H. of fusion of ice =336kJ kg−1.View SolutionQuestion 10
One side of an iron plate one metre square is kept at 100°C and the other side is at 0°C. The thickness of the plate is 1 cm. If all the heat conducted across the plate in one minute is used in melting ice, calculate the amount of ice so melted. Thermal conductivity of iron =0.162 in C.G.S. unit L.H. of fusion of ice =80 cal/gm.View SolutionQuestion 11
Two beakers, identical in all respects, but made of different materials, are filled with equal amounts of ice at 0∘C. Toe ice in one beaker melts in one minute whereas that in the other beaker melts in five minutes. Find the ratio of the thermal conductivities of the material of the two beakers.View SolutionQuestion 14
A slab consists of two parallel layers of iron and brass 10 cm and 10.9 cm thick and of thermal conductivities 500Wm−1K−1and109Wm−1K−1 respectively. The area of opposite faces are 2m2 each and are at temperatures 373 K and 273 K. Find heat conducted per second across the slab and also the temperature of the interface.View SolutionQuestion 15
An ice box is built of wood of thickness 1.75 cm. The box has an inner lining of cork 2 cm thick. If the difference in temperature between the interior of the box and outside is 12°C, calculate the temperature of the interface between wood and cork. Thermal conductivity of wood and cork are respectively 0.25and0.05 in S.I. unit.View SolutionQuestion 16
Two rods A and B of same area of cross-section are joined together end to end The free end of the rod A is kept in melting ice at 300 K and free end of B rod at 400 K. The rods are of the same length. The conductivity of A is 3 times that of B. Calculate the temperature of the junction of the rods.View SolutionQuestion 18
Two flat sheets of thickness d1andd2 and thermal conductivities K1andK2 are joined together. If the open face of the first sheet is maintained at temperature θ1 and the other open face of the second sheet at θ2. Calculate the temperature of the interface of two sheets. What is the conductivity of the composite sheets ?Question 19
Two plates of equal area are placed in contact with each other. The thickness of the plates are 2.0 cm and 3.0 cm respectively. The outer face of first plate is at −25∘C and that of second plate is at +25∘C. The conductivities of the plates are in the ratio 2:3. Calculate the temperature of the common surface of the plates.View SolutionQuestion 22
A cylinder of radius r made of a material of thermal conductivity K1 is surrounded by a cylindrical shell of inner radius r and outer radius 2r made of a material of thermal conductivity K2. The two ends of the combined system are maintained at two different temperatures. There is no loss of heat across the cylindrical surface and the system is in steady state. Show that the effective thermal conductivity of the system is (K1+3K2)/4.View SolutionQuestion 23
A wall has two layers A and B each made of different materials. (See Fig. 11.21). The layer A is 10 cm thick and B is 20 cm thick The thermal conductivity of A is thrice that of B. Using thermal equilibrium, temperature difference across the wall is 35∘C. What is the temperature difference across the layer A?Question 29
Three rods AB, BC and CD are connected as shown is Fig.11.23. They are of the same length and area of cross-section. The thermal resistance of AB is 15KW−1,BC is 10KW−1 an CD is 15KW−1. If the free ends are maintained at 100∘Cand0∘C, calculate the rate of heat flowing through the combination.Question 31
A well insulated box is packed with ice at 0°C and kept in a room at a temperature of 30°C. The lid of the box is made of a cardboard sheet of thickness 4 mm and area 100 cm2. If the ice melts at the rate of 0.045 kg per hour, calculate the thermal conductivity of cardboard assuming that heat can enter the box only through the lid. [L.H. of fusion of ice =336KJ/kg ] View SolutionQuestion 32
A sheet of rubber and a sheet of cardboard, each 5 mm thick are pressed together and their outer faces are maintained respectively at 0°C and 18°C. If the thermal conductivities of rubber and cardboard are respectively 0.13 and 0.05Wm−1K−1. find the quantity of heat which flows in one hour across a piece of composite sheer if area is 100cm−2.View SolutionQuestion 33
Calculate the rate of loss from a room through a glass window of area 1.5m2 and thickness 2.5×10−3 m, when the temperature of the room is 25∘C and that of the air outside is 10∘C. Assume that the inner glass surface is at the room temperature. [ Thermal conductivity of glass =1.2Wm−1K−1 ] View SolutionQuestion 34
In an experiment to find the thermal conductivity of rubber, a tube of length 10 cm with external radius 0.5 cm and internal radius 0.3 cm is immersed in 0.28 g of water at 30°C contained in a copper calorimeter of mass 0.20 kg and specific heat capacity 385JKg−1K−1. Through the tube, steam is passed for 10 minutes and the final maximum temperature of water and calorimeter is 42∘C. Calculate the thermal conductivity of rubber. Specific heat capacity of water =4200JKg−1K−1.View SolutionQuestion 35
In an experiment to find the thermal conductivity of rubber, a tube of length 10 cm with external radius 0.5 cm and internal radius 0.3 cm is immersed in 0.28 g of water at 30°C contained in a copper calorimeter of mass 0.20 kg and specific heat capacity 385JKg−1K−1. Through the tube, steam is passed for 10 minutes and the final maximum temperature of water and calorimeter is 42∘C. Calculate the thermal conductivity of rubber. Specific heat capacity of water =4200JKg−1K−1.View Solution